Xiaomi Poco X2
- ?
- Anonymous
- XT}
- 14 Dec 2021
Worst phone ever, phone camera and touch is dead for no reason, not only me most poco users are faceing this problem, Xiaomi is a cheater. People should stop buying Xiaomi phones.
- V
- V
- CbD
- 29 Nov 2021
Also its one of the heaviest phones i have used. Hands really pain. Tough .
- v
- v
- CbD
- 26 Nov 2021
late review:
pros: The best cameras, front and back in a long time i have seen on most phones. Better than MI cameras for sure.
Sound has depth in speakers. Good.
Battery is decent even if it is 4500
cons. Reviewers say display is awesome. yes its true. Great brightness on outdoors
BUT the text is not sharp,, And also the display used is not the best out there. JUST brightness is great. 120 hzs only helps in scrolling thats all
so buy if you want to take great pictures. listen to a lot of music. BEST for that 100 %
- N
- Naresh
- Dk%
- 20 Nov 2021
I am using mobile since 1 year 8 months till now there is no problem but recent update my mobile touch is not working after doing software update and degrade in service center it is not working and simply saying mother board issue so you need to replace mother board. Worst service don't buy poco mobiles. It is the issue from miui version side but we have to bare charges for it.
- s
- sweet ghurl ng pasig
- XUv
- 13 Nov 2021
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- D
- DJ Stan
- rJc
- 19 Oct 2021
Don't buy this phone because this phone used only 6months ya 8months after major issue face
automatic Camera off, touch issue, motherborad dead issue I face this problem and service very cheap and slow. So don't waste your money Guy's I waste my money and very disappointed
- V
- Vipin
- rKH
- 18 Oct 2021
Juts updated poco x2 and now my phone camara is not working
- H
- Hyderabadi
- KS2
- 14 Oct 2021
Using poco X2 since a year. No problem at all.
Impressive camera but not so good picture and video processing.
120hz screen is like butter and give a day full battery.
730g processor is a great processor. Face no heating issue or lags. Not for heavy gaming, heating is not a problem but the processor is not very strong.
Only downside
Miui has lot of bugs, useless apps that cannot be disabled and the ui is not a great experience. However it provides lots of useful features.
Could be better if poco come up with its own ui with stock android experience as OnePlus phones do.
- RupomChowdhury
- 10 Oct 2021
One the best worst phone and worst decision to buy this phone. using this phone almost since 1.5 year with various type of problem for miui bugs..
- ?
- Anonymous
- PGk
- 10 Oct 2021
Akshat, 13 Sep 2021Please don't buy poco x2 phone. After using this phone... moreFacing the same issue worst phone ever
- ?
- Anonymous
- PGk
- 10 Oct 2021
Anonymous, 06 Oct 2021Camera not working after 1yr usageI am phasing the same issue after one year use and my phone is completely dead now. Very much dissapointed with this product
- P
- Pawan
- 56F
- 09 Oct 2021
I m totally satisfied. With this phone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- fCG
- 06 Oct 2021
Camera not working after 1yr usage
- N
- Naushad
- g}w
- 01 Oct 2021
Same problem in my phone
- ?
- Anonymous
- g}w
- 26 Sep 2021
Akshat, 13 Sep 2021Please don't buy poco x2 phone. After using this phone... moreNo you're completely wrong. I've been using X2 for more than a year and it's working without any problem. Make sure to use the storage upto the mark of 100gb l. Dont go beyond 100 gb.
- ?
- Anonymous
- YV7
- 13 Sep 2021
Akshat, 13 Sep 2021Please don't buy poco x2 phone. After using this phone... moreBut I don't Have any problems
- A
- Akshat
- DkX
- 13 Sep 2021
Please don't buy poco x2 phone. After using this phone for 1 year and 3 months camera will not work and later a week mobile touch will not work. They use cheap quality material in their phone. When you will go to service center they will say that we have to change the motherboard of your mobile and that will cost you 10000INR. I bouht my phone for 21000 and now I have to pay 10000 more on it. This is the worse phone and there is no help from company side.
- ?
- Anonymous
- s89
- 01 Sep 2021
Please give Camera update🙏📷.... Object detailing, blurring issues nd Video stability are not good
- F
- Few minutes
- 73W
- 31 Aug 2021
Anonymous, 24 Aug 2021My Poco X2 is dead. I Can't switch on. I bought about ... moreBuy new one ok
- M
- Manas
- rAe
- 25 Aug 2021
Andris, 30 Jul 2021I don't think so, cause the battery is just fine, scre... moreX2 have liquid cooling too