Vertu Signature
- c
- charles
- iLT
- 21 Feb 2006
a absolute splendid phone, does what you need, a phone for which you can call the butler for example; to get the limosine ready. worth every single penny, and works perfectly. i own four and each work fine and not a problem with any of them and no scratches on them after several months.
- g
- gman
- YY}
- 17 Feb 2006
what a waste of money.
- S
- Steven Krisman
- YdZ
- 10 Feb 2006
Its existence makes all other phones seem pointless. Having just bought the Stainless Steel Gold Keys Edition (18,500 SGD), it has made me embrace the essence of luxury.
Nothing at the moment or in the near future would come close to the refinement, elegance and exclusivity of this mobile phone.
A class ahead the rest.
I just hope they would raise the price by 20%-40% for exclusivity's sake.
- g
- gabriel
- 04 Feb 2006
this its a nice telephone ....but hi dont deserve the money what they ask
- s
- sin
- PA@
- 14 Jan 2006
if u ride in limo but u hold a nokia 1100 would people be wondering?if u ride in a limo and hold this phone with platinum casing people would stare at u !i can afford this phone but i better get 8800 no offense but i dont like the wieght..its realy heavier than my communicator
- w
- 2IK
- 14 Jan 2006
Actually the owner of Vertu doesn't CARE about features like MP3,GPRS,Wireless,Camera... but the FAME of the phone.They want the others KNOW who the OWNER is !!! They wanna be famouse to own the phone-considered the KING of the phones.I think this Vertu is a great and luxurious masterpiece !!!
If I had enough money,I would boy it surely !!!
- s
- spraca
- 4Fn
- 03 Jan 2006
ok....i dont own the phone....nor would i ever but that doesnt change the fact that i respect it...the phone WAS NOT DESIGNED FOR FEATURES...ppl buy it because its exclusive, and in case people dont realize it your paying fot the expensive ass materials that go in you phone..this is the same thing as purchasing something from bang and want something that says im rich and prominent...obviusly people cant understand why this phone was designed...if this phone were cheap then every1 would end up buying it just like what happned with the moto was a cool phone to have until every1 had it....and another thing if you buy this phone you know for sure that it will not devalue unlike all the techy phones that are out there...
- N
- Nawab
- SkE
- 25 Dec 2005
Its so nice phone from outside but no things inside if inside like outside than its no.1 otherwise its so high prices for the SS signature one,anyway i have the signature SS one...and i like the desgine of this phone mmmmmmmmmmm its so nice
- ?
- Anonymous
- SY0
- 20 Dec 2005
this phone is great it is one of the most coolest phones ever, and do you know why cos its made out of platinum
- J
- John Schilen
- P4T
- 20 Dec 2005
Honestly, who is the guy that will buy this phone? It has no special functions such as mp3 or even gprs. It's just overpriced. I don't see any special reason to this phone be so expensive, even the more advanced smartphones like nokia n-series or sony ericsson w-series are. The phone don't even have pieces made of gold! Can someone explain me why this brick is so expensive? It's just like start producing a nokia 2110 in the year of 2005 and seel it for $40.000.
- m
- matt dufrene
- Q@%
- 19 Dec 2005
i currently own 2 of these is a very good looking phone, but it stops at that. The conceirge feature is nice also. The phone itself if pretty basic. if you want the status symbol i highly recommend it, other than that stick to the normal phones.
- D
- Dark Man (Unix Wizar
- iFr
- 19 Dec 2005
i wouldnt buy this fone even if you begged me guys! 22,000$?! are you kidding me, i prefer to buy two trans-am's and a 1967 harley and go to las vegas with whatevers left instead.
- R
- Rcv
- ibb
- 17 Dec 2005
Walao,,,, This is a really nice phone to show off.
- b
- bb
- nyF
- 14 Dec 2005
dis fone is nice, but only designed 4 RICH ppl only, too expensive 4 normal ppl ... but even i hav the money i wouldnt buy it
- b
- bong
- 08 Dec 2005
i can't afford it, the phone is to good for me. i have to go out and beg more. :(
- r
- rachel
- MF{
- 05 Dec 2005
This phone has NOTHING!!!!! except for a big price tag... it has no style, no worthy features to splsh so much money on... its ugly looking, i would rather go out and spend money on a nice lookng far that has got decent enough power on it than, fork out my money on a useless thing like this.
I may sound harsh but some plz tell anything good about it.. try change my mind...
- a
- angel
- 17 Nov 2005
this phone looks nice wish there was a camera though.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Gh6
- 14 Nov 2005
I would best describe this phone as an expensive stylish brick (see dimensions) for wealthy people who have the money to waste.
- b
- big sekc
- Uiw
- 04 Nov 2005
Its the Versace of mobile phones.Let's face it, this phone is not for everyone, it caters only to a very niche market. Nokia 8800, Motorola V3 are similar concept phones wit a decent price tab and features.
Mobile technology has his a saturation point now. As for the devices we are on optium potential, whats the point of having hi tech phones when the service provider can't support it? This phone is a designer element. A Class on it s own.
- d
- dave
- mXB
- 01 Nov 2005
i swaped this phone for my lap top the gold version it was worth about 8000 wow and swaped a lap top that was worth 1300 he really wanted to get rid of the phone for some reason