Sony Xperia 1 II
- ?
- Anonymous
- JT5
- 25 May 2020
Nnabazz, 25 May 2020I am not seeing the headphones and chargers in all the videoIn Japan accorsing to what I read, you do not need to pay for the charger.
You can just buy only the phone in case you have charger at home.
Same applies to earphones.
In USA the gift will be earbuds that cost $280.
In Europe they give the headphones, WH-1000X iii.
- T
- Tann Hauser
- Mj@
- 25 May 2020
Aspros, 25 May 2020Apart from the fact that Sony is not capable I'd delivering... moreOr, Maybe the truth is Sony just does not want to make a totally bezeless phone.
As they consider necessary shortcommings of it, like camera notches/bholes, popup cameras, lack of notification leds, lack of front stereo speakers, lack of physical fp scanning... just not worth it.
- T
- Tann Hauser
- Mj@
- 25 May 2020
Anonymous, 25 May 2020In my humble opinion phones should be 16:9 or 21:9 dependin... moreAbsolutely agreed.
But for >5.5 inch screens, 16:9 is just not practical as it is too wide and unyieldly to hold.
- A
- Aspros
- 6js
- 25 May 2020
Apart from the fact that Sony is not capable I'd delivering a bezeless phone, even 2 years after the competition did it .
Whats worse is that they never learn, such a small battery for a 4k screen?
Yet the demand 1200euros!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- JT5
- 25 May 2020
Looks like the pre-order bonus for Europe is headphones, while USA costumers get the earbuds.
- Suz
- vNy
- 25 May 2020
Nnabazz, 25 May 2020I am not seeing the headphones and chargers in all the videoYou have eye issues
- ?
- Anonymous
- 25 May 2020
It reminds me with lumia 930
- E
- Espenegger72
- xhq
- 25 May 2020
Anonymous, 25 May 2020In my humble opinion phones should be 16:9 or 21:9 dependin... moreYou are so right. I really hate this new trend and camera holes on the screen. 16:9 is the best.
- Smithravi
- mKj
- 25 May 2020
joe nodden, 25 May 2020"Motion Blur Reduction aims to lessen the frame lag between... more1. Yes. Motion blur reduction technology mimics what 90Hz refresh rates do to you to feel the smoothness. It is not about how many frames you see per second, as if you can count with your naked eye. In the end it is how you feel. Difference between 60Hz and 90Hz is the feeling of smoothness you get while scrolling up and down apart from frames while gaming. This is exactly what MBR aimed at. So explaining 90Hz and 60hz definition doesn't make any sense.
2. You don't have to repeat anything. Good battery care with less capacity can outlast poor battery care with high capacity. One thing one should remember is weight of overall premium smartphone. if you increase the capacity, you increase the size of battery, resulting in larger, bulky smartphone. Point is not that we can't lift 250g smartphone with 6000mah. Point is Premium means "slim", lightweight,design packed with all round features.
3. There are many XDA forums where it is proved xperia phones indeed have 120Hz display screens locked at 60Hz through software. There is also some threads proving Xperia mobiles push the fps during gaming upto 90fps. And again 60Hz is standard for a reason right? Of course 30Hz is very bad but 120Hz is not at all needed for media consumption at the expense of battery drain. 4K at 60Hz is better for battery life than QHD+ 120Hz.
4. You haven't even used X1 II yet and calling MBR a gimmick is funny as if you have used it. I would say 120Hz is a gimmikc, 108MP is a gimmick, 12GB and 16Gb rams for smartphones are gimmicks. There are already gaming smartphones coming with 144Hz and 240Hz. 120Hz now feels old to you right?? Does it makes any sense? What is the limit for human stupidity. Why would you need those numbers when you don't need it necessarily. Really 16Gb ram for a smartphone?? My Laptop has 8Gb ram and can seamless open 60+ chrome tabs. This extra numbers only add you additional cost. Before you say 4K on sony is a overkill. Sony has been bringing 4K since 2014. It is not new gimmick to begin with. That's one of the features that make them unique from other 1000+ smartphone brands.
PS: One can say they can enable QHD resolution at higher refresh rates, But I assume Sony doesn't want it. You're paying for 4K display, you should experience the 4K display. Changing resolution for a different refresh rates, you have many other smartphones brands in the market. Go get them.
- ?
- Anonymous
- pGj
- 25 May 2020
joe nodden, 25 May 2020"Motion Blur Reduction aims to lessen the frame lag between... moreIt is very hard to have a debate with Mr Nodden because he doesn't like to see the alternatives. For example.
He doesn't believe people watch movies on their phone so he says 4k is worthless, and better to watch on a 27" monitor. But doesn't accept that the same can be said for gaming with high refresh rate. The speakers on a mobile are tinny so no need for front facing speakers, he would rather use headphones. All of which is true. But when his arguments of high refresh, gaming are countered by the same theory of using something dedicated to do the job instead of a smartphone he does not accept this.
The xz premium has bad battery life according to him. When people who use it tell him that they get through the day perfectly well with it. You tell him that you accept the bezels in exchange for a 4k screen this is unthinkable for him and replies that it is my loss. Only it isn't a loss in my book. Somebody who is unable to see different uses and tastes than his personal needs and automatically discount them is unfortunately not the ideal person for debates.
- ?
- Anonymous
- pGj
- 25 May 2020
Tann Hauser, 25 May 2020Everyone else doing 20:9 with notches/bholes, but you hate ... moreIn my humble opinion phones should be 16:9 or 21:9 depending on what you watch. I see little point in using an aspect ratio that is not a standard.
- T
- Tann Hauser
- MuD
- 25 May 2020
Anonymous, 25 May 2020My only hate is the long screen can you just do the same as... moreEveryone else doing 20:9 with notches/bholes, but you hate 21:9?!
That is pretty ridiculous.
- ?
- Anonymous
- pGj
- 25 May 2020
joe nodden, 25 May 2020Yes I apologize for forgetting the select few people who co... moreOk, so in your opinion the Sony is flawed, you do not consider it for an upgrade. So move on. You gain nothing trying to convince people it is flawed, and we gain nothing from your comments because if we are looking at Sony, we are in the minority who prioritize different aspects over refresh rates. Maybe we do watch movies on our phone and maybe we do understand photography and want proper manual settings.
- ?
- Anonymous
- K52
- 25 May 2020
Anonymous, 25 May 2020The only thing lower is the people eating up comments with ... moreNo where in that comment was there any criticism of Sony. Do yourself a favour, loosen up and abandon your siege mentality. You are the ones siegeing yourselves.
- N
- Nnabazz
- Nug
- 25 May 2020
Arpegius, 25 May 2020Important thing is, the floodgates are open and we have ton... moreI am not seeing the headphones and chargers in all the video
- Vineet Reddy
- 7t%
- 25 May 2020
joe nodden, 24 May 2020Sure. Especially when my V30 which just barely cut it for a... moreIt all depends on what you use it for. See if you game on it on regular basis through out the day then I don't expect any phone to last a full day unless it has 5000mAh or higher capacity battery. For regular usage like chatting, browsing, YouTube streaming plus 1 or 2 sessions of casual gaming XZ Premium could have easily lasted for 6:00AM to 11:00PM day.
- joe nodden
- jpa
- 25 May 2020
[deleted post]So if I theoretically wasn't able to understand anything and didn't have common sense. Why would you type an essay to reply to me? Seems to me like you either have self doubt or no common sense. Has to be the only explanation.
- joe nodden
- jpa
- 25 May 2020
Shanti Dope, 25 May 2020Motion Blur Reduction aims to lessen the frame lag between ... more"Motion Blur Reduction aims to lessen the frame lag between motion, which makes 60Hz motion less stuttery, giving out the impression of a high refresh rate equivalent to 90Hz." No, not at all. It's displaying 1 frame every sixtieth of a second. It's 60hz, 60 fps. No amount of "motion blur reduction" changes that. And it doesn't look like a higher refresh rate. What don't you get about that.
"It could also work the other way, in a sense that it would actually enable the high refresh rate of the screen but limited only to 90Hz and lower resolution (maybe QHD+)." What are you even trying to say anymore? If by "it" you mean the "motion blur reduction" then no, it doesn't "enable the high refresh rate of the screen" or "lower resolution". Unless by "it" you mean something else. I can't read your mind to tell what you mean by "it".
"Oh YES THEY ARE GOOD. For such capacity, the Premiums have always had good battery efficiency and could last a whole day just fine. In fact, they managed to make 2700mAh battery outlast a 3500mAh battery due to their impressive power management algorithm." I'm not repeating myself. Go read my other responses for this.
"It was limited to 60Hz due to hardware restrictions, but when something comes and can utilize the higher refresh rate, the software would then activate the feature and achieve true high refresh rate.
Many Xperia users have already said that 60fps on their phones feel smoother than 60fps on other phones." Except that isn't the case. It's always locked to 60. And it's not smoother.
"Oh, so you're saying that software cannot do magic tricks, really? Then I guess you don't use Night Mode for your phones since it was initially made by Chinese brands with the introduction on P20 Pro." I know exactly what night mode is. I've known what it is for years. Long exposure shots are nothing new, and certainly not "software magic".
"The point is, have you actually tried it yourself already for you to make such claims?" I've tried plently of display tricks. Vsync, freesync, high refresh rates, "MoTiON BlUr ReDuCtIOn", and only 3 out of 4 of thoes are effective at all. Vsync gets rid of screen tearing. Freesync does the same with no delay. A high refresh rate makes it actually smoother. And motion blur reduction is a terrible gimmick. Simple as that.
"I don't give a damn about those other brands that they can't implement motion smoothing very well." You made a typo there. It's "can" not "can't". The thing is they actually increased the refresh rate which made their displays smoother.
"Sony can do it, and that's what matters here SMH." Except they haven't. Who cares if they can if they haven't.
"Of course they do." Wow you linked an article that shows a setting that they say you can't enable. Congratulations.
"Context: "For the XZ Premium at least, it appears the 120 Hz mode has been disabled to preserve battery life."" Thank you for proving my point.
"Still don't believe they are true 120Hz panels? Sure, go ahead. As if that would change these FACTS anyway lol." I'm not gonna dig through my replies to see if I originally said it was or not, but I've clearly made my point that they're only set to 60hz, and that's all that matters.
- YUKI93
- TC$
- 25 May 2020
I'm not gonna lie, the $1200 price tag really made me think twice because if I convert that price tag to Malaysian Ringgit, it cost about MYR 200 more than the Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra and a whopping MYR 1,100 more than the most expensive OnePlus 8 Pro.
- A
- Arpegius
- 8Ui
- 25 May 2020
Important thing is, the floodgates are open and we have tons of video reviews, both in Japanese and English: