Sony Xperia 10 V

Sony Xperia 10 V

User opinions and reviews

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  • I
  • IQ200
  • 3LT
  • 13 May 2023

Anonymous, 12 May 2023I'm really surprised that sony mobile isn't out o... moreIn 2020. rumors for Sony exiting mobile phone business was high, so Sony said them self why are they still in mobile business even their sales are weak compared to other players and why will they still be on the market even they don't sale as much devices as others do. They said they are waiting for next thing to come so they can be there in the right moment. And to give demos for their stuff to other brands. In other words, they exist to show what they can achieve with other brands and their custom solutions. So far, their camera sensors custom made solutions are pretty huge success in flagship category, but sometimes they do them even for mid-range category, for example Honor 70's main 50MP 1/1.49" custom made camera sensor.
Who knows, maybe we'll see S24 Ultra with continuous optical zoom which only Xperia has, which is in fact the only real optical zoom as optical means it can literally move lenses inside. I don't know why companies call those others with fixed lenses an "optical". Oh well..

LG and Sony, they both have their main business elsewhere, not in mobile division. They both had success in phones but only for a short period of time. LG with its G2 and G3 devices but they were plagued with motherboard issues often going in endless boot loop. And Sony had a short time success with their Z series, from Z1 to Z5 and their particularly famous Compact line.
LG has their main business with producing displays, semiconductors, electronic parts.. And Sony?.. Well, they got everything what LG does with a "few" bonuses.. they are Godzilla of a company. A mega-giga company compared to LG which is not a slouch either. Have you ever heard for Sony production in movies, or in music, or making DSLR/mirrorless premium camera solutions, or Playstation and their whole eco-system with it, or making displays for TV's? In all those categories, Sony is on top. So, naturally Sony don't have a problem with bleeding money on mobile division as LG did. Which by the way they don't do anymore and they're making profit for 3rd year in a row. Sure, the profit margin is still poor but at least it's not in negative like it used to be for a loooong time.


    • I
    • IQ200
    • 3LT
    • 13 May 2023

    Anonymous, 12 May 2023Really wish Sony tried to compete with Poco F5.That's not possible even for Samsung who are the only western brand to put effort in all phone categories, from low budget ones to premium flagships and everything in between. If you as a brand have high volume sales then you can buy new parts for cheaper. Samsung is making a lot of phones per year, just as much as all Chinese brands such as Motorola, Realme, Oppo, Xiaomi and their sub-brands (Redmi and Poco) do, but there's one catch with all Chinese brands and the reason why are they more affordable then any of their western counterparts. They do everything in one country, everything! All human resources, all logistics, everything is in one country - China. Do you even know how much that has a impact on final price? That's not the case for Samsung or any other western brand. I would want the same as you, but that's simply not possible to expect from a non-Chinese brand. Xperia can't fight in mid-range category. Hell, even Samsung have difficulties to fight against aggressive pricing of Chinese brands. I'm not defending Sony or Samsung at all, I'm just telling the difference and what can you expect from each brand price wise. For me personally price is not Sony's main issue, but that's the subject for another time.


      • H
      • Hamburger
      • uQ5
      • 13 May 2023

      Why is it that the 10 series not getting enough radio bands? Does Sony have data showing people who buy 10 series phones don't go oversea to work or oversea holidays?

      The 695 chip is getting EOL soon, no more software support in terms of driver and security features. Sony should start to look at 7 Gen2 chip in their 10 series.

        • I
        • IQ200
        • 3LT
        • 13 May 2023

        Leonardo, 13 May 2023So, they messed up the 4K display resolution in their expen... moreYou answered your own question yourself lol. It's not really a 4k, but it's close. Real 4k and pushing all those megapix's would be a pain for any phone battery and it would make it even hotter device to use then it is right now, which wasn't great so far with Xperia phones. I hope with mark V they will do some better cooling solutions.


          • I
          • IQ200
          • 3LT
          • 13 May 2023

          Anonymous, 12 May 2023Hang on a minute... how on Earth this phone, with the same ... moreAs people usually do here, they only looking at hardware specs thinking that's all what matters in phone, but you forgot the software side matters too and has a big impact on the final results.


            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 091
            • 13 May 2023

            How is there an 8gb ram version of this phone? Where are the sources to that?

              • L
              • Leonardo
              • KZ8
              • 13 May 2023

              So, they messed up the 4K display resolution in their expensive model which should be 5040×2160 for 4K display resolution instead of 3084×1644 for 21:9 display ratio. But, for Full HD display they are not? Because a Full HD display with a 21:9 display ratio is 2520×1080. But, why?

                I wish more brands would adopt this design, its really slick. Sadly Sony are some of the most overpriced phones out there.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • vx4
                  • 13 May 2023

                  Anonymous, 12 May 2023Hang on a minute... how on Earth this phone, with the same ... moreProbably better Battery Quality than previous? Or more optimized OS than previous? Or lower power drain Display Panel used?

                    • A
                    • Anon
                    • 0pw
                    • 13 May 2023

                    They should have released global version of sony xperia ace. As other people have commented better processor should have been used!

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • gqb
                      • 12 May 2023

                      Anonymous, 12 May 2023The A52s destroys thisExcept that A52s is already gone out of production.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • gqb
                        • 12 May 2023

                        Hang on a minute... how on Earth this phone, with the same screen, chipset, and battery capacity as last year's predecessor, scored 12 hours higher battery endurance rating? That doesn't look right. 🧐

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • xjb
                          • 12 May 2023

                          Benchmark even lower

                            • o
                            • ocramavaf
                            • m}9
                            • 12 May 2023

                            Anonymous, 12 May 2023The A52s destroys thisthe A52s was the best globally available midranger of it's generation and to h

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • HVp
                              • 12 May 2023

                              The A52s destroys this

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • HVp
                                • 12 May 2023

                                Really wish Sony tried to compete with Poco F5.

                                  • A
                                  • Apious
                                  • ws4
                                  • 12 May 2023

                                  Anonymous, 11 May 2023Atleast not "made in china"you're already using china
                                  Take a good look at the bottom of the product. The internal composition of the product...

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • y6V
                                    • 12 May 2023

                                    I'm really surprised that sony mobile isn't out of the smartphone business yet like lg mobile. But i'm sure they will soon. sony mobile is a try hard being the "apple" equivalent of android but their phones are all lacking. They can never beat samsung or apple. only those lame fans are keeping this brand alive. xperia fanboys that can't accept the fact that sony mobile is garbage. claiming that xperia phones are not for everyone. lmao.

                                      • A
                                      • Apious
                                      • ws4
                                      • 12 May 2023

                                      It's very surprising that a model like this dog poop was released
                                      I'm very curious about what they were thinking, but I think it's just a disgrace to the name SONY.

                                      In what era is this, I thought that this kind of thing would be sold, and I thought that it would be "Boomer" because of the old-era thinking that the release itself would be a waste of assets!

                                        • P
                                        • PeterM
                                        • Myw
                                        • 12 May 2023

                                        Anonymous, 11 May 2023Atleast not "made in china"Actually it is, most likely. Just designed in Japan.