Apple iPhone 3G
- ?
- Anonymous
- S3L
- 14 Sep 2008
I just forgot to tell you the iphone 2MP cam makes beter pix than my LG viewty 5 MP.
Viwety compresed the pix till 200kb it never can be 5 MP. Iphone pix are crisp cleare and nice even without the flash witch is only good for about 2 meters.
I cant even imagine sending the email to somose and not having qwerty keyboard . With nokia n95 it will take for ages. And that nokias small screan i gave it away for free to my jounger brother to play with it.(nokia n 95)
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4TL
- 13 Sep 2008
Revenant, 13 Sep 2008What's even worse is that person further down the list sayi... moreThat person made perfect sense. Why would Apple waste their energy on megapixels when we all know that even with 8 megapixels on a camera phone will not render excellent results? Face it, camera on phones should be your last resort in taking pics. It's purpose is to get snapshots of random situations, and a 2mp is appropriate for that. A person who likes taking quality pictures, like myself, always carry around a digital camera because we do not compromise with picture quality.
Basic mobile service is making and receiving a call, and the iphone does have that. The rest are extra features that other mobile makers made you believe should be included on a phone to add appeal on their products. A belief that Apple does not have to adhere to, for Apple can come up with their own combination of features that they think makes more sense to users than what the common phonemakers threw out there in the past several years. The iphone did not just convince a lot of consumers, but also made consumers realize how we've been tricked by other phonemakers into buying their phones with features that produces mediocre results.
A picture taken from a 2mp camera will look very good on a half VGA, 3.5 screen than a picture taken from an 8mp camera phone on a QVGA, 2.6 screen. Browsing the web will be more convenient on a 3.5, half VGA screen compared to a 2.8, VGA screen. Same with watching videos. I could bring up more, but I just want to point out a few examples of the iphone features that makes more sense that are not found on other phones, but now they're trying to imitate but cannot duplicate (omnia, viewty, etc).
- ?
- Anonymous
- S3L
- 13 Sep 2008
This discusion is useless what iphone HAVE of DOES NOT HAVE. It have what its needs to have and it is still the best phone in the world. There are so many people thats love it and those that cant afforde it just hate it. Wrong guys you just stuck with a contract with nokia lg or samsung it does not mean Iphone is now bad for you.
It is eazy to operate and use even woman can do it. All features in the iphone works smoothly and nice. You can send your mms now and soon there will be a video recording and more. There is nothing to complain about .
YOu just need to wait untill you contract will finish and go for iphone. Do not hate it if you do not own it...............
(you cant transfer the music by blutooth corse of copyrihts i guess it is clear enouth if you have comen sense)
- ?
- Anonymous
- ni1
- 13 Sep 2008
for those who are crazy about BT, i can suggest a chinese brand named Bluetouth TM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Making dual sim phones with TV , front Cam. 3.2 MP, touchscreen interface
- A
- Amir Mansour
- ni1
- 13 Sep 2008
Hey my friends,
What's good in comparing iPhone to N95? N95 has a different concept and is an improved version of its ancestors... could be compared with it's korean rivals and fight on paper. More Mega Pixels, better to advertise.
iPhone (with reservations) is comparable only with it's copies Like OMNIA and DIAMOND
And better to say Mac. vs. Win Mobile 6.1
I think Win Mobile had plenty of time to introduce at least one intuitive feature.(more than the stylus)..
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4TL
- 13 Sep 2008
Anonymous, 13 Sep 2008Iphone is already 3 years old, technology-wise, by the time... moreYou speak as if other phones have every possible feature there is that would serve every possible needs and wants of every consumer. Other phones also have limitations. The iphone also has features and qualities that are not found on other phones. So save your drama. I bought the iphone and I am very happy with it. What's embarassing is, other phones who have been in the business for so long yet have never thought of the things that the iphone offers, and now all of them tries so hard to be the iphone killer. A killer of a phone that came out just a year ago, now that's embarassing. Forwarding sms, if you think about it, is unethical. That is probably the reason why it is not included in the iphone's sms feature. Technology takes for granted basic etiquitte. If I sent you an sms, and you alone, that means I only intended you to get that sms and nobody else. The iphone does not condone misuse and abuse of information, just like Apple does not condone pirated music, and it is also hated because of that. As for the copy and paste feature. Multi-touch makes it a challenge to have that feature on the iphone. They have to make a decision as to which feature is more useful and important. Multi-touch proves to be the more useful feature on our day to day use, hence, copy and paste was not included. But who knows, they might figure out a way to include that when they find the solution. 2mp is fine for camera phones, unless you intend to blow up pictures. But why would I even use a 5mp camera phone if my intention is to blow up the photo? No 5 or 8mp camera phone is a match with any standalone digital camera even when they deceivingly claim to be. We're not blind iphone fans. We simply know what features and qualities of a phone that would matter the most to us. We weighed the pros and cons and made our decisions off of that. Now if the iphone does not serve your needs, don't get it. But don't come in here and insult us who are very happy and satisfied with our iphones.
- A
- Amir Mansour
- ni1
- 13 Sep 2008
Revenant, 13 Sep 2008Yeah, the iPhone has the best iPod, but it's the ONLY phone... moreHave you tested acid test for iPhone's SAFARI?
It has a better performance compared to silly IE7!!!
many times in my life I have passed my time the best way, browsing the web using my iPhone... I have not noticed a 3hr delay of my flight once
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4TL
- 13 Sep 2008
Revenant, 13 Sep 2008Yeah, the iPhone has the best iPod, but it's the ONLY phone... moreYes, the iphone having the best mp3 player is something to brag about. It's easier to use, and the sound quality is much better compared to other phones. That is why HTC Diamond even tried to copy the iphone's ipod. What does that tell you? Stick with your walkman, I'm not the one missing out but you. The iphone has the best web browser because it is faster than most, if not all, phones. Panning, scrolling and zooming is effortless. Sites are also best viewed on its 3.5 screen. You can have your Java and flash, I'm able to browse the web just fine without it. Other phones claim to support Java and Flash, yet it does not display graphics and play videos when you try to. I guess they're only good in paper. And hello, get a pc. Don't expect any phone to do as good as a pc. Iphone users are not blind. We know its shortcomings and we know what features it misses, but we also know what other things it can do that we find more important and useful that we don't mind putting up with its shortcomings. Does your phone have all the qualities and features possible? I doubt it. But you chose it over other phones for a reason, and it's not because you just play blind.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4TL
- 13 Sep 2008
Pobinr, 13 Sep 2008Having put my sim card back in my N95 & given up with the i... moreGood if the N95 fits your needs better, but why do you have to complain here? Is it because you're bitter? LOL.
On BT compatibility. How many BT headsets do you use that you are making it such a big deal? My BT headset is not Apple and it paired with my iphone just fine. Do I need 5 other ones? No.
Predictive text in the iphone is very helpful in correcting typos, and it's 99% accurate, so why would I even turn it off?
Font size can be enlarged simply by zooming it. Also, under settings there are 6 options on font sizes. Also, I believe it has a bigger standard font than your N95, so why are you complaining?
Yes, it cannot forward SMS, and I guess that is Apple's way of protecting the sender's privacy. Think about it, if the sender wanted 10 people to get that SMS, why would he/she only send it to you? It means the sender does not want his/her message to be forwarded.
It would be nice if you can sort the bookmarks, but with the iphone's fast scolling, you don't really need to.
Calls are labelled either incoming or outgoing with the iphone, so I don't understand where your confusion lies.
I don't go to myspace to listen to myspace music. I have my ipod to take care of that. That was really a silly complaint.
Well most phones are smaller than the iphone so of course iphone is better to operate with both hands. All touchscreen phones are better used with both hands. With the iphones big screen, more options can be accessed quickly compared to the N95 that you have to go through many menus to get to something. The iphone's screen is sensitive, yet it is also intuitive, it knows what you are trying to do, unless of course you do something silly. You have 5 fingers, not just a thumb.
If you prefer to use your PC in web browsing, then that is fine. Me too. That is why you cannot expect phones to be as good as pc's. Phone internet is only there to give you quick access to the web in case you need to, and when a PC is unavailable. So why do you complain about myspace music not being played on the iphone when you prefer a desktop pc anyway?
The iphone have better ergonomics than your creaky N95. No more sliding. It is also easier to use. The UI is more friendly. The screen is more beautiful than the N95. But if you still prefer the N95, hey, that's your choice.
- R
- Revenant
- Sjd
- 13 Sep 2008
Anonymous, 13 Sep 2008Iphone is already 3 years old, technology-wise, by the time... moreWhat's even worse is that person further down the list saying that Apple left the features out because they couldn't get them to work perfectly, and that this made the iPhone good. Why? Because it wasn't capable of supporting basic mobile services? Are you trying to convince me or yourselves...?
- ?
- Anonymous
- RKn
- 13 Sep 2008
Iphone is already 3 years old, technology-wise, by the time it came it out, and it is hobbled by intentional limitations such as the pathetic blue tooth and limited mms/sms functionality. It's really a slap in people's faces how they bought an old brick and realized it too late. So it's no surprise they're defending it so doggedly, just to avoid the embarassment from the rest who saw it for what it's truly worth - which is really not much.
I feel really sorry to hear the proferred excuses, such as: "No one forwards sms anyway" or "Who uses cut & paste anyway?" or the lame "It's 2mp camera even outperforms 5mp" (sigh) That goes beyond BLIND fanaticism. It's really pathetic.
- R
- Revenant
- Sjd
- 13 Sep 2008
Anonymous, 13 Sep 2008Wow, you are unreasonable. The iphone does not have every ... moreYeah, the iPhone has the best iPod, but it's the ONLY phone to have an iPod, and really that's nothing to brag about. I'd be much happier using my Walkman phone. As for the best web browser - NO FLASH and NO JAVA. How can you POSSIBLY claim it's the best web browser? It's amazing the amount of people that will blindly defend the iPhone just coz it has an apple logo on it...
- P
- Pobinr
- pJC
- 13 Sep 2008
Having put my sim card back in my N95 & given up with the iphone becuase it's so horrible to use, I realise one of the most annoying things about the iphone is point 8) below.
1) iphone Bluetooth incompatibility with most other devices. I believe this was done deliberately by Apple. That makes me very angry.
2) Can’t switch off predictive text.
3) Can’t enlarge font size in text entry box. Why have a relatively large phone screen then leave the customer with tiny fonts !
4) Cant forward SMS’s
5) Can’t sort order of internet bookmarks
6) Last Incoming & last outgoing calls mixed up in one call log so difficult to distinguish outgoing from incoming calls.
7) Myspace music doesn’t play. Same with other sites where plugins are needed that won't run on Apple platform.
8) Can't use with one hand as with most phones where a little group of selection keys gives access to most functions with a single thumb stroke. The iphone touch screen is too sensitive to the duration of finger stroke. Has to be quick stabs with index finger so thumb doesnt' work well.
9) Any phone screen, including the iphone screen, is too small to use the internet conveniently. I've got a PC at work & two at home. Do I really need the net in my pocket ? No not with a silly little phone screen.
The iphone is very slick & impressive but alas ergonomically poor. The wow factor is there initially but then you find it’s not so nice to use. In fact it's a bit gimmicky & I can't forgive Apple for the bluetooth issue.
I'm happy to be taking my iphone back & switching back to my N95.
- d
- dotun99
- myU
- 13 Sep 2008
is there any way to record videos on the iphone? Everything else is quite gd.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4TA
- 13 Sep 2008
Anonymous, 13 Sep 2008WOW you are in denial. You are actualy praising Apple for a... moreWow, you are unreasonable. The iphone does not have every possible features available, and same goes with other phones. What we like with the iphone is its responsive and intuitive UI. Something that other phones do not have. The iphone has better display than any Nokia and Samsuing phone. HTC Diamond has lag issues and unresponsive screen, not to mention small 2.8 display and easily scratched display, also poor visibility under sunlight. Is that what you call ahead of the game, LOL. I suggest you re-evaluate what matters the most with phones. There are more important features and qualities than MMS and SMS forwarding, LOL. You can brag about that all day, but the iphone still offers the best UI, the best web browser, the best ipod, the best screen display.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4TA
- 13 Sep 2008
Charbz, 13 Sep 2008"Apple makes one of these decisions when introducing a new ... moreThe iphone does have an application available that supports MMS, I believe it just came out. Its camera takes good pictures. 2mp is enough for a phone. Only cheapstakes would use a cameraphone to take photos of special moments. Pictures still looks better when viewed on the iphone than the N95's small screen. I can't believe they packed the N95 w/ a 5mp camera then gave it a QVGA 2.8 screen, lol. Now that is inferior. As for web browsing, the N95 does not even come close to the iphone's web browsing capabilities. It's much more easier and faster to navigate with the iphone compared to the N95. YouTube is very easy and fast to access with the iphone. And again the videos look much better on the iphone's big screen and better resolution than the N95. So how can the N95 be better in that regards.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4TA
- 13 Sep 2008
Pobinr, 13 Sep 20081) Bluetooth compatibility extremly poor with other devices... moreIn reply to your complaints about the iphone:
My Blue Ant BT headset paired with my iphone with no problems at all, so I believe it does work with non-apple bt headsets.
Yes, you cannot switch off predictive text, but it is very helpful when you text in english, and the predicted words are 99% correct.
Fonts are big enough, if not, you can pinch out and it will enlarge the fonts. Also, get your vision checked.
The iphone can't forward SMS, and so what? A lot of users do not forward sms all the time.
So what if you cannot sort the order of internet bookmarks. Scrolling up and down is a breezed with the iphone, so I don't see this as an issue at all.
Incoming and outgoing calls in the log are labelled, so I don't know whay you're having issues with that as well.
You complain that it does not play myspace music. Too bad. Deal with it.
The iphone touchscreen works well with both hands, and for us, it's worth it because of the beautiful screen. Now if you cannot deal with that, stick with your 2.4 screens from your Nokias or Samsungs.
The iphone has one of the best screens for web browsing. If you still find it too small and would rather use your pc, then why were you complaining about myspace music?
The iphone does not have all of the features, but it does have other features and qualities that other users find more important, like its 3.5 screen, its scratchproof glass screen, its fluid touch UI, tons of helpful applications, very responsive and intuitive screen, real time responsiveness in pulling and zooming pics, excellent web browser, excellent ipod, ample internal memory, excellent viewing of videos and pics, very good quality and built, etc. It's a great phone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- mp2
- 13 Sep 2008
Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970The application is free but i guess mms costs always money to send.............
- g
- graham
- S00
- 13 Sep 2008
can SDK make cam vid record,
- ?
- Anonymous
- mp2
- 13 Sep 2008
For those that are dieing to send MMS it is aviliable on Iphone now
Just download FLUTTER from the aplication store a a stop complaning ! ! !