Sony Xperia 1 II

Sony Xperia 1 II

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • sSV
  • 14 May 2020

[deleted post]as if customer give a s*** whether the company is profitable or not...

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • XRg
    • 14 May 2020

    Anonymous, 14 May 2020do they have headphone jack? i'm pretty sure a simple headp... moreWe all know manufacturers are removing headphone jack to sell wireless earbud crap.

    But flagships like V60 and Motorola Edge+ do have 5k mAh battery with headphone jack.

    And if you include budget phones like Samsung M21, you'll find 6000mAh with headphone jack under 9mm thickness.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • sSV
      • 14 May 2020

      Anonymous, 14 May 2020The original argument had nothing to do with Sony Xperia 1 ... moreyeah.pretty sure the other dude already explained some reasons why some of us don't bother of 8k recording. you're the one who keep pushing 8k recording is matter

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • XRg
        • 14 May 2020

        Anonymous, 14 May 2020support doesn't mean it works perfectly fine. it's a nice f... moreThe original argument had nothing to do with Sony Xperia 1 II providing 8k or not.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • sSV
          • 14 May 2020

          Anonymous, 14 May 2020support doesn't mean it works perfectly fine. it's a nice f... morei wonder how much of 8k footages one could really put on the phones? 256gb storage.let's just put 1tb sdcard for the sake of the arguments. 1tb capacity. how long that 8k footages would be?

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • XRg
            • 14 May 2020

            [deleted post]Why don't you man up and stop injecting into other ppl thread? Are you appointed as the WatchDog over here?

            I don't care about 8k specifically.
            Just replied that "8k@30fps is available" to the user who thought 8k is capped at 24fps on smartphones and that you need dram for 960fps recording.

            Also the user assumed that you need thick phones to incorporate big sensor like IMX 689 when in reality you don't.
            To which I replied, I'd rather prefer bigger sensor, bigger battery over unnecessarily thin phones
            Where is the bashing?

            Don't bother injecting yourself in other ppls thread and going on a tangent with the conversation. And didn't I tell you to put on your reading glasses old man?

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • sSV
              • 14 May 2020

              Anonymous, 14 May 2020Plenty of other manufacturers have fit bigger batteries wit... moredo they have headphone jack? i'm pretty sure a simple headphone jack is not high it's shouldn't be a problem to fit headphone jack to pretty much all kind of phones, really

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • sSV
                • 14 May 2020

                Anonymous, 14 May 20208k isn't a priority but the SD865 and sensor supports it, n... moresupport doesn't mean it works perfectly fine. it's a nice feature but if the feature just there, half baked not really fully focus on how that feature work in real life.what's the point? who is gonna use that feature anyway? sure, for first few week people gonna spend time with it but if it's only worked with a big "conditions" , i bet no one going to love that experience.same thing with those super slow mo features from sony. yeah it's look cool for couple of seconds, could it done for at least a minute? just a minute...

                but hey if someone really want that 8k recording features.don't buy sony. buy other phones.simple as that

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • XRg
                  • 14 May 2020

                  Smithravi, 14 May 2020Unfortunately, hardware inside mobile phones not only inclu... morePlenty of other manufacturers have fit bigger batteries with lots of other tech inside in a slim package. Stop making excuses.
                  4000mah is laughable for 2020 flagship.

                  I want minimum 5000mAh on every Android flagship.
                  5000mAh should be standard on 2020.
                  It's easily possible while keeping device thickness low.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • XRg
                    • 14 May 2020

                    Anonymous, 14 May 2020if 8k is your priority buy other phones then, just like you... more8k isn't a priority but the SD865 and sensor supports it, nothing wrong with having the feature.
                    Plenty of ppl don't use super slow motion, but doesn't mean others need to be robbed off it.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • sSV
                      • 14 May 2020

                      [deleted post]if 8k is your priority buy other phones then, just like you said it's already plenty of options for that.

                      nobody cares about 8k screen,8k recording on this sony thread. like the other dude already mentions, at the moment, it's just not practical. does netflix have 8k already? how many 8k contents on the market anyway?

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • sSV
                        • 14 May 2020

                        [deleted post]if 8k is your priority buy other phones then, just like you said it's already plenty of options for that.

                        nobody give a flying fcuk about 8k screen,8k recording on this sony thread. like the other dude already mentions, at the moment, it's just not practical. does netflix have 8k already? how many 8k contents on the market anyway?

                          Anonymous, 14 May 2020Big batteries can be fit in phones under 9mm. No need for ... moreUnfortunately, hardware inside mobile phones not only includes just battery. Open any device and if you still see some space, then one can ask for extra battery.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • sSV
                            • 14 May 2020

                            imtheone, 14 May 2020Nope the OS does not affect me.. ive had an iphone and ive ... moreif you really in need for camera performances, don't you think it's much better to spend money on dedicated camera? otherwise you still ended up with mediocre outcome and it also much better investment for the money in my opinion

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • sSV
                              • 14 May 2020

                              Telephone, 14 May 2020You like battery. You may like this phone. morei bet they don't have headphone jack because there are no more space available for a single trs socket... cause you know they just being courageous enough to put fat ass battery into their phone

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • XRg
                                • 14 May 2020

                                Syfo, 14 May 2020Not even f1.7 for a tele ?Why the heck would I put telephoto behind f/1.7 and get softer images??

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • sSV
                                  • 14 May 2020

                                  Smithravi, 14 May 2020Can't you read english?? I said Record, Share and Play. Not... moregimmick is cool bro.just like when samsung announced their s4 with whatever that jedi thing called...motion control? whatever.surely all galaxy phones have that cool features now and work flawlessly :D

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • XRg
                                    • 14 May 2020

                                    Telephone, 14 May 2020You like battery. You may like this phone. moreBig batteries can be fit in phones under 9mm.
                                    No need for ultra thin phones.
                                    They can be of reasonable thickness under 9mm and sport way bigger battery than 4000mah.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • pGj
                                      • 14 May 2020

                                      Tann Hauser, 14 May 2020This phones camera will NOT act as your Pixels camera, just... moreExactly as I see it. Also, Unfortunately most people if you show them 2 pictures, one oversaturated with brilliant bright colours and another photo perfectly in focus but with exact colours. They will say that the first photo is better. I have done this test a number of times. Obviously I am not part of the majority in this case as I prefer natural colours even if they look dull. Which is why I will wait for the Xperia 1 ii.

                                        imtheone, 14 May 2020Nope the OS does not affect me.. ive had an iphone and ive ... moreThis phones camera will NOT act as your Pixels camera, just like flag Xperias before, never has and never will. Its not an auto point n shoot designed camera.
                                        So this Sony phones camera is not for your needs and preferences.
                                        Leave the wait to us people here that actually intend to buy this or smaller 5 version, just exactly due to its different camera approach, or of course everything else specswise that comes along beside the camera part, that is maybe more important to some.
                                        You should go wait for Pixel 4 release, and not worry about Sonys release schedule, as you wont be satisfied with this phones camera part most certainly.