Sony Xperia XZ1

Sony Xperia XZ1

User opinions and reviews

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L0lip0p, 17 Sep 2017You seem definitely know nothing how a product is made... ... moreCan't

    AnonD-441601, 16 Sep 2017Man i think you never had a chinese mioodel before. Using L... moreYou seem definitely know nothing how a product is made...
    And your ego seem over the top, made in chinese and made by Chinese is different, it got to do with quality control and how the phone is supported, if we are talking about features phone which what you pay is what you get and it stay... Nowdays phone had to do with the long term support and that alone cost money
    Lenovo phone last long? , where that come from, i used lenovo before and it stability barely last me 6 month before it started hang and heating up for no good reason
    In fact i even had my xiaomi that died coze of bootloop and it didn't even last a year
    Sending it to the retailer and guess what after a mont they send it back to me and said the phone can be repaired and the annoying thing even the power button is uresponsive after i send it

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • sS%
      • 17 Sep 2017

      AnonD-441601, 16 Sep 2017Man to be honest i said my opinion and wasnt offense. If th... moreJust regarding your comment about a splash resist feature being a waste of money, at least a couple million phone users use either public or motorcycles to & from work for financial or efficiency reasons, and this trend occurs mostly in countries nearest to the equator rather than the poles..this means rain & humidity, lots of it and sometimes unexpected thunder storms. Not to mention the occasional unavoidable waterborne traditions in some parts of South East Asia (28 million phone units in 2016 survey), everything is about being wet one way or another in that region. The anti-soaked-to-death-while-in-your-pocket feature is badly needed!. You are saying unless all criterias are met its a waste of money, is a waste of sentence, its like saying: unless everybody likes ice cream then its a waste to build an ice cream factory. Well, most people do like ice cream! And sometimes even when it rains... Just a thought, peace!

        • D
        • AnonD-593045
        • veM
        • 16 Sep 2017

        better buy Z5 premium 4K 5.5 inch even the phone is almost 2 years

          • D
          • AnonD-441601
          • SH3
          • 16 Sep 2017

          Anonymous, 13 Sep 2017Lie? Don't you trust your eyes? Watch speed test and see yo... moreMan i think you never had a chinese mioodel before. Using Lenovo Vibeshot for 2 years and works like charm. Sony will last the same.
          Quality? Where? Everything is made in china.
          Even an apple on back panel have made in china.
          You know what? try to guess how much could cost apple 3 or 4 assembled with US workers where minimum hourly pay is around 8 dollars.
          I tell you over 2500.
          Now try to guess how much could cost Iphone X assembled in USA by USA workers in USA facility? I tell you. Same price or maybe higher than Vertu phones. And Vertu signature touch starts at 9000 eur and ends at 20 000 eur depends on used materials.
          And now try to guess why everything is made in china? Because china worker in facility making phones earn per year same money as US worker per week.
          I think i answered your quality question. If you have anything else to say come on :-)

            • D
            • AnonD-441601
            • SH3
            • 16 Sep 2017

            AnonD-678118, 13 Sep 2017First of all you don't have to go offensive in speech, and ... moreMan to be honest i said my opinion and wasnt offense. If this touched you then you didnt see me in real :-) But thats not for this discussion and i am sorry if i touched you by any means LOL.
            First thing water is enemy for all the electronics but unless you swim with your phone use it in heavy rain or work in area where is lot of wet area a water protection is just waste of money.
            I dont need water protection have my phone for 2 years using lenovo Vibeshot and i am satisfied. And i dont live in a place with no rain if you think so :-O
            Only certain people find usage in IP67 or IP68 protection. But from 100% of phone users i guaratee you at least 90 or 95% will say its just expensive uselles thing. if you are carefull enough having a phone with water protection is just a waste of money. Anyway you can buy cover which is water resistant. And is much more cheaper than having this add-on in your phone.
            With gorrila glass i was right if you buy screen protector for example panzerglass you are good to go. Basic screen is just enough. When your phone drop to concrete your screen will be like ice on ice stadion after world championship in ice hockey.
            You know even a people having gorrila glass in phone use glass screen protector and sometimes it helps and sometimes not. If phone drops on corner you screen dies anyway no matter how thick screen protector you had.
            FHD is more than enough for anyone. 2k or 4k in such small screen nobody will spot difference you must have same eyes like eagle or cougar othervise you spot no differences at all in screen like 5 inch. So its just waste. Look Sony is isung Triluminious display engine and x reality or how it is called i guarantee you my Lenovo vibeshot for 350 eur will have simmilar screen to that. Everything else can be set in settings.
            So i was right and you trying to say opposite.
            But its your opinion against mine.
            I am see it this way and i believe many people will agree with me.
            Because everythign extra can be bought in much cheaper version but will maintain same.
            Like waterproof cover or panzer glass.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 6XU
              • 16 Sep 2017

              Anonymous, 16 Sep 2017I've been a Samsung user before but when my phone broke I d... morePeople who post negative comments are haters. So you've used Sony and you know about it's superb quality. Cheers.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • t7A
                • 16 Sep 2017

                I've been a Samsung user before but when my phone broke I decided to try Sony and I've never been happier, I can't count how times I've dropped it but it never failed me after all this time, it is indeed a durable phone, If not for the need to upgrade my ram, i would still be holding on to this phone like forever?haha Sony indeed builds quality phones. As for connecting and using a wifi network, no doubt it is the fastest, my coworkers could agree on that, it also connects easily to miracast compliant TVs irregardless of brand, also even in a remote place it could still find a signal. For those hated bevels, i love them, it let's me hold my phone without worrying of tapping anything on the screen

                  • D
                  • AnonD-700769
                  • vgN
                  • 15 Sep 2017

                  Tann Hauser, 15 Sep 2017You just dont get the point, do you? Ah well...enjoy your ... morehey @everyone ~
                  this ppl> [tann hauser] really hated on this phone lmao, maybe he can't buy or he got copy-verison of it >.< so sad hahahaa
                  yeah, bro, LET US ENJOY OUR USELESS SHIT AND F*CK OFF FROM HERE~!,
                  i really loved on this phone,
                  ~u can make awesome slow-mo vid to post on instagram ,
                  ~u can take fast photo with that camera button [ i think sony user will know how effective this is
                  ~ this design really make me proud about my phone , elegant and ~~ wah !
                  ~ i can play tap tap game from playstore with all of my finger >.< [10 finger! this i the best]

                  bruh , i think i like my useless shit,

                    • D
                    • AnonD-670091
                    • nHb
                    • 15 Sep 2017

                    Anonymous, 14 Sep 2017You know how in other countries the Xperia XZ premium has b... moreXZ Premium~700euro (currently)
                    XZ1 ~ 750 euro (pre-order price)
                    XZ1C~650 euro(pre-order price)

                    Yep the biggest problem is the pricing.

                      • B
                      • Boyo
                      • 6XT
                      • 15 Sep 2017

                      Very good phone. I love it. The main disadvantage for me is the lack of a dedicated SD slot in XZ1 dual SIM.

                        • s
                        • savage
                        • KZK
                        • 15 Sep 2017

                        Foxtrot2Novmbr, 15 Sep 2017And you think that all samsung galaxy s6/s6 edge to S7/s7ed... moreWireless charge is not a useless thing,it became useless if majority of consumer wont using it maybe only you that using it,so it will be consider as useless,and sony have it since early z series ,so no need to boost about samsung that create it. Did you use cheap sd card or what? I use sony sd card and it came with pre installed rescue tool if sd card go wrong..

                          savage, 15 Sep 2017Why you care so much about sony? Eventhough you hate it,if ... moreGoddamn the most number of comments seen here is from him. Jesus christ

                            Foxtrot2Novmbr, 15 Sep 2017Then care to explain your point?No, not actually. It would take too long a post to explain, and you probably wouldnt agree. So no.

                              Tann Hauser, 15 Sep 2017You just dont get the point, do you? Ah well...enjoy your ... moreThen care to explain your point?

                                Ari, 15 Sep 2017Because Sony last longer I have w8,sp and z3 all are still... moreThat is not an issue!

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • 6XU
                                  • 15 Sep 2017

                                  Guys go for it. It is Sony. I will buy next upcoming Sony flagship plus SanDisk 512GB micro SD card. My Z3 works fine. I will give it my mother as a gift.

                                    Foxtrot2Novmbr, 15 Sep 2017And you think that all samsung galaxy s6/s6 edge to S7/s7ed... moreYou just dont get the point, do you?
                                    Ah well...enjoy your useless stuff...

                                      • A
                                      • Ari
                                      • 7qx
                                      • 15 Sep 2017

                                      Foxtrot2Novmbr, 14 Sep 2017Well. That's your decision. But for others. I don't think t... moreBecause Sony last longer I have w8,sp and z3 all are still working but I'm tired of using them so will bought this one..

                                        Tann Hauser, 13 Sep 2017In every way. See, you have to understand, wireless ch... moreAnd you think that all samsung galaxy s6/s6 edge to S7/s7edge now has exploding batteries? Wireless charging is useless? LOL! It has removed the issues of plugging and repluggin the microUSB port. And if you can't find the cable. You can still charge your phone wirelessly. If you lost your cable or if the microUSB port comes loose. You'll gonna have to buy another microUSB cable
                                        256GB is useless? Ha! Only to you cause don't install a lot of apps and games. Tell me, if the microSD card gets corrupted. How can you recover the files from the microSD card?
                                        32 bit sound is useless? Go to the public where there's a lot of noises everywhere. Tell me, can the 24 bit sound still produces loud sounds when there's a lot of public noise?
                                        DTS HD is useless? Did you even have a phone that has DTS HD on it? NO! So where did you base your facts?
                                        All phones have VR capabilities? How about screen quality? Is it optimized? NO. This is the reason why Daydream was created so that when you use the VR apps. The screen itself is well detailed. Even the 4K resolution didn't even get a good screen quality when using the VR app. I know this because I have z5 premium dual. And I'm using vivid not x-reality.
                                        All phones have Ar capabilities? Tell me, Are those smartphone cameras, tested to run the camera for hours?
                                        And you think that what I see and what I value are useless? Where's your basis that you know my value? There's more a meaningful way that owning a sony is useless. Which is why it isn't selling well.