Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro

Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • sxr
  • 12 Aug 2020

Anonymous, 12 Aug 2020Because it needs 8 GB of ramI don't think so that 8GB Ram is the requirement to maxed frame rate the CoDM. My brother use a Redmi Note 8(non-pro) 4/128 and he can play maxed frame rate his CoDM, hmmm I wonder why?

    xSavagex, 10 Aug 2020I have this phone and it gets hot while charging. That'... moreThat's normal for Qualcomm quickcharge during its fast charging stage.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • I@a
      • 12 Aug 2020

      nak3dsnail, 11 Aug 2020Why this rm8p dont have a maxed frame rate setting in Call ... moreBecause it needs 8 GB of ram

        • B
        • B aravind
        • D0d
        • 12 Aug 2020

        I can't able to plug in my earphones(wired) in the earphone jack.Why?

          • N
          • Niyeeyenn
          • xtS
          • 11 Aug 2020

          I want minimizing of apps to be like that of iPhone X upwards on my RN8, please some should assist me.

            Walesy, 11 Aug 2020Same here... Still exploring the features Region???

              Anonymous, 11 Aug 2020Just had MIUI 12.0.2 update for the global version Region?

                xSavagex, 10 Aug 2020I have this phone and it gets hot while charging. That'... moreNo it is normal mine gets hot too, but not extremely hot. No worries.

                  Anonymous, 11 Aug 2020Just had MIUI 12.0.2 update for the global version Same here... Still exploring the features

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 39y
                    • 11 Aug 2020

                    Just had MIUI 12.0.2 update for the global version

                      xSavagex, 10 Aug 2020I have this phone and it gets hot while charging. That'... moreI suggest, before charging, if its hot already, try cooling it down first( like u play a lot of games). Then charge it in a cool environment, like air-conditioned room. The temperature of the environment sometimes adds up to the temperature of the phone.

                        • n
                        • nak3dsnail
                        • sxr
                        • 11 Aug 2020

                        Why this rm8p dont have a maxed frame rate setting in Call of Duty:Mobile while realme 6 with a same chipset does have maxed frame rate. Can someone help me to enable it I tried all gfx tools but they're all not working.

                          xSavagex, 10 Aug 2020I have this phone and it gets hot while charging. That'... moreIt's normal. Idk how hot yours gets but it's normal for it to get hot while charging.

                            I have this phone and it gets hot while charging. That's mean it's a defective product?

                              Help Me Decide, 10 Aug 2020As my name clearly states - help me decide. The three conte... moreOh and for the design, you can go with RN8P. It's still a good phone if you won't use it for gaming. Getting the RN9PM / RN9PM is better because it's newer and it has a slightly bigger battery but as you said, if you are only going to use for social media and etc. and if you just want a nicer design, the RN8P is more than perfect for you. You may like the RN8P's design over the RN9P / RN9PM or the other way around. It's personal preference after all.

                                Help Me Decide, 10 Aug 2020As my name clearly states - help me decide. The three conte... moreI would go for the RN9S, but if you have a little bit more budget, I would suggest you to go for the RN9PM *Pro Max* because it has slighter faster charging and better cameras*?*. If it's not more expensive than like 10-30-50 euros more than the non-max version, it's worth the "extras".

                                  • W
                                  • What
                                  • Nug
                                  • 10 Aug 2020

                                  Help Me Decide, 10 Aug 2020As my name clearly states - help me decide. The three conte... moreSorry about that incomplete post. What i am saying is, RN8 PRO is way more beautiful in terms of design IMO. Secondly, i don't think battery life is gonna be a problem for you. I play games a lot and it still holds up well for other things as well so social media is not gonna be a big deal for this battery. So personally for me, i feel for a non gamer, beauty should be the number one deciding factor between RN9 PRO and RN8 PRO. Beauty was also my personal reason when i chose RN8 PRO over RN9 PRO and am not regretting it. Go with RN8 PRO.

                                    • W
                                    • What
                                    • Nug
                                    • 10 Aug 2020

                                    Help Me Decide, 10 Aug 2020As my name clearly states - help me decide. The three conte... moreHere's my advice. From what i understand, every social media type of person likes beautiful things. Infact they LOVE beauty. So here's the thing, i have a RN8 PRO and in my

                                      Help Me Decide, 10 Aug 2020As my name clearly states - help me decide. The three conte... moreBased on your preference, u said yourself, I think rn9 pro is the one your pointing. These two are great. Considering the rn8 pro being released last year. Their difference only is that rn9 pro has bigger battery life. Also they have different chipset( i think it has no impact on non gaming user). The 2 has great camera. Go for rn9pro if your not into gaming and money is not a problem

                                        • H
                                        • Help Me Decide
                                        • Ej9
                                        • 10 Aug 2020

                                        As my name clearly states - help me decide. The three contenders - RN8, RN8 Pro, and Redmi Note 9/Pro. The three Xiaomi hotshots. Before i continue, I AM NOT INTO GAMING. So please don't give me your advice based on game usage. I am looking for a phone for HEAVY social media usage, photography, and for business. i Will be downloading A LOT OF APPS FOR BUSINESS AND SOCIAL MEDIA CONTENT. Also that can handle two sim cards extremely well, and a long battery life. It's that simple. I have a little experience with the RNote 7 and it was excellent. But now Xiaomi has since released a few others so i want to keep up with the more current ones. Cost is not an issue. I also want a nice design and the two RN8s are much better looking than the RN9. It's that simple so give me your best advice. I have until 2 days before i purchase it. :)