VK Mobile VK530

VK Mobile VK530

User opinions and reviews

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  • b
  • berni
  • mXU
  • 08 May 2005

hay i had the vk 530 pink for a while from december til march and i absolutely LOVED it, except for the battery life! omg i thought some of the little ringtones alredy on it wer cute n groovy n also the message tone iz wel cute! i den got it stolen on the same month as my birthday in march on holiday in cyprus!:( but luckily insurance money came and i was allowed to get another fone, so i chose the motorola v550, and i realy regret that...coz i realy realy miss my pink fone now!!!!!!!!!:( :( :(

    • k
    • katie
    • Skx
    • 08 May 2005

    Has anyone else had problems with the vk530 phone charger? I know i have already posted about the treatment I received from vodafone staff but i really need to know whether anyone else has had a faulty charger so i can complain and get some money out of them! any responses greatly appriciated! x

      • k
      • katie
      • Skx
      • 08 May 2005

      Well ive just got my pink piece of rubbish back from repair and although its behavin itself, I also asked specifically for the charger to be sent away becuz that was broken 2.went to get it back yday n the stupid gurl in vodafone said they didnt send it away, but it was unsafe to use n evertyime i need to charge ma phone (which is about every 20mins lol) i have to go 2 tha store - n im on a 18month contract with the horrible little phone! the camera is useless, before it was fixed it switched itself on n off, deleted my unread messages and the batery dies in about a day. VODAFONE REALLY UNHELPFUL - i had a samsung e600 before this phone, i wish i kept it that was a great phone! xx

        • j
        • jessica
        • mm%
        • 07 May 2005

        how do i change my bakground ?

          • v
          • vk530's are the best
          • mmR
          • 07 May 2005

          i am really worried i have 1 and it is chargin now. will it work 4 me? i hope it will :(

            • k
            • kirsty
            • mya
            • 06 May 2005

            hi,can someone please tell me if you can put photos on your pc from your phone? please reply!

              • J
              • Jillian
              • mXQ
              • 06 May 2005

              I agree vodafone has handled this badly, but the phone is really cute but has a mammoth amount of probs. From switchin off to the colours goin funny. But the lilac one is so cute.

                • G
                • Gill
                • mXQ
                • 06 May 2005

                I posted a message on this bored when I first got my phone about the major problems I was having and how I had to send it off for repairs and I was praying when I got it back it would be fixed. Little did I know this was only the start of my problems!!!!!!

                I went to pick up my fone after a ten day service repair. I tried to ring the shop to make sure the fone was in b4 i went over however after ringing almost 6 times nobody picked up so I went to the shop, only to be told by the assisstant "ooopps thers been a mix up your fone is not back yet!". Obviously I was angry and she told me it would be in in one wk. At no stage was I offered a replacement phone despite the fact it was their fault my fone had not returned!

                One week later I tried again to see if my fone had come into the shop. Yet again I tried to ring but to no great supprise there was no reply. AGAIN I had to travel over to be told yet again my fone had not arrived!!This went on for over three and a half weeks until finally somebody decided to tell me my fone had been lost and it was only fair to give me a new fone!

                This new fone had the "new updated software" meaning it would no longer switch off and let me into my inbox. I complained to the manager about the treatment I had but I found him to be rude and didnt wan to know. After 3days my fone started to play up again, switching itself off etc. Horrified, I foned the vodafone help line who advised me I was legally entitled to a full refund because despite the fact I had bought the fone 5wks ago, I had only had it for 11days in my actual posession. On returning to the vodafone shop wanting a refund, I was told by a member of staff I would have to speak to the manager and in order to do that I would have to cum back the next day!

                I went back the next day and the manager stated the people from the vodafone helpline should never have told me I was entitled to a full refund and I would not be getting one. I could either have a new phone(which lets face it was probably also faulty)or yet again sent of my one for repair. At this stage I felt completely fed up and left the phone with them to repair. I eventually got my fone back and two weeks later its going well, however the treatment that vodafone expect their customers to put up with is definately unacceptible. The have very low standards and a low opinion of their customers.Vodafone do not seem to be bothered by the fact that they provide a terrible service. I was increadably let down by vodafone and although the phone itself is nice and finally working, the service and amount of excuses from different people that I had to put up with was shocking!!!


                  • r
                  • rachel
                  • T4w
                  • 06 May 2005

                  i have a blue and so far anything is great i love it to bits just like i love all my phones to bits, i am very haappy and i think al girls will love this phone in any colour.

                    • c
                    • cindy
                    • msh
                    • 05 May 2005

                    got my pink vk 530 for christmas really chuffed with it but unfortunatly its just started switching it self off each time i try to get my messages just read about the reviews not very good are they taking it back to the shop tomoz very disappointed

                      • k
                      • kirst
                      • mya
                      • 05 May 2005

                      please can someone tell me if you can put your photos on your p.c with a usb . please reply xox

                        • S
                        • Samantha
                        • mX@
                        • 05 May 2005

                        I have try to find ringtones for the VK530 but i cant seem to find any, and also the prices are to high why cant they bring out a price plan for sameome like me that uses my phome all the time really im losing so much money with vodafone.

                          • j
                          • jenny
                          • iL$
                          • 05 May 2005

                          i think its brill my mate got hers 5 mounths ago and had no probs at all. one of my other mates has got one to and has had nothing at all rong with it. im planing on geting one my self in lilac but i dont want it on vodaphone as its well more expensive, if i get it unlocked and something dose go rong i wont be able to take it back. dose any one know if you can get it on any other net work?

                            • j
                            • jane
                            • SpL
                            • 05 May 2005

                            does anybody know how to download ringtones to the vk5300,ive been told you need to get a data cable but ive looked everywere with no luck..any ideas please help before i loose my mind n throw the phone against the wall thanks xx

                              • L
                              • Louise
                              • MWT
                              • 05 May 2005

                              Can you send pictures to a email address?? x

                                • k
                                • kirst
                                • mya
                                • 04 May 2005

                                i dont no wot to do,i love the look but i dont no weather to get it , ure all saying its crap.im not sure wether to order it!please help me diside!

                                  • e
                                  • eminem loverrrr
                                  • iLM
                                  • 04 May 2005

                                  hey i heard all the bad reviews n that but i say stuff it just get if u like it i is gettin 1 !!! im not getin a pink 1 tho they are lush but everyyy 1 got them im guna go 4 the lilac! lol ..cant wait! :-P

                                    • s
                                    • sam
                                    • iGL
                                    • 04 May 2005

                                    i bought a vk 530 in lilac about 1 month ago but now it crashes it turns off and its crap fone dont buy it

                                      • r
                                      • rebecca Elmore
                                      • mmN
                                      • 03 May 2005

                                      I think the coulor range is very good , i like the pink one. But i think it would sell more if it had a MP3 player in it like some of your other phones.

                                        • a
                                        • amanda
                                        • nhB
                                        • 02 May 2005

                                        my pink phone was great for a month, but now it´s crap, i cant get into mu msg...it just turn istself off, so i cant go to my inbox...do anyone know how to peair it? i live in sweden now, and they don´t have this phone here,,what to do??

                                        cant send mms,,it´s crap, but nice model.