Sony Xperia XZ1

Sony Xperia XZ1

User opinions and reviews

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Anonymous, 11 Sep 2017The features you stated doesn't mean that it is practical a... moreFast updates, Software Optimization, durability? HA!
I have a Z5 premium Dual. Running on 7.1.1 nougat. All I can say is. It's worst!
That DSEE HX sound improvement software? It only made the volume output lower even on maximum settings. I used a certified sony earbuds that are connected to the jack.

Battery life is also worst than ever. I thought it would last a day. But, whenever I put the phone on sleep. From 100% down to 80% in a span of 2 hours! I have no running apps on the background. Stamina mode is engage. Yet I experienced short battery life!

Charging is a problem. It takes 4 hours to charge my unit. And I'm using an expensive microUSB cable on a original 1.5A wall adaptor. Yet It take this long to charge? Sony promise the update fix for the battery life on the xperia z5 premium dual on the 7.1.1 update. It only made worst!

And you think S8, S8+, and Note 8 have the same problem as the S7 and S7 edge? A real shockproof, and waterproof smartphone goes to LG. Cause the LG G6 and beyond are using military grade standards.
I wonder about the 2017 sony smartphones. How good is the durability compared to military grade 2017 LG smartphones.

    Anonymous, 11 Sep 2017The features you stated doesn't mean that it is practical a... moreYeah, well, you gotta love all their "who cares", " gimmicky" and "useless" comments...
    Same can be said for a dozen of features they cherrish on their phones, but, heck, I wont go to that low levels of communication.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • xCD
      • 11 Sep 2017

      Foxtrot2Novmbr, 11 Sep 2017Is that all you can say? I'm laughing at your own stupidity... moreThe features you stated doesn't mean that it is practical and good in many ways. Sony focused on the essentials, fast software updates, durability, optimization, etc. I got nougat on my z5c earlier than the s7 and comparing them side by side, my uncle's s7 is way slower than my z5c considering I have many applications installed 200 to be exact, more than 10 albums containing high resolution flacs, tons of videos and pictures, etc. Issues? Well I will not argue that Samsung has way more issues (major and minor) to offer in their flagships; pink lines on s7 edge, chipping of the paint home button on the home (s7 and s7 edge), and minor issues. I experienced minimal to none MINOR ISSUES which can be fixed by software update. Durability? I dropped my phone 15 times and it only got scratches, dents, and cracks on the side frame. When I saw the cracks on the side frame of my phone, I thought it will not be water resistant anymore, but I was wrong.

        Foxtrot2Novmbr, 11 Sep 2017Is that all you can say? I'm laughing at your own stupidity... moreSo?
        I can number more than 10 features that XZ Prem and XZ1 has. and that I care more about, but Samsung phones dont have: qnovo battery care, stereo speakers, dsse hx, ldac, 4k screen, 3d creator, ps4 play and controller support, 960 fps slo mo, 19/13 mpx cameras, in built noise canceling, 5axis stabilisation, rgb ir sensor,...

        You being a Samsung fan obviously, why even reply to a Sony fan on a Sony XZ1 thread.
        Why did you get triggered?

          Anonymous, 11 Sep 2017The S7/S8 have the best battery life out of all FLAGSHIP sm... moreWell, if you say it...
          Alrighty then.

            Tann Hauser, 11 Sep 2017Simply put, XZ1 has tons of features that S7 or S8, or Note... moreIs that all you can say? I'm laughing at your own stupidity!

            Who cares about prolonged Sot if you have a powerbank?
            Who cares if it have Qnovo battery tech if it takes too long to charge? People don't like slow charging android phones.

            You say tons. But you only mentioned about battery life! Here's tons of features that sony doesn't have but the samsung s8, s8+ and note 8 have
            1. Bezel less display.
            2. 128GB internal storage.
            3. Wireless charging technology.
            4. Both the S8 and S8+ are daydream certified.
            5. All 3 units are perfectly designed for split screen task
            6. Iris scanner
            7. Note 8 has dual camera lenses
            8. All 3 have Samsung Desktop Experience support.
            9. All 3 have 32-bit/384kHz audio. Which is louder audio system.

            So in the end. S8, S8+ and the note 8 has something of offer tha the sony.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • iDd
              • 11 Sep 2017

              Tann Hauser, 11 Sep 2017Simply put, XZ1 has tons of features that S7 or S8, or Note... moreThe S7/S8 have the best battery life out of all FLAGSHIP smartphones. You won't get more than 6 hours SoT on a Pixel, an iPhone, an HTC U, an LG G/V-series or even on an XZ1/s/Premium. My S7 is already one year old and I haven't seen a noticeable reduction in battery life.

              The only thing the XZ1 has that the S7 doesn't is that gimmicky 3D creator and useless 960fps slomo video. The S7 has way way more advantages over the XZ1.

                • D
                • AnonD-685720
                • u1D
                • 11 Sep 2017

                My only problem with Sony is those huge bezels and small screen size :( Don't know if Sony have any phone with at least 5.7", I'd love anything around 6".

                And woahhh look at battery 2700mAh :(

                  Dazzatruth, 10 Sep 2017I cant see many people buying this with far better phones a... moreSo, in your mind, less bezel alone equals a better phone?
                  I guess then best phone award goes to UmiDigi S2, the best smartphone with unbelievable 300$ pricetag.

                    Anonymous, 09 Sep 2017My S7 is one year old already and I'm still getting 6 hours... moreSimply put, XZ1 has tons of features that S7 or S8, or Note 8 dont have.

                    My 6 mnth old X Performance has in average 6-7 hr SoT on LTE, having better batterylife. On wifi it can go up to 8-9 hr SoT. Funny thing was like that half a year ago, it will be like that in half a year, and even after an extra year, so then it will still have better batterylife than any S7 or S8.Your S7 battery will degrade in half a year to 4-5 hr SoT, or maybe even go bust due to fast charging without control, as many users report. So you ll end up changing it, or, of course, getting a new Galaxy phone with new battery.
                    While you doing all that, I ll still happily charge my 2700 mah battery that a bit longer, for the same 7 hr SoT.
                    Thats the whole idea behind qnovo feature, onen of many that your phone doesnt have, and XZ1 has.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 7q5
                      • 11 Sep 2017

                      skwid, 09 Sep 2017this is the most beautiful and complete phone they have mad... moreTrue I have Sony w8,e4 and the battery is quite good while seeing battery of other phone makes me greedy so I bought Asus with 4100mAh battery but now after 4months its like Sony 2300mAh one.waste of mah

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • IbE
                        • 11 Sep 2017

                        UltimateZeroSeconds, 11 Sep 2017Which phone you are using? The more cheaper the lack of eve... moreBingo! We got a winner!
                        Finally, someone who gets the concept of Low end!!!

                          Anonymous, 10 Sep 2017Common man...! My cheap android phone is still alive after ... moreWhich phone you are using? The more cheaper the lack of everything in expects. My sister buy a cheaper smartphone last year, she capture lowlight photos and I review it on computer, it is very very blur, the internet speed is slow, I aware when we do the video calling with Wahtsapp, the connecting speed is bad and the front camera image quality also very bad...., yes the cheaper smartphone can do a lot for job but it is lack of quality.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • ELT
                            • 10 Sep 2017

                            Yoharen, 10 Sep 2017Trust me all sony xperia phones can survive 2 to 5 years ea... moreCommon man...! My cheap android phone is still alive after about two & half year and it (my does good working (less than $128 in present day less than $80)

                              • D
                              • AnonD-699179
                              • d%v
                              • 10 Sep 2017

                              BTW, most of the unboxing videos i watched with shows no headphones. Does this beast don't go with it? :'(

                                • D
                                • AnonD-699179
                                • d%v
                                • 10 Sep 2017

                                I still have my Z1 Compact from 2014 and still works really really fine :-)
                                Good as new! :-)

                                  • z
                                  • zackerpunch
                                  • d%v
                                  • 10 Sep 2017

                                  Dazzatruth, 10 Sep 2017I cant see many people buying this with far better phones a... moreyou look at the physical side. you don't look at the heart of what you are judging. this may look 2010ish but the quality is 2020ish. The phones you patronize look year 3000s but the quality couldn't even make to 3001s. how fool are you? being so judgmental on the outside not looking what's inside?

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 6XU
                                    • 10 Sep 2017

                                    Yoharen, 10 Sep 2017Trust me all sony xperia phones can survive 2 to 5 years ea... moreI trust you because my Z3 is two years old and still works fine.

                                      • D
                                      • Dazzatruth
                                      • nI8
                                      • 10 Sep 2017

                                      I cant see many people buying this with far better phones available and Sony's yet again square non design phone with large top and bottom bezels even the sides are thicker than the competition. Its just another xperia phone nothing new no curved screen like a lg flex 2 or a samsung s8 and note8 no cool iphone feeling with thin bezel and screen rap around front camera design. No this is really a ugly sony phone worser than the first xperia z series. It looks like a 2010 phone.

                                        • Y
                                        • Yoharen
                                        • gNU
                                        • 10 Sep 2017

                                        Trust me all sony xperia phones can survive 2 to 5 years easily,I have 2 years old E3 still running good .I will definitely buying this one