Sony Xperia 1 II

Sony Xperia 1 II

User opinions and reviews

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  • Any guy
  • fki
  • 25 May 2020

People who would love a higher refresh rate can just go buy another mobile it's simple, i think big screens demand big refresh rates, but on a mobile, i think it's simple just marketing schemes that's it, you will get smoother animations then what? It's not like your gaming three hours in a row lol, i would prefer better battery life and less heat

    Shanti Dope, 25 May 2020Because again, Sony aims for the accurate look and feel of ... I see you are in love with Sony smartphones. I respect the unending enthusiasm of Sony fans like you. From you posts it seems you have a lot of knowledge regarding them. How much I like this phone, I cannot lay my hands on it due to unavailability in our country.

    Do you find any negatives on Xperia 1 II, something you thought Sony could have improved on this model? Something this Sony flagship is lacking in respect to its competition? Surely no smartphone is perfect I believe. A true Sony fan will only deserve respect if he has the courage to speak both the positives & negatives of a Sony phone.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • Q{4
      • 25 May 2020

      joe nodden, 24 May 2020"Battery life is actually fine. I have had one for 3 years ... moreAre you okay?

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 49J
        • 25 May 2020

        My only hate is the long screen can you just do the same as everyone else

          • J
          • Julio
          • 7Pj
          • 25 May 2020

          It's really good phone i well teak it

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • Q{4
            • 25 May 2020

            Anonymous, 24 May 2020Edit: Lol who was bragging about Sony being the first to i... moreThe only thing lower is the people eating up comments with their insane hatred of a phone they don't like. There are other options. Run along

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • Q{4
              • 25 May 2020

              [deleted post]Half of these comments are these exact people. Hopefully some people will actually use this section to describe their experience with this phone rather than complaining about a phone they will never buy.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • JT5
                • 25 May 2020


                Pro Photographer does hands-on ....

                  joe nodden, 24 May 2020"It's not claimed to be 120Hz, but Motion Blur Reduction ge... moreMotion Blur Reduction aims to lessen the frame lag between motion, which makes 60Hz motion less stuttery, giving out the impression of a high refresh rate equivalent to 90Hz.
                  Understand? No? Then shut up :))

                  It could also work the other way, in a sense that it would actually enable the high refresh rate of the screen but limited only to 90Hz and lower resolution (maybe QHD+). Either way, it's a win-win situation for the end user, and why should you complain anyway? Are you going to lose a game for not having a super high refresh rate or what?

                  Oh YES THEY ARE GOOD. For such capacity, the Premiums have always had good battery efficiency and could last a whole day just fine. In fact, they managed to make 2700mAh battery outlast a 3500mAh battery due to their impressive power management algorithm.
                  Now how's the Sammy flagship doin' with 5000mAh battery? I'm pretty sure it would last 2 days with that capacity, right???

                  It was limited to 60Hz due to hardware restrictions, but when something comes and can utilize the higher refresh rate, the software would then activate the feature and achieve true high refresh rate.
                  Many Xperia users have already said that 60fps on their phones feel smoother than 60fps on other phones.

                  Oh, so you're saying that software cannot do magic tricks, really? Then I guess you don't use Night Mode for your phones since it was initially made by Chinese brands with the introduction on P20 Pro.
                  Sadly for you, Sony's software always work really well, but you'd never know it since you hate them full-heartedly anyway lol.

                  The point is, have you actually tried it yourself already for you to make such claims? Again, this Motion Blur Reduction is most probably inspired from Sony Bravia's MotionFlow technology, which works great on Sony TVs, and could very well be implemented on smartphones as well.
                  I don't give a damn about those other brands that they can't implement motion smoothing very well. Sony can do it, and that's what matters here SMH.

                  Of course they do.
                  Context: "For the XZ Premium at least, it appears the 120 Hz mode has been disabled to preserve battery life."

                  Still don't believe they are true 120Hz panels? Sure, go ahead. As if that would change these FACTS anyway lol.

                    Brightk9it, 24 May 2020Okay so it also applied for the Sony just that they don't w... moreBecause again, Sony aims for the accurate look and feel of the final image. You have the option to do it by means of GCAM, but as an Android user, Sony certainly expects that you have enough knowledge on how to find one and install on your phone.

                      Anonymous, 25 May 2020It appears that you only see what is an ideal smartphone fo... moreYes I apologize for forgetting the select few people who commute to work for 2 hours on the daily and need to watch a movie every single time.

                      However don't say 120hz is worthless to some people. Only a few people watch movies that this display would benefit all the time. But everyone uses their phones for literally anything else, and 120hz improves the smoothness of literally anything else. (Just not certain outdated games)

                      I'm not just trying to convince myself that the phone is no good, I already know it. It's far too flawed. So of course I'll try to convince others.

                      The phone I use is the LG V30. I want to upgrade asap, but nothing has piqued my interest. Everything has either a notch or no headphone jack or large bezels or no high refresh rate. There's no flawless phone. The Motorola Edge+ came pretty close, but it costs WAY too much, and charges slowly, and has a punch hole. The Nokia 9.3 is lookin' good, but there also seems to be no jack. So I'm probably just gonna wait until 5nm SoCs pop up in phones, because performance is something I want a big jump in too when I upgrade.

                        TheGoldenMellifluous, 25 May 2020Still, discrediting the twice smaller 10nm process, more ef... moreNot over 20nm, just 20nm. And what you're forgetting is all these chips consume very similar power because Qualcomm doesn't just settle for better thermals and power consumption, they increase the clockspeed with that extra headroom which boosts performance, at the sacrifice of the energy efficiency gained.So the 810 isn't gonna make a meaningful difference in terms of battery life because the cores on the 835 are clocked about .425 GHz higher on average.

                        The point is, what you call heavy usage is just rarely watching 4K videos, and doing mostly stuff that switches the display to 1080p.

                        And no no no. Don't just compare this to a V12. Because that doesn't account for the fuel tank size. (battery) Let's compare it to the Bugatti Chiron. Because the Chiron's engine at full speed drains its 100 litre fuel tank completely in a mere 9 minutes. Similar to how the 4K display on the XZ Premium drains its battery very quickly. That is unless you switch it to 1080p. Just like how its different if you aren't using that 16 cylinder engine at full speed. Which begs the question, "Why would I bother buying this insanely energy hungry thing if I'm almost never going to use it at its best?" There's a reason nobody buys Chirons to daily drive. And it ain't a reason that has to do with money.

                        I know you're rarely watching 4K videos. Sony fanboy trying to avoid buyer's remorse.

                          joe nodden, 24 May 2020Yeah I know right, imagine taking a TV on the train.Yes, it is a masterpiece. Conventional display can't actually compare with this premium display technology.

                            joe nodden, 24 May 2020Hahaha and I'm sure what you call heavy usage is using what... moreStill, discrediting the twice smaller 10nm process, more efficient, and far cooler Snapdragon 835 in Xperia XZ Premium (the 4K screen itself converted to 1080p resolution, but is still powering the 4K panel itself due to native screen on the component) over 20nm process, low efficient and highly heat Snapdragon 810 on Z5 Premium isn't reasonable at all. Sure, the bigger battery in Z5P, deeply aware. But, it turns out the endurance of XZ Premium was better than Z5 Premium. On XZP final update, the battery life for me turns out very efficient. This is not even mentioning Sony's battery management known for years since Xperia Z that become a miracle for XZ1 and Xperia 5. And I did often watch 4K videos on XZP, sure, there's that for you. You are allowed to despise XZP all you want, but that's not gonna change how I'm very satisfied with my XZP and gonna keep it running till 2022.

                            The same analogy for modern V12 supercars like Aventador S or Mercedes S600. Sure, you can deactivate the 6 cylinders on the motor to preserve gas inside those cars, but it's still powering the native V12 engine itself.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • pGj
                              • 25 May 2020

                              joe nodden, 24 May 2020Hahaha and I'm sure what you call heavy usage is using what... moreIt appears that you only see what is an ideal smartphone for you and seem to struggle some what to understand that different people have different needs and prioritize different things. So 4k isn't important to you, that is fine, but try to understand that 120hz isn't important to other people.
                              Your theory that watching movies on a small screen in 4k is worthless is fine, but again having 120hz on a mobile may seem worthless to other people.
                              You don't like the phone, that's fine, but it almost appears that you are trying to convince yourself and everybody else that the phone is no good.
                              Just relax people can make their own decisions on what they want from a smartphone and pick accordingly. What smartphone do you use, out of interest?

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • JT5
                                • 25 May 2020

                                4K stabilization was fixed.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • i5Q
                                  • 25 May 2020

                                  many of us use laptops or home desktop screens with 60htz refresh rate, and then regarding phones, so all crazy with 120 (or lack of it)?
                                  honestly, can you even tell the difference?

                                    TheGoldenMellifluous, 24 May 2020I owned XZ Premium to replace my XZ and despite smallish 32... moreHahaha and I'm sure what you call heavy usage is using what Sony sets that 4K display to 1080p in to save battery. (I think that's what they do, it's been a few years since I bothered looking into a 4k Sony phone so that's what I remember them doing with the Z5 Premium which had a larger battery)

                                      [deleted post]Because there are certain things that smartphones do better.

                                        Anonymous, 24 May 2020Battery life is actually fine. I have had one for 3 years a... more"Battery life is actually fine. I have had one for 3 years and no complaints." Ok hope you enjoy your 3 hours of daily screen on time.

                                        "As for bezels, well some people like better looks on a phone others better screen." Yeah and if only the XZ Premium had the better screen. Y'know, an OLED one. Sure do love the inky blacks on my V30's 1440p OLED with tiny bezels. (In fact since that over 500 ppi display is such a high resolution, I keep it set to 1080p! (To save battery life of course, even with my larger battery))

                                        "I will take 4k and bezels personally" Yikes your loss.