Analysts: Galaxy S5 sales trailing iPhone 5s, Galaxy S4

16 July, 2014
The Samsung Galaxy S5 isn't selling as well as the Galaxy S4 last year, say analysts at Counterpoint.

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  • a
  • alexv
  • 0V7
  • 16 Jul 2014

the problem is not the s5 itself, its the lack of wow factor including the lack of a more premium body (users have been asking for it for years) and mainly because of the fact that there is no hierarchy in the galaxy lineup. hundreds of s5s, millions of cores, millions of aces, thousands of s3s.. a consumer needs a flagship that lasts a year, shows its power and stays relevant for a long time without confusing them with tens of alternate versions. choice is good but samsung has gone over the top with that. and it probably can't still share the same name as hideous phones like the ace style or core lite etc.. it should just be called the s5.

    hamza, 16 Jul 2014what r u talking about,apple is dead... it died & went... morelol....

      • C
      • Chuck
      • niH
      • 16 Jul 2014

      It's not just about metal body. It's about size, value, quality and service. Even with metal body and even more ridiculous 5.2" display will never deliver that to the customer. Because it's another samsung refrigerator. Or vacuum cleaner... Or air conditioneer...

        • d
        • darkraver
        • m@x
        • 16 Jul 2014

        OMG, do you apple and samsung people ever think out of your fan boxes. It doesn't matter if a phone has larger screen, it doesnt matter if it is amoled or lcd, nor does it matter how big the bezeels are, neither what is inside, nor the camera crop noise and other bull....
        90% of iphone and samsung users, as well as other makers, dont have a clue what processor, ram, or screen their phone has....
        All it matters to those 90% is looks, build quality, smoothnes of performance, battery life and eventually sound and camera mpx ....and in that order exactly...
        So looks and build quality are killing S5 sales, whereas iphone has an army of millions of teenagers and women who only buy iphone because it was made a status symbol in this conusmer oriented world....
        No logica

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • JKW
          • 16 Jul 2014

          Many people prefer Note 3 over S5, it is overall better device than S5

            • D
            • AnonD-57984
            • 9x1
            • 16 Jul 2014

            Apparently analists are full of crap, I2m an iPhone user but I love the nexus 5, I've used the first galaxy before that, but I'm sorry S5 is such a giant piece of turd, it's unbelievable. Filled with unnecessary tech that 90% of users will never use and turn off to save battery. Gimme a break!

              • D
              • AnonD-277756
              • 86u
              • 16 Jul 2014

              bobby21, 16 Jul 2014The S4 costs like 300€ in germany, still cant manage to out... moreWell... in a crazy, sheep happy, world society, that's a good sign for android phones imho.

              And yes, my argument is about as good as yours as a logical fallacy. ;)

                The S4 costs like 300€ in germany, still cant manage to outsell the iPhone. What a shame.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • Yf4
                  • 16 Jul 2014

                  AnonD-116479, 16 Jul 2014Just wait, when iPhone 6 released Samsung will have to sell... moreKnow one waits to buys something that is already release, either they already have one or don't care for one , so your comment makes no sense .....Lol

                    • h
                    • hamza
                    • Qxu
                    • 16 Jul 2014

                    AnonD-116479, 16 Jul 2014Just wait, when iPhone 6 released Samsung will have to sell... morewhat r u talking about,apple is dead...
                    it died & went to the grave with steve jobs!

                      • D
                      • AnonD-116479
                      • iwp
                      • 16 Jul 2014

                      Just wait, when iPhone 6 released Samsung will have to sell their Galaxy S5 for $50. Because no one will buy it.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-66693
                        • fxT
                        • 16 Jul 2014

                        Anonymous, 16 Jul 2014So let me do a recap.... So Galaxy S3 sold more then the S4... moreQuality =/= Quantity. This is getting old.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • Yf4
                          • 16 Jul 2014

                          Diss Samsung all you want ,your comment only good on GSMarena and then deleted that's it . #typelouder... Lol

                            • y
                            • yoyo
                            • kRC
                            • 16 Jul 2014

                            An analyst job is to feed garbage to investers/consumers. Why readers embed their every written words with promising faith is astounding. The reality is this, I wouldnt upgrade my iphone 4s to a 5s since my current phone still does everything I need. Likewise with galaxy owners of S4 to S5. Competition makes the market fair and better for the consumers

                              • D
                              • AnonD-277756
                              • 86u
                              • 16 Jul 2014

                              Anonymous, 16 Jul 2014Admit it Samsung. Metal construction, with buildin non-remo... moreHmmm no, if Samsung were to go the unremovable battery way, me and my extended Anker batteries would go elsewhere in a snap...

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • QTb
                                • 16 Jul 2014

                                So let me do a recap.... So Galaxy S3 sold more then the S4... Now the S4 more then the S5.... So the S5 is a flop.... While the iPhone 5S sold out more phones then iPhone 4... And the iPhone 4 Sold more then the S3... Damn... That's a bugger... I guess iPhones are WAYYYY better then Samsung phones... Good to know :) .. This makes me so happy...

                                  • a
                                  • abahkau
                                  • RJ2
                                  • 16 Jul 2014

                                  phone nowadays too expensive....not all people can afford it

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • AIA
                                    • 16 Jul 2014

                                    Most of these analysts are where people buy phones on contract. You may choose to buy an overpriced Apple product, but with a contract. And 7 million a month? Who keeps buying phones each month. Most of those numbers seem to be not correct.

                                      • A
                                      • Anthony
                                      • LBi
                                      • 16 Jul 2014

                                      I don't mind a plastic phone because i'm going to put it in a case anyway. but i did't upgrade to a next Samsung because there U.I. SUCK.
                                      Made the switched to HTC, which has a much better U.I.
                                      Samsung needs to stop loading the flagship phones with so much shit that it makes the U.I. lag.
                                      Make them optional downloads for the users that really like the extra crap.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • Ygb
                                        • 16 Jul 2014

                                        Interesting news. This website branded the iPhone 5s a great disappointment in the immediate aftermath of its launch, while it gushed about the reheated Galaxy S4S, a.k.a. S5.

                                        One of these devices has a custom designed SoC while the other one has a slightly higher clocked version of last year's processor. One of these devices introduced an innovative fingerprint sensor and improved camera technology, while the other hastily added an old-fashioned swipe fingerprint reader along with a useless heart-rate sensor, a UI cluttered with gimmicks, and a predictably bigger screen.

                                        In the end, quality speaks for itself.