Xiaomi Mi Note 10

Xiaomi Mi Note 10

User opinions and reviews

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divermans, 14 Nov 2020Bro dont listen to this confusing guy krissy he looks like ... morei'm not admin nor do i try to act like one, i stated facts about this phone;

btw you forgot to mention the negative things that happen when you turn off the MIUI optimization

    Muzungo, 12 Nov 2020Can anyone answer me about the touch response??? I've ... moreBro dont listen to this confusing guy krissy he looks like admin on this page to make people hate this phone so don't take any advice from him .
    About the touch lag yes it's caused by MIUI optimization after i turned it off now the phone works like charm ... One month no problems at all ... How to turn it off
    Go to /
    Developer Options ( scroll down to the end )
    You will see ( MIUI optimization ) turn it off
    Animation scale all 1x make it off
    Done !

    I don't need to swear to god that my problem ot touch lag has ended forever since i did it this way .
    Try first then reply me

      Muzungo, 13 Nov 2020Well you can't get water proof at the price .... But w... morewell , to be fair he has the Lite version,
      but nope, never had such problems;

      also, i am not sure, but i think only Xiaomi makes phones that are not waterproof,
      and for this price (in Europe) you can get 'Samsung Galaxy S10+ 128GB' or even 'HUAWEI Mate 30 Pro 256 GB'
      at the time i bought Mi Note 10, the Mate 30 pro was not available even tho it was released, and the price for it was around 1100Eur while the Mi Note 10 only 560Eur, the Mate 30 pro at the moment costs about 490Eur - which is extremely cheap for such a phone

      Mate 30 Pro > Mi Note 10 , that is how it is

        • M
        • Muzungo
        • fm8
        • 13 Nov 2020

        krissy, 13 Nov 2020there is a slight lag... the slowest unlocking is when unl... moreWell you can't get water proof at the price .... But what I was asking if you can see this video so u know what I mean https://youtu.be/sF7OghnLSvU this types of issues??

          Muzungo, 12 Nov 2020Can anyone answer me about the touch response??? I've ... morethere is a slight lag...
          the slowest unlocking is when unlocking the phone with fingerprint,
          waking it up with the power button sometimes takes a half of a second or so, a very noticeable lag;
          however raise to wake combined with face recognition works the fastest, almost on same level as Samsung or Huawei phones;

          but blinking or something else is not the case, the exact model number on my phone is M1910F4G (odd gag to put 'F4G' in some serial number, after all, there is a different meaning to that 😅 ).

          But, you do know the phone is not water or dust resistant?

            • M
            • Muzungo
            • fm8
            • 12 Nov 2020

            Can anyone answer me about the touch response??? I've been hearing alot and seeing in YouTube people saying that they face touch issue and blinking and some stuff like that ? Some say it's only in the lite version? Help someone answer me? I want to buy this phone !

              divermans, 02 Nov 2020if you talk about battery life and small lags that is a sof... morecouldn't care less, report whatever you want, even to the prime minister of your country 🤣

              btw...on the top right corner of your comments, there is a 3 or 4 digit code, it is assigned to the device and /or IP you connect from to the internet, if you create a new account, it will have same code....
              so the account you created to praise your own comment, has same code....you are the best 😅

              ...and you say in order to gain battery life i have to do something,
              strange, i don't have to do that on other phones but on Xiaomi,
              i wonder why is that?
              do you get the irony?
              other phones work well without the user doing anything....which is the point??

              turning off the MIUI optimization switches to default android OS optimization, which means some apps will work worse some will work better....just as with optimization turned on;
              turning the animation scaling , which i tried in the past, does mess up the screenshot quality....and i do use the screenshot function once a while, so a no go;

              you also claim other 'millions' of users do not have such problems, google it, google 'mi note 10 problems' you will find your millions of results, and that alone for this very model of the phone ;)

                • D
                • AnonD-965852
                • 8aq
                • 02 Nov 2020

                divermans, 02 Nov 2020if you talk about battery life and small lags that is a sof... moreman thank you so much no one mention abt MUI optimization before i just tried it now and i feel the phone flying hahah the display even changed it feels like 120hz my holly cow!! MI NOTE 10 it's really fast now but how did you know about MIUI optimization i think this is the first solution
                anyway tons of thanks you've just made my day and changed the phone but let's see how it will perform on all other tasks hahah a small funny solution fixed my whole damn phone lol thanks diverman

                  krissy, 29 Oct 2020i own this phone and at the current time two huawei phones,... moreif you talk about battery life and small lags that is a software problem and i fixed it long time ago simply follow this steps you will feel your mi note 10 as brand new phone :

                  1 go to developer options turn off all animation scales from X1 to off

                  2 go to developer options again scroll down to the end of page you will see MIUI optimization turn it off and this one what causing 90% of problems since i turned it off i am extremely loving and enjoying my mi note 10 because now it shows its real performance.

                  and the battery a way way way better 2-3 days light usage without games and 1 and half day with games medium usage also no lags no touch lags no battery drain stand by all night only drops now 2% which is awesome .

                  try this method and you will stoo complaining but try it for 1 full day .

                    krissy, 29 Oct 2020i own this phone and at the current time two huawei phones,... moreyour phone have problems nit doesn't mean all phones have problems i own mi note 10 and have 2 phones in my house
                    no problems but your negative comments its really over so that's enough or i wil report this problem to Gsmarena officially ... do not offend millions of users because your own phone have problems but another millions users not experiencing the same so its enough about your posts and it's not welcome anymore.

                      divermans, 28 Oct 2020guys ... WARNING.. this guy user here named ( Krissy ) who... morei own this phone and at the current time two huawei phones, so i warn ppl who live with the misconception , that the Mi Note10 is flawless and has a good battery life;
                      apparently the reviews on youtube are way too positive...after testing the phones for 1hour?
                      i own the Mi Note10 since November 2019 and use it's camera only bcoz the rest of the phone is useless. There you have it, my opinion is at the moment based on about 1year of usage.
                      How long do you own the phone? and how many phones of different brands do/did you own?
                      and if you own the phone, shake it, the sound that you hear is the main camera hitting something, bcoz like half a year ago the camera did drain too much of the battery, which was related to the lens being kept in place with the magnetic field, now it no longer is being restricted, no magnetic field = more battery;
                      this will not be the case if the camera app is running;
                      btw since few weeks when i turn off/on the sounds, the phone keeps on continuously playing the notification sound, and if i restart the phone with the sound on, it will stop doing so....until i again turn off/on the sounds.

                        guys ... WARNING.. this guy user here named ( Krissy ) who keeps posting tons of negative comments please don't listen to him he make this phone in all comment section negative causing problems and confusion to the readers again do not listen to this guy Keeps mentioning Huawei too much its enough orni will make complaint to GSMarena against your too much negative opinions say ur opinion only one or 2 times not 100! comments. THE PHONE ARE REALLY GOOD MAYBE HE DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO USE IT SO THIS IS HIS PROBLEM!!

                          • A
                          • Artjibola
                          • Nue
                          • 27 Oct 2020

                          Macedonia, 30 Sep 2020I saw many negative comments here, so I wasn't sure if... moreKinldy get in touch with me after 6 months of usage, am planing to buy it soon. I read opinions and now a afraid o buying it.

                            divermans, 08 Oct 2020I have alson3 Huawei with me Honor 10 lite 128 Huawei mat... moreif you have Mate 30 you need no other phones, after all only phones that are better today, would be Gallaxy S20 Ultra and Huawei P40 /Pro

                              krissy, 03 Oct 2020....or you could get Huawei flagship and have all that you ... moreI have alson3 Huawei with me
                              Honor 10 lite 128
                              Huawei mate 30 5G
                              Huawei mate 20 pro

                              And LG

                              And Xiaomi
                              Mi Max 1
                              Mi 9T
                              And Mi note 10

                              Best regards:)

                              And don't want to sell any of all and all still functioning very well
                              Except my very first LG G2 bad battery lol

                                Aslam Qureshi, 05 Oct 2020Very simple. Retailers are afraid to stock huawei phones. T... morethat Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra is a nice phone, and even if the Xiaomi Mi Note 10 is already heavy, that Samsung is literally a brick and can't call it trash like Apple, bcoz Samsung makes displays and other parts for other manufacturers, also for Apple and Xiaomi

                                  • A
                                  • Aslam Qureshi
                                  • XVM
                                  • 05 Oct 2020

                                  krissy, 05 Oct 2020to be honest, i expected the prices to drop on Huwei since ... moreVery simple. Retailers are afraid to stock huawei phones. Therefore they are in shortage. In pakistan, sales went down to below 50% n prices are going down. I never liked Samsung fr their prices n quality they provide. Iphone n samsung are saleing rubbish not worth prices becaz of vacume huawei living fr them. I feel sorry fr consumers.

                                    Aslam Qureshi, 05 Oct 2020Soon u might have huawei phone like a toy in your hands. I ... moreto be honest, i expected the prices to drop on Huwei since no google services....but the opposite happened, the P40+ price went up and in some stores like MediaMarkt it has been sold out completely :| can'T buy the phone on the go in Germany, you have to order it and wait at least few days

                                      • A
                                      • Aslam Qureshi
                                      • sBU
                                      • 05 Oct 2020

                                      krissy, 03 Oct 2020....or you could get Huawei flagship and have all that you ... moreSoon u might have huawei phone like a toy in your hands. I m big fan of huawei. Things not looking bright fr huawei sadly. I have used microsoft lumia phones and have faced the music.

                                        divermans, 03 Oct 2020Bro if you will keep waiting everything new so you will nev... more....or you could get Huawei flagship and have all that you want + twice the battery life