Sony Xperia 1 II

Sony Xperia 1 II

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • pGj
  • 24 May 2020

joe nodden, 24 May 2020Yes my point is that my 21:9 1080p LCD gives me a better ex... moreThe problem I see is that what you say is true for everything, I would rather browse web on bigger monitor, gaming also, messaging better on full keyboard, movies as you said also. So why have a smart phone. The only good thing it can do is make calls and an Alcatel from 20 years back does that

    Shanti Dope, 24 May 2020It's not claimed to be 120Hz, but Motion Blur Reduction get... more"It's not claimed to be 120Hz, but Motion Blur Reduction gets it close to 90Hz" No. Just no. Motion blur doesn't exist on displays unless it's artificially added. And "Motion Blur Reduction" sure as heck ain't gonna increase the refresh rate. Screen tearing exists, but the solution to that is called vsync, not "Motion Blur Reduction". And screen tearing doesn't cause any blur on the display at all. It's exactly like what it sounds like, part of a frame cut off by another frame.

    "And it works better for saving more battery, as many 120Hz display phones are currently disappointing me with their endurance." Oh no no, those are terrible, but I'm sure your old 4K LCDs powered by a mere 3400 mAh cell in your old Sony phones were great, right?

    "They don't make a difference, but it's an idea behind my point, that Sony's Motion Blur Reduction COULD actually provide real 90Hz smoothness." No. It's set to 60hz, so it looks like 60hz. It's as simple as that.

    "Software magic can pretty much make everything impossible to be reality." You sound like those Chinese companies trying to market their cheap headphones as "surround sound" thanks to their terrible software adjustments that make them sound terrible, and no more surrounding than normal headphones.

    "Motion Blur Reduction would lessen the amount of frame lag on 60Hz so that it could look less stuttery, which then gives off the impression of a 90Hz display." Congrats, you just described exactly what gsync and freesync do. Y'know, Nvidia and AMD's technology that they don't at all claim to make their 60hz panels look like 90hz ones. The same technology that my 75hz 21:9 1080p LG LCD has. Y'know, the panel that doesn't at all look close to 90hz.

    "Or like I've said, they can actually enable the display itself to work in 90Hz (since it's a 120Hz panel after all) but in FHD only." Oh they could, (if they are 120hz panels) but they don't. It's as simple as that.

      Anonymous, 24 May 2020That is the beauty of android, lots of options. I'm sure yo... moreYes my point is that my 21:9 1080p LCD gives me a better experience. Because I don't have to squint at a mere 6.5 inch display.

        Vineet Reddy, 24 May 2020That had enough battery to get you through a full days usag... moreSure. Especially when my V30 which just barely cut it for a days usage, also has hours more potential usage on a charge. I totally believe you. Unless what you call a days usage is from 1 PM to 8 PM. (Instead of 6:30 AM to 11:00 PM for me)

          Anonymous, 24 May 2020Not sure what the other passengers will think about you tak... moreYeah I know right, imagine taking a TV on the train.

            Anonymous, 24 May 2020Actually lots of people watch movies and series on a daily ... moreI suppose on the way to work is the single excuse for that. So sure, I guess if you're someone who commutes to work for 2 hours daily, this is the phone for you.

            "As for you prefer watching movies on your tv, well obviously yes, the same can me said about gaming on a proper 144hz monitor." I never said on my tv. I said "on my 29 inch 21:9 1080p LG LCD". What tv has those specs. It's obviously a monitor. The point I was making was that movies are best saved for anything other than a tiny phone screen.

            "The point is I have my phone in my pocket and that is what I must use when out and about so that is why it is a perfect phone for my needs" So you're one of those people that commutes to work for 2 hours? If not I don't see why you would ever need a 21:9 not high refresh rate display. When do you have 2 spare hours to watch a movie uninterrupted while not at home?

              joe nodden, 24 May 2020Get the XZ Premium and deal with terrible battery life and ... moreI owned XZ Premium to replace my XZ and despite smallish 3230 mAh, the battery life is good to great, getting me SoT of 6-7hr SoT in heavy usage, and can go beyond 10hr SoT in normal usage. We're not talking about standby here, that's one of Sony's biggest strength in battery management, where most OEMs had to take note for.

              And for the bezels? Those bezels play a lot of roles in my convenience in ergonomics all the time, by putting and resting my fingers in the bezel without the worry of unintentional touching. And XZ Premium was developed during Z5 launch, 1.5 years before its release in 2017, so the bezel-less trend started around Oct.2016 didn't touch the XZ Premium.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • uH}
                • 24 May 2020

                By the way, I have nothing against this phone not having 120 Hz refresh rate. I think it is a good phone overall. I just find the thinking of some people here particularly interesting.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • uH}
                  • 24 May 2020

                  Lol who was bragging about Sony being the first to introduce phones with nonfunctional 120 Hz screens and now proclaiming that 120 Hz screens are useless? The hypocrisy is real.

                  It is a gimmick until Sony decides to implement it - Sony fans' logic

                    • A
                    • Aaron
                    • r39
                    • 24 May 2020

                    This incredibly smashing! The best! Of the best! This is what I have long aspect from Sony Excellent!

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 63x
                      • 24 May 2020

                      joe nodden, 24 May 2020Ah right I almost forgot people watch movies on their phone... moreActually lots of people watch movies and series on a daily basis, on the way to work or whatever and would call that normal use or a phone.
                      As for you prefer watching movies on your tv, well obviously yes, the same can me said about gaming on a proper 144hz monitor. But that isn't really the point is it? The point is I have my phone in my pocket and that is what I must use when out and about so that is why it is a perfect phone for my needs

                        • B
                        • BasedPost
                        • 34q
                        • 24 May 2020

                        . , 24 May 2020Holy moly 2100 comments and still increasing... This phone... moreBased

                          Shanti Dope, 24 May 2020Blown out highlights are clear indication of natural image ... moreOkay so it also applied for the Sony just that they don't want to go In that direction okay now I get it, but making the option wouldn't have been too much to ask

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • s1A
                            • 24 May 2020

                            . , 24 May 2020Holy moly 2100 comments and still increasing... This phone... moredd

                              joe nodden, 24 May 2020Get the XZ Premium and deal with terrible battery life and ... moreThat had enough battery to get you through a full days usage even with continuous browsing and chatting with regular gaming and YouTube streaming. What else do you need. And Massive bezels I don't understand why that is bad when in return you are getting better Hi-Res Stereo speakers which was again first by SONY and was way ahead of its competition of that time when it comes to Clear and Natural experience.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • n07
                                • 24 May 2020

                                joe nodden, 24 May 2020Ah right I almost forgot people watch movies on their phone... moreNot sure what the other passengers will think about you taking a TV on the train

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • MKM
                                  • 24 May 2020

                                  joe nodden, 24 May 2020Ah right I almost forgot people watch movies on their phone... moreThat is the beauty of android, lots of options. I'm sure you play lots of games and there are better phones for your needs. And music the LG and your good headphones I'm sure are excellent. However surely even you can admit that to watch a movie or Netflix series there is no better option than this phone? Or are you going to try to convince me that 1080 hd on your lg will give a better experience even with your very good headphones?

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 37a
                                    • 24 May 2020

                                    . , 24 May 2020Holy moly 2100 comments and still increasing... This phone... moreI think Sony would rather sell more phones instead of just having a higher number of comments on a tech website than others. The phone is good and I'm going to buy it, but actually it's Sony standing in the shadows of the others, not because of the phone itself, but due to their lack of marketing. You can build the best phone in the world, but it means nothing if most of the people don't know that it exists. When I talked about the phone at work (I live in germany, a place where you can still buy Sony phones) with two of my coworkers they where like "Oh, so Sony is still making phones?". I think that sums up the problem very well.

                                    And if they continue to sell less and less phones they won't do it any longer. Even if you want to do it for prestige, at some point your shareholders will ask you if you're out of your mind. It's the same that happened with HTC phones, which is the reason i'm here. They didn't feel the need to advertise their phones while Samsung did it a lot and overtook them. I stuck with my HTC 10 because I found nothing that could replace it, then I found out about the 1 II. But that's the point, I had to search for it and the majority of the people won't do that.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • MKM
                                      • 24 May 2020

                                      People need a reason to not like this phone for some reason on this forum. And the best they can do is focus on refresh rate and quick charge. Like the bloke who would rather watch movies on his lg at 1080. Just to try to prove a point

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • MKM
                                        • 24 May 2020

                                        joe nodden, 24 May 2020Ah right I almost forgot people watch movies on their phone... moreI think you may find that everyday things do not require a high refresh rate.