Sharp will have a 4K smartphone display ready in 2016

28 October, 2014
The Japanese company is apparently already developing the super high resolution panels.

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  • k
  • kamikazi
  • av5
  • 29 Oct 2014

Wth? This is pointless!!!

A 4k tablet might be good

    • D
    • AnonD-271083
    • uZa
    • 29 Oct 2014

    Well I compared three devices at the store, HD, FHD and QHD side by side at arm distance, the devices were Samsung Galaxy Note neo, note 3 and note 4 respectively. And I can assure that naked eye can't pick any difference among them. Specially note 3 n note 4 looked very similar to me.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • pqp
      • 29 Oct 2014

      AnonD-209094, 29 Oct 2014Oh so you use your TV at a distance of 8 to 10 inches? Well... moreYou watch your phone from the same distance as your PC monitor. And the resolution of the PC monitor is around HD (or FULL HD) and the qualits, the look is perfect.

      Then why the heck do you want even more resolution in a smaller screen? The answer: it's the brainwash of the capitalism. They produce it just to sell something "new".

        • D
        • AnonD-161037
        • YaY
        • 29 Oct 2014

        ACE123, 28 Oct 2014These hateful comments listed are type of people who would ... moreThe point is not that peope do not appreciate technology. The problem is that at such an insane resolution is actually becoming a con because it comes at a great expense of battery life and performance. Your analagy does not apply here because it is physically impossible to see a difference between 4k and QHD on a sub 6-inch screen. This does not improve the user experience but actually worsens it for the reasons I listed. The problem is companies do not prioritize correctly based on user needs, which is battery life. That is the reason people are mad.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • pqp
          • 29 Oct 2014

          What an useless "development". Anything above HD resolution is bullshit in a phone. It's just a waste of performance (for example lagging games) and battery.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • XMp
            • 29 Oct 2014

            4K smartphone display ready in 2016 for welcome the revival of nokia brand in smartphone market that time??? haha

              • D
              • AnonD-209094
              • Kg%
              • 29 Oct 2014

              AnonD-222770, 29 Oct 2014My tv is 720p..Oh so you use your TV at a distance of 8 to 10 inches? Well, some basic geometry classes would do you really good, you must have skipped 90% of classes in school to have missed it. I will try to teach you anyway. Hold a coin in front of your eye, it covers your entire field of view, thats a smartphone pixel. Now put the coin 20 meters away and you can barely see it, thats a TV pixel.

                • k
                • kuze
                • HBi
                • 29 Oct 2014

                ACE123, 28 Oct 2014These hateful comments listed are type of people who would ... morehate to say this... but they have a point.
                1. The MAIN problem of smartphones ATM its the screen it:

                a) If you check stats it consumes an insanely HIGH % of battery just by staying on.

                b) That resolution mean 3D games will suffergreatly in performance and the GPU will have a hard time keeping up.
                For other words a simple game like angry birds will kill your battery and overheat your device.. lets face it.. this new generation of consoles barely run in 1080p

                c) I love android but apple is right regarding screens, retina its the way to go, more than 300PPI (give or take) is pointless and counter productive

                  • D
                  • AnonD-209094
                  • Kg%
                  • 29 Oct 2014

                  I knew this would collect lots of hate from the Hyperopia boys. Its too funny, none of us claim we can lift as much as the Olympic weightlifters do, none of us claim we can run as fast as Bolt, we simply do not claim to be world champions, EXCEPT FOR THE EYES! We "ALL" have the worlds best eyes, right? Thats ridiculous, your chance of being the worlds fastest man is just as big, so go and attack Nike instead for making shoes that are better than YOU need.

                  One of the best examples i heard is Yamaha R1, any 125cc Yamaha can already go faster than the speed limit, so why get an R1? Everyone who have actually driven an R1 or a similar bike know that its so totally worth it, the ridiculous overkill performance is 99% of the fun about it.

                    AnonD-222770, 29 Oct 2014My tv is 720p..and its enough already... even watching 1080p quality , the movie looks fake... now 4k ? u gonna puke after 15 minutes

                      • D
                      • AnonD-222770
                      • 0GR
                      • 29 Oct 2014

                      My tv is 720p..

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • bx9
                        • 29 Oct 2014

                        I cant even tell the different between 1080 and 1440. I start seeing pixels on 720p display, my eye will soon see micro bacteria. Haha

                          this photo its a lie, we can se the perfect view of the right photo in a full HD, if u want to see a liar dpi (can´t your eyes dont see)is another story... o.O and the batery will die pretty fast... I dont know and dont understand why now the phones does a stupid race abour the "big screen resolution" we did play for years in 22" or 25" screens with full HD and excelent resolution and.... we "need" 4K in a mini 5" screen? pleeeeease! #BeHonest

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • jbM
                            • 29 Oct 2014

                            I like how they post an image online to demonstrate the difference the higher resolution screen will make, but it's an image that people will view on computer and smartphone displays that in all likelihood are not 1080P, let alone 4K, thereby proving that the difference they claim 4K makes possible is completely viewable on lower resolution screens.

                            I get that they're just trying to dramatize the difference. But really, if there is a noticeable difference, you will never have any idea what it's like until you actually view a 4K screen. The image posted is probably more like the difference between 240P and 360P.

                              • c
                              • celtek
                              • gJ0
                              • 29 Oct 2014

                              I had Philips Xenium 9@9d. It was a battery with GSM support.

                                • N
                                • Ninux
                                • nwq
                                • 29 Oct 2014

                                Livius, 28 Oct 2014Yeah and the battery will last for 1-2 hours ! My god how u... moreDon't be dumb, while more than full hd has rather limited benfits, battery life in smartphones has been improving recently as well.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • Ibx
                                  • 29 Oct 2014

                                  [deleted post]L!

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • ty@
                                    • 29 Oct 2014

                                    If the battery can last 5 DAYS with moderate usage, it is will be great to have a 4k phone. XD

                                      • a
                                      • anon
                                      • kxP
                                      • 29 Oct 2014

                                      ACE123, 28 Oct 2014These hateful comments listed are type of people who would ... moreYou'r examples are really dumb. Just like putting more and more pixels into a tine screen. There comes a point where your eyes won't even notice it and they are doing all this wasteful work for nothing. To extend one of your analogies it would be like upgrading your car to a ferrari just to drive down the street to pick up some milk. Both do the exactly the same job but one is overkill and totally unnecessary for the task. But of course the manufacturers have trained all you consumers so well that you will believe you need everything they throw at you.

                                        • z
                                        • zebarnabe
                                        • TqY
                                        • 29 Oct 2014

                                        Anonymous, 29 Oct 2014What is the purpose of this movement? Why people will need... more> What is the purpose of this movement?

                                        Marketting! Although higher spec high-end screens usually means better low-end screens.

                                        > Why people will need 4K screen on 5-7 range screen?

                                        They don't...

                                        > Why they not trying to develop batteries last about days under heavy usage.

                                        They are... not easy...

                                        > We all know that is possible, they don't want to take risk about explosions of new gen batteries because of over-heating, aftermarket issues but they can find a away to get rid off it but needs research and research needs money.

                                        Not easy, it is not the risk, but how hard it is to mass produce new findings in battery technology, otherwise it is too expensive.

                                        > BTW they still selling 4K TV's too expensive.
                                        Capitalism :D