Here's why the HTC Desire HD won't get Android ICS

28 July, 2012
According to HTC, the users' personal content would have been at risk of overwriting in the process.

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  • D
  • AnonD-14560
  • w4G
  • 29 Jul 2012

AnonD-58527, 29 Jul 2012People will feel better just buying a Window Phone in the ... moreI doubt there's anything to do with Windows Phone than Android 2.3. Even with 2.3, Android still have many more apps than Windows Phone, around 10 times >.<

That's beside the point.

    • N
    • Nexusguy
    • JC@
    • 29 Jul 2012

    If people would stop buying other phone and only buy Nexus phone you would have this problem think about next time you upgrade.

      • D
      • AnonD-8850
      • LK3
      • 29 Jul 2012

      The file is about 130MB not so? So why is this a problem?

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • HI6
        • 29 Jul 2012

        goodbye htc

          • a
          • arif
          • upq
          • 29 Jul 2012

          If the htc company is not giving the ics for desire hd then i will never buy again htc phones because its led down his hd customers and desie hd have much memory against incradible s. They are all lieing
          Please admin send my msg to htc compny

            • F
            • Free tip to HTC
            • HBa
            • 29 Jul 2012

            So? Your phone comes with a microSD card, USE IT!
            The argument that you cannot repartion due to worries of data-loss is therefore not only a BS excuse, but one with very little thought and bordering on the insult of your costumers intelligence.

              • M
              • Marzi
              • PGT
              • 29 Jul 2012

              Has anyone upgraded their INCREDIBLE S with the new Ice Cream Software. Please advise as I can't wait any longer !!!! Has anyone got an INCREDIBLE S ??

                • A
                • Anon
                • RN@
                • 29 Jul 2012

                I'm afraid the explanation from HTC is not good enough. I for one always back up my data, after all it's free to do so. Google Drive, HTC Sense, dropbox, Lookout security to name a few. Possibly HTC are simply incompetent or we are beginning to see Android's Achilles Heel, fractured uncoordinated OS upgrade strategy. The experience has put into question my future dealings with HTC and possibly Android and will be wait with great expectations for when Microsoft release Windows8/Phone8. Personally, HTC is no longer a hardware vendor I can trust.

                  • e
                  • exxix
                  • ftV
                  • 29 Jul 2012

                  This seems like one of those desperate attempts by manufacturers to force users to get frustrated with older devices and buy their new ones. If they think at all, they would realize that people get attached to a device and use it out of love. One device can create loyalty to a manufacturer but based on love for that device.
                  You can't force people to spend money on new devices just by being exclusive or classy. Product support helps people love your devices and tell others of that love so those others go out and buy your latest devices. Younger people tend to switch devices fast but older people love what they own.

                  I took my xperia neo v from GB to ICS without backing up data on any level (despite Sony data loss warning). I lost nothing, gained more space and RAM, faster speed, better browsing (network and WiFi). I may not get JB officially, but hey, I have an option to mod my device at my own risk.
                  HTC ought to know better than this. All device manufacturers should. Nokia is accruing spectacular losses in loyalty and sales because they are restricting their Microsoft devices (they forget that MS dumped their mobile division for a reason). Nokia won't even consider android because of misplaced pride. HTC isn't so hot in the market right now because they overprice even low end devices and are not very supportive. People pay for more than devices. They pay for a reciprocation of their loyalty in support. The reason why Samsung is popular and Sony is rising again is because they woke up to reality. People have the option to drop your brand worldwide.
                  Manufacturers, if the truth hurts too much, keep living in lies. If you can handle the truth, regroup, rethink, strategize and then get back in the game.
                  Phone Users, don't let love of a device tie you to manufacturers that love your money but have no love for you. It's like being in a bad relationship.
                  I have talked enough. I'm going back to Sony neo v posting now.

                    • M
                    • MoneyMAKER
                    • 7j9
                    • 29 Jul 2012

                    okea HTC. HTC DESIRE HD is my first and last HTC device. I better go for Apple/ good bye HTC

                      • D
                      • AnonD-16439
                      • sSK
                      • 29 Jul 2012

                      ok i didnt get this
                      Sony ericsson NeoV(my current phone)... internal space 320mb... ICS all fine... no internal files were deleted or formatted or whatever
                      HTC Desire HD... 1.5GB(probably 700Mb user) and still needs to format or whatever its said?

                      VERY STRANGE!!!!

                        • e
                        • exxix
                        • ftV
                        • 29 Jul 2012

                        This seems like one of those desperate attempts by manufacturers to force users to get frustrated with older devices and buy their new ones. If they think at all, they would realize that people get attached to a device and use it out of love. One device can create loyalty to a manufacturer but based on love for that device.
                        You can't force people to spend money on new devices just by being exclusive or classy. Product support helps people love your devices and tell others of that love so those others go out and buy your latest devices. Younger people tend to switch devices fast but older people love what they own.

                        I took my xperia neo v from GB to ICS without backing up data on any level (despite Sony data loss warning). I lost nothing, gained more space and RAM, faster speed, better browsing (network and WiFi). I may not get JB officially, but hey, I have an option to mod my device at my own risk.
                        HTC ought to know better than this. All device manufacturers should. Nokia is accruing spectacular losses in loyalty and sales because they are restricting their Microsoft devices (they forget that MS dumped their mobile division for a reason). HTC isn't so hot in the market right now because they overprice even low end devices and are not very supportive. People pay for more than devices. They pay for a reciprocation of their loyalty in support. The reason why

                          • N
                          • Nick
                          • Y}N
                          • 29 Jul 2012

                          Yes, it is kinda the windows phone situation. In this case, it states that modifying the internals of the phone via software can cause data loss. Whereas in wp, its like upgrading to a software that barely meets recommended system requirements. So wp8 is designed for dual cores.

                            • F
                            • Frustrated fanboyz?!
                            • mSm
                            • 29 Jul 2012

                            AnonD-58527, 29 Jul 2012People will feel better just buying a Window Phone in the ... more" We never wanted WP8 on our current devices anyway, We are happy to Support Nokia and buy their new phones."

                            A sad excuse from a sad person who tries to make his Nokia look less bad by trolling in other topics. How pathetic.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-14841
                              • vIY
                              • 29 Jul 2012

                              This really needs to end

                              This is really bad

                              Companies can release stock ROM if they find it difficult to flash their own non"sense" ROM

                              Besides I wonder what do these companies pay their software developers for?
                              Because xda people are better at developingROM that work

                                • D
                                • AnonD-14841
                                • vIY
                                • 29 Jul 2012

                                AnonD-58527, 29 Jul 2012People will feel better just buying a Window Phone in the ... moreWhy would someone, who felt bad by a "non upgradable" device shall feel better by buying another "non upgradable" windows device

                                Doesn't make sense

                                At least with Android you've and option of flashing a custom ROM

                                  • l
                                  • lapax
                                  • PGs
                                  • 29 Jul 2012

                                  Whats this concern about losing data?? Even in normal upgrade there is always chance of losing data that's that's why there's always a warning "back up your data". This is just an attempt to save face by this lame excuse.

                                    • A
                                    • Adoron
                                    • v0q
                                    • 29 Jul 2012

                                    no offense but i got ICS last month when in fact my xperia mini pro has significantly lesser RAM and ROM compared to this phone.

                                      • l
                                      • lapax
                                      • PGs
                                      • 29 Jul 2012

                                      [deleted post]Why?? because HTC themselves said DHD would get ICS and its just at the last moment this news has come. If they had initially said it would not get then there wouldn't be such a big fuss.

                                        • M
                                        • Marzi
                                        • PGT
                                        • 29 Jul 2012

                                        Has anyone upgraded their INCREDIBLE S with the new Ice Cream Software. Please advise as I can't wait any longer !!!!