Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro

Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro

User opinions and reviews

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Anonymous, 07 Aug 2020It came with the update. No need to look elsewhere.Just rollback then.

    • D
    • Dickson kimwaya
    • XMW
    • 07 Aug 2020

    Problem of my phone is. When i charge it can not charge because the reboot. Sigh is uphere on th scene

      Ali, 31 Jul 2020Notifications at the top of the screen are not accessible w... moreyou have to "pulldown" left side of screen ...

        Alireza, 06 Aug 2020have anyone recieved the MIUI 12 on this phone? if not whe... morei do ... miui 12 pro ...

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • LX7
          • 07 Aug 2020

          Anonymous, 06 Aug 2020I am not completely sure why it does that but the reasons m... moreIt came with the update. No need to look elsewhere.

            • S
            • Snowman
            • mD6
            • 07 Aug 2020

            8 pro or samsung A50?

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • LX7
              • 06 Aug 2020

              Sahithi, 05 Aug 2020I bought my phone in January. After the recent update it st... moreAwesome purchase, hope you learned your lesson by now.

                • A
                • Alireza
                • HI{
                • 06 Aug 2020

                have anyone recieved the MIUI 12 on this phone?
                if not when exactly we are gonna get it.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • anZ
                  • 06 Aug 2020

                  Sahithi, 05 Aug 2020I bought my phone in January. After the recent update it st... moreI am not completely sure why it does that but the reasons might be that water/dust went in your device or it fell and might took some internal damage

                    Sahithi, 05 Aug 2020I bought my phone in January. After the recent update it st... moreTry to disable double tap to wake.

                      Sahithi, 05 Aug 2020I bought my phone in January. After the recent update it st... moreI don't think that a factory reset could help but you could try that. And well.. I would recommend to don't use that anymore and to don't get it near your ear(s)/face. Idk how it sounds but a buzzing noise isn't normal. Something got defective most likely so I would, if I were you, not use it anymore and get it to warranty service.

                        • S
                        • Sahithi
                        • 7tV
                        • 05 Aug 2020

                        I bought my phone in January. After the recent update it started making hissing and buzzing noises on its own. When some sound is being played the sound is becoming low. Buzzing sound comes when it is idle. It lasts for 3-5 seconds. It is happening every few minutes. I can't seem to find the solution.

                          Specs, 05 Aug 2020Oh? How did you know it's a 'he'.? Did you c... moreFor real? Do you think I care about that? And well that's how I call anyone. A "he". If that person doesn't says that it's a female, I will just go ahead and say he. And please don't bring non-sense "accusations".

                            Specs, 05 Aug 2020Why should I care about your phone not having any problem? ... moreCan't say no to that but you should mention that it doesn't works for YOU but for some others it does.

                              Specs, 05 Aug 2020My old Redmi 3s has no gps problem while I'm inside my... moreIt's not my favorite model and well I'm just saying that because if someone has a problem it doesn't mean all of us have it. Some devices are poorly made / defective and others have "higher" quality.

                                • S
                                • Specs
                                • ijs
                                • 05 Aug 2020

                                MarcoPolo, 04 Aug 2020No... It's just that being inside may cause these prob... moreMy old Redmi 3s has no gps problem while I'm inside my room. And so does my Redmi 4, Redmi 4x, Redmi S2, Mi 5s & Redmi7A. Only this Note 8 Pro an exception. So your point just got debunked :)

                                Not many people care about gps thing or use it. So we don't really know how many 'defective' Note 8 pro out there. If it works for you, then good for you. No need to be butthurt just because someone gave bad review about your favourite model X)

                                  • S
                                  • Specs
                                  • ijs
                                  • 05 Aug 2020

                                  MarcoPolo, 04 Aug 2020See? He got no problems with the GPS :).Oh? How did you know it's a 'he'.? Did you call someone to help back up your points. Or was it just another you trying to prove your points. Someone who never make a review before suddenly appear & taking interest in my post X)

                                    • S
                                    • Specs
                                    • ijs
                                    • 05 Aug 2020

                                    MarcoPolo, 04 Aug 2020Well why don't I have problems? Have you ever thought ... moreWhy should I care about your phone not having any problem? My phone, my problem, my review. If it's not working for me, I will not recommend it. So it's up to others to decide whether they still want to buy it or not after reading what I've posted. It's their.money anyway :)

                                      Anonymous, 04 Aug 2020What is the maximum expandable memory storage? It should be at least 128-256 GBs more. I've seen phones with buttons reading 128-256 GBs SD cards xD.

                                        • A
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • t7W
                                        • 04 Aug 2020

                                        What is the maximum expandable memory storage?