Sony Xperia 1 II
- ?
- Anonymous
- Kxr
- 19 May 2020
JoelRaj-1002, 19 May 2020I've been watching this debate for so long and I don't real... more"Everything is linked to maintain the temp of the phone (the claim of VOOC)."
Those claims have been verified during testing.
If you have followed the debate, you'll find links where Temps are proven to be in check with VOOC. While QUALCOMM quick charge and PD had higher Temps and consequently reduced charging speed in response as they use inferior charging tech which can't keep heat away.
I suggest you check out the Android authority links where they compare everything with in depth detail on how individual charging works,the software part, the materials used, the batteries used, the components, etc.
Most ppl here haven't fully read anything and simply assume Both QC, PD and VOOC is same thing. All your questions are answered there.
- Smithravi
- g8L
- 19 May 2020
[deleted post]Coming from an anonymous name. Have some guts to put your Name first place before you speak so called "Facts". Using different VPNs and trolling a Smartphone is not how you call yourself rational. Go to Oppo thread.
- T
- Telephone
- 0fw
- 19 May 2020
Anonymous, 19 May 2020
Can you show me link where Oppo publicly admitted to batt... moreHow about this. I'm going to agree with you that OPPO has a good fast charging system with good results. But according to android authority, OPPO vooc uses a "traditional" method. Basically lower voltage charging. To me, traditional means old/ancient. Except oppo improved it.
People who want to use fast charging, will use it. People who don't will avoid using it frequently. This decision is up to the user. Simply use it, or don't.
- J
- JoelRaj-1002
- XR6
- 19 May 2020
[deleted post]I've been watching this debate for so long and I don't really care nowadays to make people understand the fact! Coz I have learned that once something is fed in human brain, it's hard for it to think apart from it. So, let's just make it simple- the much watts you introduce to an electrical system the much heat is generated. So, basically the 65W is going to bring more stress in your phone and battery to which eventually increases the temp. Now let's go to the next part- the phone, charger, cable and what else? Everything is linked to maintain the temp of the phone (the claim of VOOC). Now the other way around- as said before you can't stop the heat generated! Now, due to the 55W of power being introduced to the phone we are going to have an hotter components, battery, charger, cable, chips and even the case :p. Now to cool stuffs down the VOOC claims it lets everything cool down. Not gonna apply any coolant, no cold air blown, no air.... then how? They just gotta decrease the WATTS. AND IF THEY DO THEN IT'S NOT A FAST CHARGER ANYMORE! So how are they able to achieve this? For a better example-
You charge your phone with a 55 W charger for 5 minutes and the heat generated in joules goes rapidly high.
The VOOC algorithm, programming or whatever... say technology, comes to precaution and what happens then? They should decrease the Watts for at least couple of minutes to decrease the temp.
SO THE 65W wont be constant to call it something like supernatural (if you know what I mean). Any suggestions?
- Smithravi
- g8L
- 19 May 2020
Anonymous, 19 May 2020
Can you show me link where Oppo publicly admitted to batt... moreThis comment proves that you are not in a state to think rational and arrogant. What I said is based on fundemantal science. I think you believe whatever a Company says without any authenticating real life Proofs. I have been loooking at your comments to other user where you simply unable to Digest the information and Graphs in the links provided. Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not doing your dirty homework mate. If you really wanna find out Ultra fast charging degrades a battery or not, just use Internet. There are plenty of articles where it is proved fast charging degrades the battery in Long term.
Here i give you one Suggestion. Buy an Oppo Smartphone with 65W and use it for 2-3 years and come back here and share your experience.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Kxr
- 19 May 2020
Anonymous, 19 May 2020Ok. Oppo uses more advanced, faster tech, bigger battery wh... moreI personally don't care which phone you buy.
It's your money at the end of the day.
I simply can't digest ppl spreading misinformation about other brands including Sony.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Kxr
- 19 May 2020
Smithravi, 19 May 2020That Twitter nerd is the one who does real world Tests. Do ... more
Can you show me link where Oppo publicly admitted to battery degradation as you claimed? NOPE!
Can you give link where that Twitter nerd did real world test?
I gave you links where real world tests were done by Android authority where VOOC came out on top.
It's clear that you are a proven liar who has delusions of grandeur.
Take your fast charging causes battery degradation propoganda elsewhere.
- ?
- Anonymous
- pGj
- 19 May 2020
Anonymous, 19 May 2020Where is the public statement? Any real proof?
Some Anandt... moreOk. Oppo uses more advanced, faster tech, bigger battery which doesn't overheat, or degrade as quickly so it lasts longer, Happy?
I will still buy the Sony over the oppo and I still believe Sony to be the superior phone and I also believe that the Sony will last 5 years if I need it to. I I also believe that the majority of the people on this forum think the same.
What shall we talk about next? Tell me what else is Sony overcharging and overhyping for that oppo does much better? Please feel free
- Smithravi
- g8L
- 19 May 2020
Anonymous, 19 May 2020Where is the public statement? Any real proof?
Some Anandt... moreThat Twitter nerd is the one who does real world Tests. Do you belive a chinese Company lab Tests over real life Tests?? You ask for Proofs but you don't believe those Proofs. Good luck with your Obsession man.
No matter who says what, Li batteries will degrade over time with increased stress and temperatures. 65W will Always excerts more pressure compared to typical 10W or 20W. As I said Nokia,Sony, Apple are not stupid man. Wake up. People who buy These cheap mobiles Change their mobiles in 2 years. It is not biased. Reason why it makes sense to use this Ultra fast charging in These is fine but on a flagship mobiles I think, longevity is important over buy and Change.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Kxr
- 19 May 2020
Smithravi, 19 May 2020Oppo publicly said that their 40W degrades the battery to 7... moreWhere is the public statement? Any real proof?
Some Anandtech biased reporters Twitter claims?
You rely on twitterati for your info? Lol.
I rely on real world results and testing where Qualcomm quick charge being inferior lowers charging rate otherwise those Ancient charging tech phones might explode or Atleast degrade batteries. VOOC doesn't need to lower charging speeds since the technology keeps temperature in check even if you charge and use the phone at same time.
Again these tests have already been done in the Android authority link I mentioned earlier.
Real world lab test data or some twitter nerd?
- Y
- YogiBear83
- 8j%
- 19 May 2020
Nick.B, 19 May 2020true! news is from last days. trump is so angry :( I start... moreI dont stay on US side but chinese try to tell people that they produce hi-end electronics but thats made on US, Europe and Japan machines and patents. They make good devices but too much copy.
Another wrong side is that chinese delay information about virus.
- N
- Nick.B
- Fmx
- 19 May 2020
Iwamoto, 18 May has stereo speakers and it's 4K, did you even che... moreqHD screen is what P40Pro DOES NOT have
1200 x 2640 pixel
mate20pro 1440 x 3120 pixels
p40pro has MONO speaker. ;)))
Sorry fan boy
We have 3 huaweis but this does not make me BLIND for the reality.
mate40pro will fix all that I have big hopes
- N
- Nick.B
- Fmx
- 19 May 2020
Nothing New, 19 May 2020Let's also hope for kirin 1020 after what happened to huawe... moretrue! news is from last days. trump is so angry :( I starting to hate US just because of him
- ?
- Anonymous
- pGj
- 19 May 2020
Anonymous, 19 May 2020 The link you gave is not for smartphones, and is thereby ... moreDoes it not seem strange to you that even oppo would admit to 70% degradation if it wasn't true. And if they admit to 70 it is probably more. Or do you think that admitting that their product will not last as long as the competition is part of their marketing strategy?
- ?
- Anonymous
- Kxr
- 19 May 2020
Telephone, 19 May 2020"...high currents induce higher mechanical stresses..." Fro... more
The link you gave is not for smartphones, and is thereby not applicable as it is for completely different functioning devices, different discharge rates, different surface area, heat dissipation, etc.
Unless you have scientific studies done on fast charging in last 2-3 years on all smartphone brands, don't bother wasting your time.
I am pretty sure, you still haven't fully read about VOOC, have you?
Nor did you pay attention to the thorough testing of different fast charging tech pitted against each other. Those are the true real world results. Rest is therotical garbage.
- Smithravi
- g8L
- 19 May 2020
Anonymous, 19 May 2020Keep using a Ancient charging tech data and graphs.
Besid... moreOppo publicly said that their 40W degrades the battery to 70% capacity (Example1: 3500mah out of 5000mah) compared to 15W would to 90% capacity (Example2: 3600 out of 4000mah). No body cares about what you think. Ultra Fast (40W+) charging even with bigger batteries is garbage compared to fast charging (15/18W) on a less battery capacity after some time.
Company who made 65W and 50W themselves confirmed it, it's all crock of bs marketing race seeking to have the bigger numbers. You're just one of those fallen pool. Apple/Sony who spend billions in R&D compared to chinese companies are not stupid to still use 18W if Ultra fast charging is available with no losses.
- T
- Telephone
- 0fw
- 19 May 2020
Anonymous, 19 May 2020You do realize that the battery university article is from ... more"...high currents induce higher mechanical stresses..." From 2019 (tested every method of charging) the charging circuits used in phones are inferior to the ones used in this study.
Its still a fact that fast charging is bad, so, unless necessary, don't fast charge.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Kxr
- 19 May 2020
Telephone, 19 May 2020So you are saying that having 2 batteries is better.
It tu... moreYou do realize that the battery university article is from 2012.
VOOC wasn't even around then.
Qualcomm quick charge 2.0 wasn't around.
It doesn't take into account several factors.
As I said keep using ancient fast charging data and graphs without incorporating new factors and tech.
It's like comparing efficiency numbers of automobiles 10 years back to current ones not taking into consideration newer tech inside newer cars that improves fuel efficiency.
Unless you have scientific studies done on fast charging in last 2-3 years on all brands, don't bother wasting your time digging up articles from 10-15 years back.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Kxr
- 19 May 2020
Telephone, 19 May 2020Because you like android authority, I made sure to get you ... moreI don't follow particular tech sites like Anandtech or Android authority or others.
Android authority was the only one to break down different fast charging tech available on market and compared them in detail with thorough tests.
I don't engage in blind brand boyism either.
I am pretty sure, you think I own Chinese phone.
In reality, I don't but I appreciate innovations and superior tech products irrespective of the fact which country they originate from.
BTW, graphene batteries still have a long way to go.
I'd say 10 years.
- T
- Telephone
- 0fw
- 19 May 2020
Anonymous, 19 May 2020Did you even read the link I gave you?
The phone only inc... moreBecause you like android authority, I made sure to get you an article from them.
This is the future of batteries.