Xiaomi Redmi Note 9
- N
- Newbie
- v{v
- 30 Oct 2020
Just bought the 6gb/128gb variant few days ago.
Quite satifisfied & worth the price.
Those who face lag, just disable the HW overlays in "developer options" in "addtional settings"
Make sure to activate the developer mode first in "about phone" by pressing MIUI version repeatedly 👌
- R
- Razor180
- Nwn
- 30 Oct 2020
Vindieta, 22 Sep 2020And here is some funny comments who said blackshark was bet... moreIm from the dark continent, if you ask me the 3GB Variant can only be saved by flashing a kernel with Swap Ram Support and then using a UHS-3 SD CARD, because the Xiaomi kernel does not support Swap. Or we can may be take Android-Go OS made for 1GB ram phones and port to this piece of junk. Since 60% of you there are power users, why dont you lend a helping hand to those stuck with this phone?
- R
- Razor180
- Nwn
- 30 Oct 2020
vangelis, 17 Oct 2020will never buy a xiaomi phone again within 2 weeks the prox... moreDid you try disabling pocket mode?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 6Pb
- 29 Oct 2020
So many people regret buying this phone.
I tried to warn you people, but Xiaomi fanboys couldn't handle it. One guy even said it's a amazing phone because it has "Note" in it. xD
- s
- samaritan
- sxr
- 29 Oct 2020
If I were given a chance to buy cellphone again I would not buy this phone. During videocalls on messenger, if you go to homescreen while having active vc, then back to the videocall screen or window the cellphone screen just go dark and you have to drop the call in order for it to go back to normal..In short this phone is lagging..and easy to get heated...5020mah but it seems not in actual..
- Y
- Yomal
- iwp
- 29 Oct 2020
After Install MIUI 12, today I face video recording issue, when start video recording automatically disconnect record video, what is this issue? Anyone can help
- S
- Soraka
- C9a
- 29 Oct 2020
Dragan TB, 25 Oct 2020after updating on miui 12 I have a problem with the camera.... moreI thought im just the only one experiencing camera slow problem
- y
- yd
- Kx6
- 29 Oct 2020
mark, 28 Oct 2020does anyone have heating problem i just got mu note 9 it he... moreyes, g85 placed near the camera
- m
- mark
- xCC
- 28 Oct 2020
does anyone have heating problem i just got mu note 9 it heats up speacialy in camera part even I just played once
- B
- Brahmo
- Nue
- 26 Oct 2020
Dragan TB, 25 Oct 2020after updating on miui 12 I have a problem with the camera.... moreSame here my camera is so slow now mostly when on potrait.. But i got an easy way. U have to put the phone on airplane mode before taking a picture
- s
- sfxsfx
- Pum
- 25 Oct 2020
vangelis, 17 Oct 2020will never buy a xiaomi phone again within 2 weeks the prox... moreI had the same problem after 10 days of usage. It's incredible poor and fragile the build quality of this phone.
- s
- sfxsfx
- Pum
- 25 Oct 2020
Manchesta, 20 Oct 2020I use the redmi note 9. The phone is big scam, I totally ag... moreIt is so annoying, and its a known issue, because a lots a users are having this problem, however we are in the Xioami Hype Era and Xiaomi just give a fuck and they don't care in their users. The market is expanding, they have new users all the time, but old users like me are not using Xiaomi anymore.
- D
- Dragan TB
- d%{
- 25 Oct 2020
after updating on miui 12 I have a problem with the camera. It starts slowly. It takes a few seconds. And it often bugs. This did not happen on miui 11. Does anyone have a similar problem. Please help
- ?
- Anonymous
- XVq
- 25 Oct 2020
is xiaomi redmi note 9 can take picture with fingerprint sensor????
- n
- nullzen7
- tEZ
- 25 Oct 2020
sfxsfx, 16 Oct 2020A waste of money, buy another phone. MIUI is completely ... moreI think MIUI is good, ads is not a problem, because device with good specs are sold inexpensive... and for you who want pubg 60fps and good graphics, dont buy this, buy asus rog 😂
- R
- Ratul R
- 6p}
- 24 Oct 2020
Redmi note 9 is good 4gb ram varient.MIUI 12
- ?
- Anonymous
- 6p}
- 24 Oct 2020
I brought this phone like 2 week and mine working good.But I update it after buying.MIUI 12 .
- R
- Razor180
- Nwm
- 24 Oct 2020
zilky, 13 Oct 2020Hi. Should I buy this or the Redmi 9? I've seen a lot ... moreThe 3GB ram variant, code name Merlin, suffers from severe lag due to Os eating up most of the ram. Recommend paying more for the 4GB or higher ram versions.
But other issues noted:
1. Loss of sound in earpiece....easiest fix...disabling google assistant and voice.
2. Proximity sensor failure, ....sometimes fixed by doing hardware test on the phone to calibrate sensor.
3. Dust in camera lens but apparently not evident on Pro version or highest redmi note 9 variants.
- R
- Razor180
- Nwm
- 24 Oct 2020
ambot, 24 Oct 2020Dang i just bought in today
I heard turning off navigation bar.
Turning off hardware overlays in developer options
Removes lags