Tel.Me. T919
- @
- @Rieva
- 12 Jul 2003
of course at your local phonestore.....
- r
- rieva
- 10 Jun 2003
very nice, if i want to get this ,how?
- b
- buaya
- 13 May 2003
the color screen only 32K not 65K or maybe more. dual band. and can i know how much? maybe i want to take one. thank's for your answer.
- R
- Raymond
- 28 Apr 2003
dun buy this piece of crap ... not worth the $$, i got mine for 3000HKD, then found that it works like a "prototype" ...
poor display color, dun be fooled by the pictures on the web, the actual screen looks like 256color to me, 32k color .. my foot.
lousy picture quality, no matter wats the setting, lousy output.
all icons in the menu. yah ALL icon, nothing but ICONs ONLY, no text...
very bad user interface. cannot send pictures thru infra. only mms and upload via cable.
games, ONLY 3, cannot remove, nor install more ... nokia's snakes are more fun than these 3 games ...
worst of all, cannot update the software even it you have the cables, the upgrading of firmware in the phone NEEDs a serial (com port) infra adapter, YAH, SERIAL only!!! usb do not work. ... its year 2003 now ... floppies, serial ports, roller mouses are history ....
if u're planning to get this phone, i advise you to save up a few more dollars and get the ericsson p800 or even the nokia 7650, even thou its a old phone ...
conclusion; this is not a phone ... its rubbish ...
regards (and regretted)
email me at for more lousy details of this crap ...
- D
- Dr.Octupus
- 19 Apr 2003
I have it and with Java i can do nothing!!But this is not a bad phone, it is very good!!!!
- b
- bogdan
- 04 Apr 2003
...I don't know what to say...this is a really beauty...masterpiece. VERY VERY GOOD JOB!!
- s
- sinisa zivkovic
- 02 Apr 2003
Please send me more information about T919 mobilphone inculding price
Thank you
- a
- alberto
- 08 Mar 2003
jakov, if it costs 499 Euro, then when will this phone goes to asia and what the price will be?
- .
- ...
- 05 Mar 2003
tel me???? so shit name!!!!! datz all!!!!
- l
- labeebilly
- 03 Mar 2003
no Java??
- T
- Tareq
- 17 Feb 2003
Any one knows how to get like this one in Saudi Arabia??? It just like a dream!
- T
- Tareq
- 17 Feb 2003
Any one knows how to get like this one in Saudi Arabia??? It just like a dream!
- a
- adil
- 15 Feb 2003
Tel.Me.?never heard this kind of name on come a mobile exist with this brand
- p
- pizzakhoo
- 14 Feb 2003
that's all.
- P
- Peter
- 10 Feb 2003
sorry about the late reply Munir. I got the price off the website which i found on Google. Buyin it off the net is the only place i've seen it. By the way, i bought a new mobile about 3 months ago and it's shit, lookin at it i'd rather ov had this :(
- ?
- Anonymous
- 09 Feb 2003
I don't know Swedish but I'll believe you. but you have to admit the site looks a bit...I don't know... unoficial! I don't want to start a fight ;)
- ?
- Anonymous
- 08 Feb 2003
Ethical? What the hell has phone comparision to do with ethics? Telme looks and is a brick compared to neonode. And I don't have that much doubt that it exists since they started the production this month. if you know swedish, or check neonodes forum.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 07 Feb 2003
the neonode looks like it was developed by some kid!! I don't believe it really exists the quality of the fotos is... well, not convincing. besides the way it is compared to other phones doesn't look very ethical, besides it's even uglier than nokias!!!!
I still think this is much better
If it really existed It could be a good phone
- M
- Munir Omer
- 07 Feb 2003
i thought is fone was good. but i bothered to look at the neonode, n blimey! that fone is smaller,lighter n it looks a bit better.
- M
- Magus
- 07 Feb 2003
Looks good, but it doesn't beat the Neonode N1.