Sony Xperia go
- Z
- Zakir
- 8jp
- 21 Dec 2012
Maggi, 19 Dec 2012I upgraded my phone's(Xperia Go) Andriod version to 4.0.4. ... moreHold together volume down(- ) key & power button,Then u will get it.
- r
- reaverscav
- 01A
- 21 Dec 2012
Bought the phone, upgrade it to ICS. Got no problems unlike those who commented before. Heck, it got even faster. Even test it to extreme meaning performance wise. No probs and is bragging it until now.
Now I am planning to buy the Acro S. Big Bro of this phone. ^_^
- v
- vincent
- w0P
- 21 Dec 2012
The inside of the back case have some water on it after i put it to the water is it normal??
- a
- alpesh
- vI2
- 21 Dec 2012
AnonD-91517, 20 Dec 2012Ii is a nice phone, but I want to know how I can delete pho... moreGo to album and select photo see left corner to delete icon to delete
- D
- AnonD-28191
- K6m
- 21 Dec 2012
i cant download from Google play store. it shows error after sometimes. please help
- D
- AnonD-91677
- t}M
- 21 Dec 2012
superb phone and ultimate camera
- v
- vince
- w0P
- 21 Dec 2012
Maggi, 19 Dec 2012I upgraded my phone's(Xperia Go) Andriod version to 4.0.4. ... moreHow,? Does it erase your apps ?
- ?
- Anonymous
- w0P
- 21 Dec 2012
The green part of the get wet too if i put it on water .. Is yours too?
- h
- halflife87
- pvT
- 21 Dec 2012
REN, 16 Dec 2012GUYZ how can i transfer my music files from phone memory to... moreuse 7zipper software or astro
- v
- vergel
- wYI
- 21 Dec 2012
AnonD-84517, 10 Dec 2012is the loudspeaker loud enough or not ????????? anyone !!!!not enough for loud speaker
- s
- shahjee
- 6Q9
- 21 Dec 2012
Over all its a good set, i want to ask, how to setup a push email in it?
- D
- AnonD-91517
- nBT
- 20 Dec 2012
Ii is a nice phone, but I want to know how I can delete photos from the telephone. I have no option 'delete', only 'share', 'select', deselect' and 'details'. The users guide says there is an option 'delete', but it is not there.
How can I delete photo's? Google has put automatically loads of photo's in my telephone and I want to get rid of them.
- v
- vivaan
- KAk
- 20 Dec 2012
plz help me that which phone should i choose from-
xperia go, U, J..????
my main priority is music+ photo clarity+ video recording and its should not hanged up.......
plz reply.......
- A
- Ashwin
- 20 Dec 2012
Superb Phone..... Only thing is screen. It should be of 4 inch otherwise Sony invented great smartphone
- D
- AnonD-91255
- 20 Dec 2012
does it have self timer for the camera
- ?
- Anonymous
- 20 Dec 2012
does it have self timer for the camera
- R
- Ran
- tWh
- 20 Dec 2012
/\/@r@, 19 Dec 2012press the power buton and the volume down button simultaneo... morewhat will happen?
- Z
- ZastaviX
- mts
- 19 Dec 2012
lone, 17 Dec 2012Why didn't support SD 14GB?My GO have 32gb and it works perfectly!
- /
- /\/@r@
- X0}
- 19 Dec 2012
AnonD-90961, 19 Dec 2012I upgraded my phone's(Xperia go) Android version to 4.0.4. ... morepress the power buton and the volume down button simultaneously
- K
- Kasun
- s%{
- 19 Dec 2012