Xiaomi Mi Max
- I
- I Bora
- gNT
- 15 Dec 2016
I am using a Mi Max phone. Problems seen after updating MIUI-
1) WiFi Hotspot service is not good, sometimes does not connect to PC. The phone is to be rebooted to get connection.
2) Finger Print Sensor does not work smoothly, often requires to go to Pattern Lock to open it.
- N
- Neha
- w0%
- 15 Dec 2016
I am confused between Moto M and Mi Max, can someone help?
- A
- Abhi
- t}W
- 15 Dec 2016
sajith, 14 Dec 2016Going to buy mi max any suggestions Its a tremendous mobile phone i have been use ever,iam using since last 2 months and iam very satisfied with it you can go ahead blindly and buy the same
- R
- Raghav
- gMD
- 15 Dec 2016
Hii guys , going to buy mi Max any opinions .
- D
- AnonD-618314
- X%I
- 15 Dec 2016
Hi guys,
After updating to, I am having multiple issues:
1. The sound is very low while using Headsets ( even after Mi sound enhancer is turned ON)
2. The Theme center is saying "can't connect to the network" even though network is turned ON.
3. One Handed Mode is not functioning/working
4. MI PC Suite(v cant detect MI Ma Prime ( it says, you need to update your device to use Mi Pc Suite. Update your device before connecting)
Please tell me what to do!!!!!!!!
- D
- AnonD-620697
- IaY
- 14 Dec 2016
hello guys xiaomi mi max any wifi issues?
- s
- sajith
- nCf
- 14 Dec 2016
Going to buy mi max any suggestions
- S
- Sarvesh.Mc
- uwX
- 14 Dec 2016
Bhavish, 13 Dec 2016Hi I wana to buy a phone either vivo v5,on nxt or mi prime.... moreXiaomi mi max prime is best, no doubt
- S
- Sarvesh.Mc
- uwX
- 14 Dec 2016
Lee, 13 Dec 2016Thanks for your advice! But I'm buying her Mi Max as the sc... moreCongratulations 🎊, all the best ur going to buy d best phablet of the year, u won't get disappointed
- L
- Lee
- uC0
- 13 Dec 2016
Roger Lights, 12 Dec 2016I think u buy xiaomi mi max for ur mother better, bcz the t... moreI was thinking the same too. Thanks for your advice =)
- L
- Lee
- uC0
- 13 Dec 2016
Sarvesh.Mc, 12 Dec 2016Its really good bt i didn't think ur mom cn handle ds phone... moreThanks for your advice! But I'm buying her Mi Max as the screen is bigger thinking it might suits her well =)
- B
- Bhavish
- rJH
- 13 Dec 2016
AnonD-288599, 08 Dec 2016Nope. No heating issues at all on 4G. I have 2 Sims in my M... moreHi I wana to buy a phone either vivo v5,on nxt or mi prime. Which one is best for all the conditions(battery,touch,processor&camera)
- D
- AnonD-619921
- thd
- 12 Dec 2016
guys which is best when it comes on gaming performance the vivo v3 max or xiaomi mi max? please answer asap thanks and Godbless!:)
- R
- Roger Lights
- 12 Dec 2016
Lee, 12 Dec 2016Hi all. I'm planning to buy a phone for my mum. Normal usag... moreI think u buy xiaomi mi max for ur mother better, bcz the the screen is bigger, could be suitable for her to read on the phone.
- S
- Sarvesh.Mc
- uwq
- 12 Dec 2016
Lee, 12 Dec 2016Hi all. I'm planning to buy a phone for my mum. Normal usag... moreIts really good bt i didn't think ur mom cn handle ds phone in one hand bcz its big for ladies so
- L
- Lee
- uC0
- 12 Dec 2016
Hi all. I'm planning to buy a phone for my mum. Normal usage (phone calls, whatsapp, games like candy crush/bubble witch). I'm thinking to buy either Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime or Xiaomi Mi Max. Would appreciate you could share me some thoughts. Thank you =)
- ?
- Anonymous
- thv
- 12 Dec 2016
this is a great phone, that would be perfect if it has samsung samoled screen and removable battery!
thx xiaomi
- D
- AnonD-371122
- utx
- 11 Dec 2016
Am from india
- D
- AnonD-371122
- utx
- 11 Dec 2016
My phone memory card slot is not working right out of the box i just got it yesterday.. what to do ?? Will the company give replacement ?? If yes then how should i approach