Sony Xperia Z

Sony Xperia Z

User opinions and reviews

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  • N
  • Nesan
  • rvn
  • 28 May 2013

Does Whats App operate on this handset?
As thinking of getting 1....any suggestions?

    • D
    • AnonD-149658
    • MUb
    • 28 May 2013

    AnonD-35192, 28 May 2013Is it a TP-Link router?no its thomson, even i tried dlink, same problem :(

      • D
      • AnonD-121165
      • GRT
      • 28 May 2013

      ok trollz... if u wana get insults n embrased hea... then keep on comen an posteng... the more trollz the more review increses :-P

        • D
        • AnonD-95582
        • Sr{
        • 28 May 2013

        the sony zperia z is a perfect phone. after update the camera resolution is better than before and very clear. it is a perfect phone. i like sony since the t68i . the htc one and the sumsung s4 is not better than xperia z and not as fastest than the z a 4-5 % fast is not a big deal. sumsung is very laggy and many problem, htc great phone but sony perfect design and better phone.

          • D
          • AnonD-35192
          • NhF
          • 28 May 2013

          AnonD-149658, 27 May 2013Guys i bought my Xperia Z, days ago, well its awesome but a... moreIs it a TP-Link router?

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 6kM
            • 28 May 2013

            rj23, 28 May 2013And what Samsung only did as an innovation is what they cal... moreYes they cpied Sony's idea like air motion or whatever its on the sony xperia sola i think ......

              • D
              • AnonD-27200
              • uHZ
              • 28 May 2013

              Sony Xperia Z is truly the best smartphone. I have been using Xperia Z since March. The screen is super clear and sharp and it produces vivid images and videos thanks to the Mobile BRAVIA engine 2. Xperia Z is also super fast and the camera is very good.

                • j
                • johnn
                • 6w@
                • 28 May 2013

                Sony xz has a great design and the symmetric & flat design makes it fit perfectly in hands in horizontal use(specially gaming and also watching videos)

                  • J
                  • JACK
                  • bCb
                  • 28 May 2013

                  as per phone specifications xperia z rate is much more high compare to other hand set in same specification.

                    • D
                    • AnonD-149926
                    • U21
                    • 28 May 2013

                    Really a great graphics and fantastic screen resolution, awesome for gaming and playing videos. Multi-proccessing interface is good and overall a great phone with water resistant, i tested it in a water tub and worked great inside water and insolubility is good too.

                      • h
                      • human
                      • fxH
                      • 28 May 2013

                      Great phone. every thing is perfect though the camera should have been better.

                        • k
                        • kate
                        • 9Lb
                        • 28 May 2013

                        SONY is simply the best!!!!

                          • r
                          • rj23
                          • thc
                          • 28 May 2013

                          This phone is awesome but I will just wait and keep my HTC One X plus for the meantime till Sony releases the Honami smartphone! My sister has the Z and I always play with it since I am so in love with it that even my sister is having a hard time getting it back in her hands. Haha! Sony FTW! It is not just great in hardware but the designs that they put in all their smartphones will always be top notch. One fair comment though, the screen should be more advanced so it can go head to head with other OEMs.

                            • r
                            • rj23
                            • thc
                            • 28 May 2013

                            john adam, 27 May 2013experia z is zero rated performance, shape and every depart... moreAnd what Samsung only did as an innovation is what they call Octo core which is in fact a gimmick because they only have 2 sets of quad core and they only make it sound good with their marketing strategy so please, do not tell us that Sammy is not a copying machine like they really are because most of their ideas on the S4 came from other companies like Sony, LG, Nokia and even Apple.

                              • r
                              • rj23
                              • thc
                              • 28 May 2013

                              AnonD-1846, 26 May 2013Are you jeaulous or what? This is very clear that Samsung S... moreThe fact that Sony released the phone way ahead of Sammy should already be at least a favor to Samsung since their Galaxy line is really famous and they should only sell more dude coz the fact that they always advertise their product on tv, radio, internet, billboards then they should get enough attention and make the minds of people brain washed just like you. lol

                              I wouldn't mind getting a device as lovely as the Xperia Z and getting a full webpage 3 seconds late than the Galaxy S4 can load because I am pretty sure that I can still surf the net and be able to take pictures of my favorite places anytime at anyday whether is it sunny or rainy and while I am at the beach. Of course, people who own S4 can not go closer to the water with their phone or else it will get busted! Haha! If ony Sony was able to wait a little till Snapdragon 600 is available in the market then they could have been able to surpass the Galaxy S4 in all the aspects because again, most of its features which most likely are gimmick like dual shot and smart pause were originally the idea of LG and Sammy only
                              put it in their device. The air gesture is not even their own, it was even launched way before S4 because the O+ android phone which happens to be a very cheap phone but cool already have it for months even before S4 came out of the market. Now Samsung is making a Galaxy S4 active and they now realized that Sony's idea of having a rugged and lovely device will help their sales. Sammy is the real innovator here! lol

                              Ask Samsung for your perks brother so you can get your latest gadget from them and maybe you can have your own statue built right in front of their headquarters as the best in ditching other companies especially Sony! :)

                                • D
                                • AnonD-116479
                                • iwp
                                • 28 May 2013

                                oxytocin, 27 May 2013What a clarification and analysis of the mobile phones you'... moreThanks for the appreciation!

                                  • J
                                  • Jr.
                                  • iup
                                  • 28 May 2013

                                  If this had 2100 MHz shouldn't it work on Tmobile $G network since they operated in 1700 & 2100?

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • uWE
                                    • 28 May 2013

                                    soooooooo expensive set

                                      • b
                                      • badkiller
                                      • vwn
                                      • 28 May 2013

                                      I have completed 60 day's with this phone without facing any hardware problem, but on software it's performance is not so satisfied,like socialife,stamina mode,late camera start. hope sony will fix all this issues shortly
                                      screen-I think xperia z have best screen among all smartphone , colour productions are superb. but I will not lie some times it produce unnatural colour like purple cloud but at last it happens to all mobile displays. some people says that black production is not good as AMOLED display, i dont agree with them because xperia z produce correct black levels for example if a man with black shirt stand on night sky background you can easily see the difference between black level unlike AMOLED which shows single black level for all. dark colour objects
                                      camera-camera take some time to start, which can cause miss of moment but there is an option for fast capture, photo qualities are very good at normal lights even in low light, but low light shot quality largely depends upon your shooting recording@1080p is awesome,

                                      user interface and battery- UI is good or you can say better than good, 3 on screen buttons are given for back, home, miniaap + running apps.berfore xperia I was using HTC sense, and sometimes I feel that sense was better than this Sony UI,navigation through UI is very smooth.
                                      Battery- this is most important specification of any smartphone because without power they are nothing than a expensive toy.So how is Xperia z's battery backup, I know you guys are going impatience to know this,ok we all know that android smartphones are power hunger,and in case of sony this go more further on negative opinions.In last 60 days I have face only one day on which my xperia got off due to complete power loss, but on other days phone can live a complete day with a single charge,I used to call 2 hrs(approx)
                                      music listening 3hrs,video play back timing is not fix but at least 20 to 25 minutes is used to watch videos,net surfing atleast 1:30-2:00 hrs,and frequently checking msg and face book updates.Bluetooth off,display at 30-40%. with all this condition my phone still have 15-20 % power left.for gaming I remembered once I start playing game when battery was 84% after approximately 1:45hrs battery was at 36 %.satimina mode is very beneficial when only 10-15% power is left,

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-115401
                                        • xq5
                                        • 27 May 2013

                                        SONY THE BEST : AND SONY HAS HES Design : no any copies like apple and samsung and now htc