Sony Ericsson Xperia X1

Sony Ericsson Xperia X1

User opinions and reviews

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  • G
  • GmZ
  • M@T
  • 24 May 2008

guys can u tell me what is the difference between hsdpa 2100 and umts 2100 network plz?

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • M@T
    • 24 May 2008

    This takes the mobile phone industry to a new level.This phone is OFF THE HOOK

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • RtK
      • 24 May 2008

      Still "coming soon", LOL. I guess they never fixed the bugs. By the time they release this phone, the touchscreen trend would be over and all that's left to buy this phone are those loyal SE fans who would by any SE products regardless if it's working or not, lol.

        • K
        • KHALED
        • S1t
        • 24 May 2008


          • S
          • Sone
          • mAI
          • 23 May 2008

          Here is a site with tha whitepapers:


            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • M@T
            • 23 May 2008

            nokia s60's are not easier.. menu after sub menu.With wm software you can access everything from the homescreen with a click or tap.If you prefer nokia s60 so be it but don't write a load of tosh about WM6 professional

              • S
              • Sg Guy
              • F4p
              • 23 May 2008

              Hey guys, I have a question before buying this phone. Can this phone able to make video call. From the picture, I don't seem to see any camera lens at the front of the phone.

              Thanks to those who answer my question.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • N92
                • 23 May 2008

                sony rocks

                  • M
                  • Mohammed
                  • 04}
                  • 23 May 2008

                  SonyEricsson increased the ram memory to 256, You can see it in the third developed device in the third whitpaper

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • mD6
                    • 23 May 2008

                    SE are the best. Now die if yo cant accept it

                      • n
                      • nick
                      • nxw
                      • 23 May 2008

                      im the real nick fool.

                      anyway the only reason this phone is so good is because HTC made it.

                      all the other sony erricsons run on 208mhz proccessors and insist on using that bloody adapter for headphones.

                      you can really see htcs involvement...

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • Yf%
                        • 23 May 2008

                        i second what Nick just said :)

                        SE(style and quality )+ Windows mobile(amazing OS) = any/all Nokia phone killer

                          • t
                          • the_gooze!
                          • mqq
                          • 23 May 2008

                          So, the Xperia is better than the E90. How many Xperias have been sold? Zero, because it isn't even available for months. It might be the dogs or it might be a pile of poo. Nobody knows. You are all just spouting a lot of hot air! Wait till it is released b4 saying how wonderful it is.
                          SE phones are usually disappointing.
                          Nokia may be less sexy but they are more reliable and far easier to navigate around.


                            • T
                            • TRUTH
                            • M@T
                            • 23 May 2008

                            with all do respect to other brand users but trust me high marketing dose not mean better product
                            there are chines products that are controling the market, not by good quality and their onley winning tickets are cheap price
                            or there might be some car companies who are in top of the market but can they compete with bugatti or etc that might many of us never even heard of it but they are making cars that you can't even imagine
                            it's true that some other brands are in a higher place in the market but can't you see that SE DOSE NOT have cheap phones
                            not even 1 phone with a black & white screen
                            anyways my advice: don't buy the name buy the quality buy it for yourselves not for people
                            may the better phone be yours

                              • 4
                              • 4_play
                              • Nxs
                              • 23 May 2008

                              Ive always been a SE fan, and I still am. However, Ive now switched to HTC, have the TYTN II for about 7 months. Now thats an awesome fone, worthy of comparison...defo not Nokia...nokias lost their imagination, nothing worth ranting on about.

                                • m
                                • motofreek
                                • vGx
                                • 23 May 2008

                                all you people are making no sence by overhyping a product which is not available this xperia will not become a success because of overexpetations just like the 5 megapixel se cybershot phone (you remember that even the samsung phone was proven better thand that .only motorola and nokia phones are better because they offer stability motorola uses the open source platform linux so it cuts the cost and lookwise they are also better than that of your big screen no show phones also nokia phones are better than se phones because they are sold in more no of quantity .and secondly on the issue of virus i should admit that those who wear clothes are afraid of loosing them. se phones are less in sales thats why virus devlopers doesn`t even consider to build a virus . this xperia is not going to be a big hit it will not even surpass the sales of p1i or p900i

                                  • w
                                  • wtf
                                  • PT0
                                  • 23 May 2008

                                  I do not get it. I am here to get more information about this paticular phone. After I read through so many comments, I feel helpless. Why are so many people comparing SE and Nokia????? Do you get award from these 2 companies if you comment that one is better than the other? Can we get back on the track now?

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • Sjt
                                    • 23 May 2008

                                    is nice bat i see olso htc diagimond

                                      • R
                                      • Ryan
                                      • TIE
                                      • 23 May 2008

                                      Yes, I have used SE before. I am now happily using N81 and i450. I have nothing against SE except that the body quality and design of SE phones does not interest me one bit. Look at the market now. SE has lost 48% profit and now 5th in ranking behind LG. Wake up SE fans, back to reality. SE makes good phones but they have stepped up and work harder to earn their place. Everyone has their own opinions, so stop forcing opinion on others especially those nokia or se fanboys.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • k2Y
                                        • 23 May 2008

                                        no video out?