Sony Xperia Z3 Compact

Sony Xperia Z3 Compact

User opinions and reviews

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  • U
  • Ugh
  • jjQ
  • 26 Feb 2015

Very delicate, do not buy this phone unless you plan to carry it around in a padded bag,, the back glass shatters very easily.

The Sony experience is horrible, from the store to customer service,, you are better off using a major retailer like Best Buyer rather than the Sony Store,, HORRIBLE customer service

    • D
    • AnonD-110047
    • ssR
    • 26 Feb 2015

    Anybody knows when Android 5 lollipop is coming for Z3 Compact?

      • D
      • AnonD-82943
      • KI4
      • 26 Feb 2015

      If you need long time battery, just go for z3 compact. You'll never regret.

        • S
        • Samy
        • Nqw
        • 25 Feb 2015

        Mal, 25 Feb 2015I bought my phone from NCIX (Canada) in November 2014. I pa... moreI'm not sure if you don't know that but you can activate "Glove Mode" from the display settings, and it worked for me with regular gloves. It's been a saver for those cold winter days.

          • M
          • Mal
          • Y9n
          • 25 Feb 2015

          Curiousguy25, 21 Feb 2015I have been doing my research for a long time now and I am ... moreI bought my phone from NCIX (Canada) in November 2014. I paid 650$ Total (phone + shipping + insurance) (Yes, I'm a bit paranoid for expensive products). I use the device as my main and only phone ever since. This is my only portable device (no tablet, phablet or anything like that).

          About the device crask / screen issues:
          I live in Quebec, Canada. I bike in winter everyday, two times a day to go to my job, no matter how cold it gets (-20C theses days), and keep my phone in my pant pocket. So everyday my phone goes from 20C to -20C (or worst). I sometimes use it in the street while walking (taking picture for instance), but it's pretty rare because it's usually to cold for my hands (I dont have fancy smarphone gloves). My screen has absolutely no issue. I put the screen protection that was in the box with the device. I don't know if that's doing any difference with cold protection, but I don't plan to take the chance and remove it. Anyway, it's free when you buy the device, or I also had one with the case I bought.

          I also made it fall from a table, my hands when standing, and probably one other time, but there is absolutely no trace of any fall. It felt only when in a case though.

          To reply to @X-Ray too:

          I haven't notice that it was slippery, but I now use a silicon case so it dosen't really matter. The case is not particulary nice (bought a 11$CAD one on Amazon) but it does the job (made it fall 2 or 3 times, and absolutely nothing is visible on the device). It doesn't feel "too thin" at all. It's a phone, not a credit card I can tell you that. There is absolutely no issue for me to hold it. But once again, I have a case now. I used it for a few weeks without the case, And it was ok. (I would rather not aving the case (because it's not really sexy), but I don't want to take the chance to see it fall and break. It's nice, but it's still pretty expensive.)

          I almost never write reviews for products, but I'm really happy with this phone (only things pissing me off are all the useless apps you can't remove, and the "privacy rape policy of Android apps). I guess there are some trolls (paid or not) to change customers mind, and/or fakes products and/or really defective genuine products. I guess it happens for all the products in the world though. My phone seems genuine, without defect, and I believe not to be a troll :p

          One little thing is the update to the last Android version. I guess the staff situation at Sony is impacting this update, but I'm really happy with the current version so I don't really care not having the last fancy 5.0 Android release.

          Just one last thing: Sony will probably announce the Z4 very soon at the Mobile World Congress. Even if the updates will probably be pretty small, waiting for the new phone specs / prices may be a good idea if you plan to buy this phone (and Z3 prices are probably going to drop a bit)

            • D
            • DQ
            • iUK
            • 25 Feb 2015

            elly, 24 Feb 2015I'm interested in buying sony phone. But I'm not sure, is n... moreIn my opinion AND personal needs, 4.6~5" is the perfect screen size to make a compact device, comfortable to hold and use.

            My history with touch screen devices was:
            BB Storm2 - 3.2"
            Motorola Atrix - 4" (very compact, bad quality display)
            Samsung Galaxy S3 - 4.7" (stolen from me, perfect screen size, but the phone felt too big)
            Sony Xperia Acro S - 4-3" (perfect body size, screen ok)
            Sony Xperia Z3 Compact - 4.6" (perfect body size / perfect screen size IMO)

            It all goes down to personal needs, I simple can't recommend this phone to Phablet users!, those will need to consider the Z2 or Z3... but for people that uses regular size phones / old iphone users / one-hand users... This is the BEST package, it may not have the best camera (I tested against Nexus 5, iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, S5), it may not have the most accurate display (too cold)... but the camera is good enough and is great on Manual and specific scenery (low light), the display is very bright and battery efficient, the battery itself is incredible, the UI is simple yet productive, and the performance is extremely good.

            Choose which ever suit your needs better

            BTW, I tested water resistance on mine and it works pretty good. I recommend to get a wrist strap and use the eyelet hole on the device to prevent falls, in my opinion is way better than simply using a case.

              • t
              • tSon
              • YMe
              • 25 Feb 2015

              elly, 24 Feb 2015I'm interested in buying sony phone. But I'm not sure, is n... moreI has same confuse like you. It is hard to choose large or small screen, large screen is not good for carry cause it is also large body. I still choosing and prefer device 4.6 to 4.7 inch for fone and 6 to 8 inch for tab. haizzz

                • m
                • mobw
                • XuT
                • 24 Feb 2015

                Z3C, 24 Feb 2015Bought it recently. Having a blast with it. youre r... moregud to know


                  • e
                  • elly
                  • ph$
                  • 24 Feb 2015

                  I'm interested in buying sony phone. But I'm not sure, is nowadays 4,6 iches screen enought (epsecially with not so high resolution)?
                  So which phone do you guys recommend: Z2 or Z3 compact?

                    • Z
                    • Z3C
                    • N}0
                    • 24 Feb 2015

                    AnonD-99250, 22 Feb 2015Exactly,Don't listen to these fake reviews They are all sa... moreBought it recently.

                    Having a blast with it.

                    youre right, they are just a bunch of Trols

                      • C
                      • Chap
                      • 64h
                      • 24 Feb 2015

                      Pluto, 22 Feb 2015I've had the Z3 Compact for two months now and its excellen... moreIs your z3c made in japan? Or what?

                        • S
                        • Samy
                        • fvT
                        • 23 Feb 2015

                        X-Ray, 21 Feb 2015Hi, Could any Z3 Compact owners let me know if it feels sl... moreSlippery, yes, unless you have a case on you constantly feel that you could drop it any moment. And its not too thin at all. You could say it has just about average thickness.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • A2r
                          • 23 Feb 2015

                          actually this the best phone i ever had...nothing can compare to SONY...

                            • P
                            • Pluto
                            • 3sE
                            • 23 Feb 2015

                            Anonymous, 23 Feb 2015You'll be surprise how many defective phones are out there ... moreFake or defective you know what I mean :P

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 4$g
                              • 23 Feb 2015

                              Pluto, 22 Feb 2015I've had the Z3 Compact for two months now and its excellen... moreYou'll be surprise how many defective phones are out there than actually fake :P

                                • Z
                                • Zi
                                • NRH
                                • 23 Feb 2015

                                Disappointed with this phone model that I bought direct from service provider barely 6 months ago. Failed me twice overseas. Once in Australia & just recently in Malaysia. Not durable as claimed or advertised.
                                First time I sent in for warranty repair the motherboard was replaced. Not sure what other parts will be changed out this time, or if I have to make future trips to Somerset 313.

                                  • P
                                  • Pluto
                                  • 3sE
                                  • 22 Feb 2015

                                  X-Ray, 21 Feb 2015Hi, Could any Z3 Compact owners let me know if it feels sl... moreHey, I have the z3 Compact and its awesome - no problems at all. It feels really comfortable. I've developed a habit of holding it because it feels so comfortable. It doesn't feel slippery at all if your hands aren't wet because if they are then it gets slippery. I almost dropped it when I first got cause my hands were sweating. It does feel slim but not to the point where I stuggle holding it. Buy it :)

                                    • P
                                    • Pluto
                                    • 3sE
                                    • 22 Feb 2015

                                    Curiousguy25, 21 Feb 2015I have been doing my research for a long time now and I am ... moreI've had the Z3 Compact for two months now and its excellent. All these reviews about flaps popping out, cracks on screen and back panel, phone dying can be true. This is because the phones they have are fake. My mom bought the galaxy S5 and it was laggy and slow then it eventually shut down and wouldn't go back on because it was fake. My cousin has S5 also and hers is fast and she's had no problems with it. My Z3 Compact is magnificent, I dropped it while standing (it gets a bit slippery) and it did not crack at all - I was really impressed. My phone hasnt cracked on its own, its super fast, the camera is amazing and has a lot of features I can't even remember them all, the screen is amazing, the OS also reminds me to close flaps securely and tells me if an app is preventing a battery saver from working properly which I find really smart, the battery is the best I've ever had. What suprised me was its really fast and that the phone battery is excellent even with Stamina Mode turned off. when I first used it for 2 hours and about 50mins (BBM, 40 mins of browsing, sending music using bluetooth, listening to music for 2 hours, 4G, Bluetooth, Whatsapp) I noticed that the battery was at 85% and I couldn't believe it! Also I fell asleep (a little over 3 hours) with the phone in my hand and the battery at 73% and when I woke up it was at 71% with Stamina mode off! I get 2 day battery easily but on the second day your battery will be like at 13% like mine always is. I also tipped a glass of water with my foot while watching a movie and it was covered with water and it was still working which also impressed me. My friends always talk about how awesome it is and how good it looks (white version). Apps are also faster than I expected - if u want a phone that makes you smile and laugh because of disbelief get the Z3 Compact - honestly you'll be proud of your choice. I strongly recommend u buy it, but when you have it don't abuse the waterproof feature like going in the shower with it or dipping it in water every single day like other nut heads do.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-99250
                                      • Xug
                                      • 22 Feb 2015

                                      Z3C, 21 Feb 2015I dont care what you guys will say. Im buying this pho... moreExactly,Don't listen to these fake reviews
                                      They are all samy's paid trolls
                                      Try the device for urself then u'll get it

                                        • Z
                                        • Z3C
                                        • N}0
                                        • 21 Feb 2015

                                        I dont care what you guys will say.

                                        Im buying this phone period