Sony Xperia 1 II

Sony Xperia 1 II

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 7Ae
  • 22 May 2020

Anonymous, 22 May 2020it adds opinion about the price. Stop blindly defending the... moreIt doesn't add anything. The overpricing is talked about endlessly through this comment section. The dead horse has been beaten into a soup by now. Its not defending a company to want a comment section with intelligent conversations and recent updates on the device for reviews/ availability.

    • M
    • Magdy
    • XQF
    • 22 May 2020

    Anonymous, 22 May 2020In my opinion it's debatable if ANY phone out there is wort... moreYeah, the most perfect Android phone I've seen in almost 5 years

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • mk2
      • 22 May 2020

      Anonymous, 22 May 2020why xperia 1 II Is gaming phoneIt's more of a multimedia and camera phone for a specific market. If you want a gaming phone there are better alternatives

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • uNV
        • 22 May 2020

        why xperia 1 II Is gaming phone

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 37a
          • 22 May 2020

          ALonZo, 22 May 2020If this phone is worth £1200, then I am baffled. 8GB ... moreIn my opinion it's debatable if ANY phone out there is worth so much money. But this phone has a 4K Display, no Notch/Punch Hole, a 3.5mm Audio Jack with a powerful DAC, Cinema Pro/Photo Pro Apps for manual Control, stereo front facing speakers which are all things that set it apart from other android phones.
          I would rather buy a phone that has things I actually need, instead of a phone that has, for example, even more unused RAM that will do nothing for me. Better numbers don't equal to a better phone, if they have no real use

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • M$Z
            • 22 May 2020

            ALonZo, 22 May 2020If this phone is worth £1200, then I am baffled. 8GB ... moreBut you have 4k. Ok let me try to explain this carefully. If you watch a side by side comparison of 120hz and 60/90 Hz of animation or games you WILL notice a difference. If you watch a film, series or sports match with the same side by side comparison their is NO visual difference because even the sport is only 60fps, 30fps for TV and 24fps for films. So having a screen refresh at 120 Hz when their is only 24 frames to see in a second will not make a difference.
            Now if you watch 4k side by side with a hd 1080i 120hz screen on any fps rate you WILL always see a difference.
            We know that sd865 does not support 4k at over 60hz. So before saying that the phone should have 120hz to be worth the price, I ask you which is more important for your needs? Does 120hz mean the phone is more advanced or does 4k mean the phone is more advanced? That depends on what you do with it.
            But to base the idea of price acceptability on refresh rate alone is a very basic observation

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 3DR
              • 22 May 2020

              [deleted post]it adds opinion about the price. Stop blindly defending them. Sony is asking quite a lot, probably just because others get away with it.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 7Ae
                • 22 May 2020

                Hope some reviews start coming out soon. Hope it's worth the wait.

                  If this phone is worth £1200, then I am baffled. 8GB of RAM and a 60hz refresh rate? Really? For that price point I'd have at least expected 12GB RAM and the very least a 120hz refresh rate. £1200 for this phone is a crazy price. This phone should have been around £800 tops, based on it's specs.

                  There is much better competition out there if you wish to cough up that much money.

                    • p
                    • pan
                    • sxr
                    • 22 May 2020

                    AnonD-785804, 22 May 2020Sony sells camera to other brands but they itself uses ZEIS... morejust the sensor... they also have g lens, yes... but zeiss makes images better... i have nokia n8 and nokia 909 and zeiss lenses on them are amazing... captures result to clear UK images

                      • p
                      • pan
                      • sxr
                      • 22 May 2020

                      RishiGuru, 22 May 2020I smell a Sony fanboy. But their is nothing wrong with that... morenice points... i am not sure if i am an xperia loyalists, then... :-D
                      i tried nokia, lg, alcatel, lenovo, xperia, cloudphone, firefly mobile, htc, asus... and found xperia as my "sweet spot"... both my personal phone and work phone are xperias... i sold some, i keep some... like lg g4 nokia n8 and nokia 909, those are great camera phones... that is why i am excited with the camera system of xperia 1II... btw, somehow i consider myself an xperia "fan" despite the fact that i dont always upgrade... still on z5 premium as it still works the way i want it... but with a lot of changes (except the classic design), xperia 1 II is very promising...

                        • D
                        • AnonD-785804
                        • rKa
                        • 22 May 2020

                        Sony sells camera to other brands but they itself uses ZEISS lens. But why? Are sony camera not that worthy???

                          AhmedSLL, 22 May 2020Gsmarena should just stop including the unofficial prices i... moreAnd also they are giving different deals from different sites

                            AhmedSLL, 22 May 2020Gsmarena should just stop including the unofficial prices i... moreThose are the Europe prices, Moto Edge+ cost €1.199 in Europe, this is n't an american site

                              take my money Sony!!! can i preorder in Europe??

                                • a
                                • aaaa
                                • Stp
                                • 22 May 2020

                                AhmedSLL, 22 May 2020Gsmarena should just stop including the unofficial prices i... morethey accurate about prices i saw 1200dollars in one store

                                  Unboxing and First Impressions in Japanese.

                                    Rushi9923, 22 May 2020The phone will launch in Japan tomorrow and the official pr... moreGsmarena should just stop including the unofficial prices in the spec sheet, I don't know what's their problen with 1200, they did the same thing with the moto edge+ which actually costs 999$, and they don't specify the price of each version which makes people think in this example that this is in same range as the s20 ultra, while it have the same price as the s20+ 250Go version ( the official price when released).

                                      Smithravi, 22 May 2020I take no offense in getting called Sony fanboy (though I'm... moreIt seems our perception of mobile phones and how we use them are poles apart. However saying that I respect your theory of sticking to one manufacturer and using their flagship smartphones for 4 years minimum. By sticking so long with a single handset, no mater how inflated the price is, at the end of 4 years you have very well got every penny back which you invested in the first place.

                                      On the contrary I try to be as brand neutral as possible. I know sticking to one brand too long will make me love that brand because I am getting accustomed to their feature sets and the habit just grows. Next, everything else from other manufacturers seems bad. Its a physiological thing. Blind brand fans generally fall into this trap, as they go on using a specific brand mobile phones for ages and gets habituated to that manufacturer specific ecosystem unable to change later. So the tendency becomes not to change. I do not want to fall into this trap.

                                      I find their are Sony fanboys, Samsung fanboys, LG fanboys, Apple fanboys. ....... all existing in their own space, very happy in their own loved manufacturer eco-systems. It proves all ecosystems are equally good and they are simply not able to get out of one and try another. I am one of those few who have tried all Sony, LG, Samsung, etc flagships and find all equally appealing. Hence I buy the best bang for buck phone by try to be 100% brand neutral. These sometimes leads me to Chinese flagships and I also find them very appealing. To each their own.

                                      In the end what matters is being happy. If you are happy with Sony, love their innovations and their flagships, then nothing else matters. Be happy and be safe.

                                        RishiGuru, 22 May 2020I smell a Sony fanboy. But their is nothing wrong with that... moreWell, if you really care about your hard earned money so much then why did you have like around 25 smartphone? Reason to buy so much? Just were pushed to buy one due to??? Wouldn't it be better to buy a Smartphone for a premium price and holding it for 3 to 4 years then buying a phone half of the price and changing it every year, your case with 25 phones looks worse! The next part--- No doubt why Indian phones lost their stand in market to the Chinese phones and no doubt why in India the count of "Exploding Phones" are higher! You know I regret seeing Sony, LG, Motorola, HTC, Blackberry, Symbian and Nokia loosing their ground in this consumer (mobile) market. The technology would have been more versatile for now if they never disappeared. Same applies to nVidia!