Sony Xperia 10 II

Sony Xperia 10 II

User opinions and reviews

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I'd love to share more guys, it's just that I haven't really left my house since I got it. So mostly I use it for browsing social media here and there, listening to podcasts for a few hours. Setting up my home screen, playing around with weather apps, etc. No real CPU usage such as gaming though. I have barely touched the camera! I am waiting for the weather to clear up a bit, but maybe I can go for a quick walk and play around a bit.

I will say that I haven't charged it since yesterday morning, so it's been about 24 hours. The battery is at 81% still. Again, not using it like crazy during that time, but at the very least we know it will idle well without draining. And this is without Adaptive Battery getting the chance to start ignoring apps I don't use. I am looking forward to seeing how effective that feature is.

    • F
    • Fosil
    • psY
    • 25 May 2020

    dick, 25 May 2020My C5 pro got wet during a rainstorm and died. I'm looking ... moreI don't think any significant or major issues are expected - there are already some short and quick reviews, all of them with good verdicts. Only issue could be the price for some people, I guess.

    There is also some info regarding the camera:
    - but even here I wouldn't expect any sensation; the phone obviously takes pictures quite well and some minor lacks will definitely occur since it's not flagship model (however, the night mode looks very promising).

    Personally, I placed and pre-order today - there is no point of waiting for another reviews for me, becuase there are some pros and cons anyway (as they would be with every other phone I would consider). Specs hunters won't order this phone anyway... Some long-term reviews will be here in a months maybe, and I don't want to wait so long - my BB Priv is heading to Silicon Heaven now :-)

    Maybe Superpup writes us some fresh news :-)

      • d
      • dick
      • u}X
      • 25 May 2020

      superpup, 24 May 2020One annoying thing I've noticed is that the fingerprint sen... moreGreat input. I'm looking at this but there are no reviews. How are the camera's?

        • d
        • dick
        • u}X
        • 25 May 2020

        My C5 pro got wet during a rainstorm and died. I'm looking at this as a replacement but I'm wondering if I should wait for reviews to come out to see if there are any issues or if the camera's are no good?

          • d
          • doktorfilozofie
          • svN
          • 25 May 2020

          superpup, 25 May 2020Fingerprint is OK I just have to get used to scanning witho... moreGreat! Do you know if it can transfer all data from an iPhone like Google Pixel does? Or do I need a 3rd party app for that? Also, how is the camera?

            doktorfilozofie, 25 May 2020Thanks for the report. Any news with the fingerprint issue?... moreFingerprint is OK I just have to get used to scanning without pressing the button, and if I touch the phone in my pocket, try not to touch the sensor with my scanning finger lol

            It's not bloated at all, this is why I switched to Xperia phones in the first place. There are a couple things, like image enhancement, single hand mode, the side bar launcher, battery management which will slow charge your battery to conserve its lifespan. All this can be disabled easily if you want. The UI is stock Android and there were no shitware apps installed, just google's stuff. When you first turn it on, it will ask if you want to install extra stuff like facebook, accuweather, and more google apps.

              • d
              • doktorfilozofie
              • svN
              • 25 May 2020

              superpup, 24 May 2020One annoying thing I've noticed is that the fingerprint sen... moreThanks for the report. Any news with the fingerprint issue?
              Also, what is the OS like? Is there a lot of bloatware? I would prefer clean android.

                superpup, 25 May 2020Is there a way to find out what kind of dimming it uses? Th... moreAfter some research, it looks like DC dimming is a feature only the chinabrands are willing to put on their phones for now, as it significantly lowers image quality. There are apps out there that will dim your screen with an overlay (the way Apple does it) but I think may require root access for a good solution.

                I don't notice the flickering, I'd feel bad for people who do, if they actually do (so far it appears to be claims to justify complaints, but maybe there are actual cases out there)

                  Anonymous, 24 May 2020Does this phone has DC Dimming(or similar) feature in displ... moreIs there a way to find out what kind of dimming it uses? This is the first time I've had an OLED phone since my WinMo Samsung in like 2006. (I really missed those deep, deep blacks)

                  As for battery I'll have to get back to you much later on that, I spend a lot of time at home lately so I often charge it throughout the day. Once I go out more I'll be able to determine that. I've been using Xperia phones for about 5 or 6 years now, so I am kind of spoiled by having good battery performance for a while.

                    SL_Guy, 24 May 2020Why is there a noticeable difference in price compared with... moreI think it's just that different markets have different competition.. Hong Kong is highly competitive in this space, so the phones are cheaper overall. People here buy phones like crazy, often several new phones in a year.

                    TVs on the other hand, it's the opposite. People don't care as much about them, they'd usually just buy a cheap one and use it for 10 years, so the market is much slower. Our Sony and Samsung TVs are about 2X as much as they are in the US for the same model. Not even joking!

                      • r
                      • ralf316
                      • pmH
                      • 24 May 2020

                      i am from Poland. i've just bought it from pre oorder for 1799 złotych but with phone i will get bluetooth speaker :Sony SRS-XB22 (ca 300 zlotych). 1 euro is now about 4,55 złotych so phone is not so cheap (about 400 euro) but this speaker sims be quite ok:)
                      in my pre order they said that smartphones will be shipped 26 of may:) ( sony center's site have date of dhippment about15 june;p, media markt 1st june...) we will see:)

                      BTW now i am using Xperia X and fingerprint on power button is great:) after 3 years still works fast and properly ( i only have little problems when my hands are not dry).

                        • F
                        • Fosil
                        • psY
                        • 24 May 2020

                        SL_Guy, 24 May 2020Why is there a noticeable difference in price compared with... moreYes, I wonder too. Superpup wrote about getting it for ca 300 EUR but even with some extra content, that would be wonderful - it's about one third lesser price than here in Czech rep. (ca 400 EUR here), but without any extras (seems to wireless headphones for the preorders are already sold out, one week before the end of this promo campaign)... So - meh...

                          • S
                          • SL_Guy
                          • f}M
                          • 24 May 2020

                          superpup, 23 May 2020Setting mine up now! I got the blue one, and I will report ... moreWhy is there a noticeable difference in price compared with other regions? Does the phone come in different versions for different regions?

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 0wM
                            • 24 May 2020

                            superpup, 24 May 2020One annoying thing I've noticed is that the fingerprint sen... moreDoes this phone has DC Dimming(or similar) feature in display options? Do you feel eye strain when you use it with low brightness? And what about battery life ?

                              • F
                              • Fosil
                              • 6sP
                              • 24 May 2020

                              superpup, 24 May 2020One annoying thing I've noticed is that the fingerprint sen... moreThank you for that.
                              I still don't quite understand the problem with the one hand mode, but it doesn't matter.

                              I would be happy to hear anything else from you - especially if you figure out somehow how to live with the finger print sensor scanning even in the pocket...

                              Thank you!

                                • E
                                • Erixes
                                • vx4
                                • 24 May 2020

                                superpup, 24 May 2020One annoying thing I've noticed is that the fingerprint sen... moreThank you for info, I will be waiting for it.
                                please tell more about the battery life, especially, on video calls.

                                  • p
                                  • pan
                                  • I@H
                                  • 24 May 2020

                                  Bogdan, 21 May 2020No matter what you or everybody else in here will tell me, ... more"And I will continue bashing and bashing and bashing those companies and their overpriced gadgets indefinitely or until they will change their policy."

                                  good luck with that dude... as for me, id buy a phone i need and i like as long as i can afford it and i can use it for years... rather than rant about them... heck, even the flagship killer oneplus already gone up with the price...

                                  with that bashing... hhmmm... i wanna see how it goes, i also want to buy a lower priced xperia... but hopefully they wont compromise anything they have right now, like how they found momentum in innovating their cameras on the phone taking inspiration on alpha cameras...

                                  so, if you decide to bash rather than buying a phone that you need and like... and it makes you happy... by all means, go for it

                                    One annoying thing I've noticed is that the fingerprint sensor tries to detect even when you don't push the power button in. So a few times now, I've had it tell me that I've made too many attempts, just from having the phone in my pocket, trying to detect whenever I touch the button. I looked for a way to only detect when the power is on, but couldn't find it. I'll have to search around for an anwer.

                                    Also it no longer supports Sony's noise reducing headphones (they use the phone to do the active NR, so you don't have to have a big battery powered compartment on the headphone cable). Although I have switched to Bluetooth, I still have some NC headphones that I'd use before bed. So now I just use my old Xperia X for that. It's my bedside podcast phone now.

                                    One more thing, one of the features Sony added to the UI is the ability to double tap home for "single hand mode" where it shrinks the screen down quickly, and can go back just as fast. Cool feature, but I think Android wants you to use gestures instead of the 3 buttons at the bottom, but if you do that there's no longer a home button, so no way to use this feature. I use 3 buttons though, it's not like this phone is lacking vertical real estate LOL. Actually that little side button can be used as a back gesture, so it kind of works as a hybrid. It did get in the way of one app I use, which has an alphabet list on the right edge, which gets blocked by the button in its default position. You can move it around and shrink it though, to accommodate this kind of thing.

                                    Otherwise I am liking the experience so far. The big test for me was the latest versions of Google Maps which chugs REALLY bad on the Xperia XZ with its 4 year old SD820. It is very frustrating when you're traveling and looking up directions, and your phone is lagging to hell, even when it handles pretty much everything else you do just fine. This phone loads it up really fast, but I'll have to do more real world testing to know if it's "perfect". I don't have high hopes for a midrange CPU, but we'll see. It will at least be an improvement, showing that newer midrange is often better than older high end.

                                    The OLED is absolutely gorgeous.

                                    I played Tomb Raider Go (Unity engine game) for about half an hour, solid frame rate, no hiccups, and the phone didn't get warm at all whatsoever.

                                    Other than that, it's only been one night so not much more to say at this point. I'll play around with the camera later. Oh they got rid of the hardware shutter button. What a shame, considering the triple lens camera is kind of a highlight feature of this phone.

                                      Bogdan, 23 May 2020I bought a Huawei P10 lite in 2017 too. I changed 6 phones ... moreYou may have a point there but I truly disagree with the thought "Will it be the same after 2 years? Who cares.. well, personally, I do care about it.

                                      ‌I'm also using Redmi note 8 pro for 6 months already and for it me its terrible because I am experiencing lagging from time to time, especially, when I open the camera app and its freezing it took a minute to open, I dont have games on my phone even if capable of having them, I was forced to search a solution to solve the problem and able to fix it but I don't like doing that its a worst thing I would do since problem comes in the software (MIUI) at first I dont really matter because I have the same mindset with you before by having a great specs.
                                      ‌I choose this phone for its specs and there's a lot of reviews on it and stating good stuff but only good for a year, know I 'm already considering sony Xperia 10 ii to be my next phone, I dont play games, I dont care about having SD665 as long it can perform well in social media browsing and also have 4gb ram its totally fine by me since I use less than 3gb only, having 6gb ram is pointless for me since its lagging even I only use 2gbs and its shame for having a great specs and totally disappointed with it, I'm may not a heavy user but I do care with the smoothness but I don't like having refresh rate because makes me dizzy for sure and it drained battery a lot. Currently, I am waiting for the reviews of this phone.
                                      ‌PS: MIUI is a garbage software even the specs are great it couldn't help it.

                                        • F
                                        • Fosil
                                        • 6sQ
                                        • 23 May 2020

                                        Bogdan, 23 May 2020I bought a Huawei P10 lite in 2017 too. I changed 6 phones ... moreThat's your attitude and nobody takes you that - just have it. But for example this: "Will it be the same after 2 years? Who cares..." - well, you don't care and so be it. But lot of people simply care - and it's stupid from you to expect everybody should look at it with your optics. It's not bad to want phones to be fully functional even after three or so years - maybe it's not your priority, but it doesn't necessarily mean everone should want it and see it exactly same as you do.
                                        Sd 665 is last year chipset and it's annyoing to repeat that again and again. Nobody says it's ideal choice or ideal chipset, but neither this or 4GB RAM is nothing to cry about. This phone won't be gamers choice anyway. If you don't like it, buy something else (I know you already did - so why it's so important for you to force everyone else follow your choices and opinions?).
                                        iPhone SE has 3GB RAM - of course it's something completely different, Android is Android, but just number of RAM gbs simply doesn't say much.

                                        And believe or not, it DOES matter who produces the electronics. There ARE differences between "big brand" and "cheap Chineese". How important these differences are, what value it truly has or not, or if it is (or is not) worthy to pay for this "added value", that's another question. But guess what - it has no answer, so you can stop to spit on everyone who thinks that it's something more than the specs that counts.
                                        I know not one, not single person, who has experiences with Xperias (I am for some longer time) and who is dissapointed with it - nobody has problems with those phones and nobody would change it because of bad experiences.
                                        So even that points somewhere.