Tel.Me. T919
- q
- quinton
- 07 Feb 2003
On second thoughts I think the 7650 still beats this phone even though it is good value at the price.
- q
- quinton
- 06 Feb 2003
For the price of this phone it certainly beats the competition when it comes o features...Only bad thing is availability...How come we're not getting this phone in South Africa.
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- ilyaz
- 05 Feb 2003
i never heard this cellphone brand before, is it new?, i really interest with feature and design, where i can get more article or the sample of products?
,i'm from indonesia.
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- indra
- 05 Feb 2003
who can send it to Indonesia? I really want to have me +62 8123987456
- M
- Munir
- 03 Feb 2003
i think this fone is a masterpiece. peter, i live in london and i was wonderin where i cud buy this fone coz i really like it. please send me an email or reply back on gsmarena. £240 is not bad for this fone.
- P
- Peter
- 03 Feb 2003
in england this phone is £240 plus VAT if anyone wants to know. P.S. i kinda like this phone ;)
- W
- Wendy Jacobs
- 01 Feb 2003
Just managed to get hold of a t919, and I was really pleasantly surprised, initially by the weight, but then by the ease of use.
The screen is really rather good, certainly as good as my digital camera, and I really liked the slideshow option on my stored pictures.
I had been a real fan of the NK7650 (despite its obvious shortcomings in terms of software), now I think I'll look out for this.
- J
- Jamo
- 31 Jan 2003
supperior screen and colors! Switchable from portrait to landscape screen mode! Digital cam is in CIF format, 352 x 288 pixels, is enough for mailing and personal presentation.
for further info, go to this page:
- J
- Jakov
- 31 Jan 2003
It costs 499 Euro/ is made in Austria(if that means something).Best thing about this phone is speakerphone,wich is so good,that you can hear it in onother room(if playing MP3 files),an it can contain up to 10 ours of music.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 30 Jan 2003
it's not expensive? how much does it cost?
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- alberto
- 29 Jan 2003
jakov, could u tell me how much this phone costs in singapore? thx
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- alberto mancini
- 29 Jan 2003
actually i never heard this brand in indonesia. but after reading the specs, im getting really excited about this phone. can i use it in indonesia, coz u know that smtimes they had a network/country lock. and also about the guarantee and aftersales service in indonesia. can smbody help me with this? thx.
- J
- Jakov
- 29 Jan 2003
It is totaly cool,except that camera is on thrre bottom,so it can get scrathed.
- J
- Jakov
- 29 Jan 2003
Who likes tochscreen,best option is to buy this becouse it is not expencive.