Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 4$E
  • 17 Jul 2010

Anonymous, 17 Jul 2010I think and feel that Steve Jobs is the best marketing indi... moreAT&T is the only solution for sophisticated smartphones is US: Verizon and Sprint use CDMA and can't allow voice and data simultaneous by network design; also it is difficult to produce the same phone on both GSM for the rest of world and CDMA for US. T-MOBILE US has week signal and little coverage for 3G. Then it remains just AT&T network which is overloaded. It was no choice.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • meZ
    • 17 Jul 2010

    Anonymous, 17 Jul 2010Steve wouldn't have allowed the phones to be released with ... moreif i know correctly, Apple is making one product per year, like one iphone, one ipod, one macbook ... and do business rest of the year ... i think it is not only a matter of decision .. Steve Jobs is getting mad now .... if it is only 1.7% returned up to now, then Apple does not need to offer free bumper ... ha ha ha

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 95b
      • 17 Jul 2010

      Anonymous, 17 Jul 2010I think and feel that Steve Jobs is the best marketing indi... moreSteve wouldn't have allowed the phones to be released with such defects. In a company as Apple there are many, many layers in management and someone lied about its tests to keep his/her job and faked quality reports. The production rolled out and it was too late to correct the defect. Such situation is common in large corporations, see Toyota's brakes defect.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 95b
        • 17 Jul 2010

        Anonymous, 17 Jul 2010It means Apple fans are classy and don't go to other sectio... moreNo, iPhone's antenna is truly a problem, a defect. But I'm also sure that iPhone's buyers doesn't even check iPhone's or other phones' performance on this web site. They are usually in US and are used with defective products for high price. It is just OK to have defects for $200 when you get $100,000-$200,000/yr family income. Each 6 months they can buy other phone and keep about 2-4 cell phones, 2-3 cars.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • meZ
          • 17 Jul 2010

          I think and feel that Steve Jobs is the best marketing individual in this planet .... you can check his antenna press conference on 16th July 2010 in Apple site ...

          1st, he asked the users not to grip the phone in such a way ....

          2nd, he tried to change physics by SW update
          I guess if there will be no coverage, but using updated SW -> it shows good signal coverage. I guess it would make Apples relationship worst with AT&T, as end customer will point the finger to AT&T then. And the idea was skipped.

          3rd, today in the press conference he was proving that every Smartphones have weak spot, like iphone 4 ...

 ..... comparing with Blackberry Bold 9700, HTC .. and Samsung smartphone ... anyway none of the smartphones (3 NOKIA models, 4 Blackberry models, One Samsung) in my home have got the trouble in a way what was showed in the video.

 .... iphone antenna song … it’s cool

          4th, today he provided a solution to use a bumper (or casing) ... it makes more sense now.

          That’s for sure; he will not mention that the problem is related with the aggressive industrial design for such a complicated wireless device (with 7 or 8 radio) -> using phone outer case or structure metal as antenna without any non-conductive material coating. iphone 4 antenna simply changes its physical length when gripping on the weak spot as human body is not like insulator. Therefore antenna has got different resonance frequency than what it should get. This is very simple

          And for this, Apple doesn’t need 18 antenna scientists/engineers with PhD degree and 100 million worth of antenna chambers.

          The data or statistics what he provided today -> those sound nice, but not close to reality! He is simply making us fool ...

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • KxZ
            • 17 Jul 2010

            Anonymous, 17 Jul 2010It means Apple fans are classy and don't go to other sectio... moreThis stupid iphone deserv this rating, d world know n only those iphone worshiper never wake up

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 3x8
              • 17 Jul 2010

              Cisco, 17 Jul 2010First of all, it wasn't the media that caused this mess...i... moreIt means Apple fans are classy and don't go to other sections to vote down rival phone brands, unlike anti-Apple trolls.

              "I notice 6.7s across the board for voting results for the iPhones while the Galaxy S got 8.7s. Does that mean the voters are stupid because they rated the iPhone 4 so lowly?"

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 3x8
                • 17 Jul 2010

                Even if people were totally uninformed, and blindly following, they would still be unhappy if the antenna kept dropping their calls, no matter how loyal an Apple fan. After all, they could always buy an iPhone 3GS. However, notice what's happened? A full 3 weeks since launch, a whole lot of noise in the media.. but... no mass returns.

                People seem to forget why Apple fans are bashed. They are actually more sensitive to quality, and are the type who only go for the best things that they can. Apple fans are the first to complain to Apple, when they are unhappy about a product from Apple.

                It is therefore illogical to that despite all the media hoopla about the antenna issue, there has been no mass returns. Rather, the phone has sold over 3 million, and this has only been the limited release. The phone hasn't even been released to the whole world yet.

                Why no mass returns? The iPhone 4 is fine, and performs well that's why.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • LEt
                  • 17 Jul 2010

                  Dont buy this phone.
                  The problem with the antenna it's true.

                    • C
                    • Cisco
                    • 9xc
                    • 17 Jul 2010

                    iphone4fansunited, 17 Jul 2010Replaced my iPhone 4 for the Samsung Galaxy...I definitely ... moreFirst of all, it wasn't the media that caused this was Apple's problem to begin with. Notice how Apple always blame others for problems that are generated through their negligence?

                    Secondly, I did mention in my comment that there is 16GB memory on board my Galaxy S, as well as a MicroSD card support for up to 32GB.

                    How can you say my post is wrong when all I have stated are facts (coming from an ex-iPhone 4 user). And isn't it great that we can upload videos in various file formats, even if pirated movies are supported. It's called CHOICE, something that the iPhone 4 doesn't offer much of.

                    I notice 6.7s across the board for voting results for the iPhones while the Galaxy S got 8.7s. Does that mean the voters are stupid because they rated the iPhone 4 so lowly?

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 3WC
                      • 17 Jul 2010

                      I owned an iphone 3gs and i love iphone actually,its design,its fast response,good entrertainment device which you can use it as a music player,internet surfing and watching movie on it.but i have to admitted that iphone 4 is a crap with the antenna problem itself.The way Steve response to this by providing a FREE CASE is a dump act and irresponsible.He should have keep the design and do something on the dead spot ( like fixing a insulator) for the upcoming iphone 4 products and replace all the phone which has the problem with no charge.i think this the only way and response to LOVE THE IPHONE USERS !!!!

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • UYm
                        • 17 Jul 2010

                        it's going down, sorry apple. but all these people who own iphone 4 have experience signal problems not just in usa but other countries as well. maybe the new update os4.01 might fix it, but we'll see. i have iphone 2g, 3g, 3gs and nothing like this has ever happen to it (signal dropping off if you held it in certain way) all 3 models have been jailbroken, then back again to legit update still works fine. my point is having read & research about iphone 4, im going to skip on this one. i'm not risking getting iphone 4 if the signal is dropping of, after all whats the point of a phone but to call and by that you need a good signal. (sorry cant deny wahts going on with the news the facts and hype) people lost interest on the iphone 4...and you know what im not alone with this opinion.

                          • l
                          • logz
                          • Mf5
                          • 17 Jul 2010

                          has anyone had troubles with there ihpone 3gs after downloading the ios 4 software mine has gone all glitchy can anyone help with this issue

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 8bY
                            • 17 Jul 2010

                            Blastic Bumper, 16 Jul 2010Dear friend, you and Stevey seems living in the coco land, ... moreYou do not have to buy an Iphone4 and if you have one you can return it, but people are not returning them, I have one I do not want the free bumper because it works fine, where is the problem ???????
                            They are still selling like there is no tomorrow and the waiting lists are there for weeks and weeks.
                            Where is the problem ?????????????

                              • i
                              • iphone4fans
                              • PUr
                              • 17 Jul 2010

                              Anonymous, 17 Jul 2010no issuesvery true dude
                              0.55% of actual iPhone 4 users have complained about it.

                              IT IS A NON-ISSUE.


                              I've heard even lower on the Mac-Rumors site, they're saying 0.22%
                              They say Apple is been safe and Rounding up hugely.

                              iphone4 fans united part of the new:

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • 8bY
                                • 17 Jul 2010

                                Anonymous, 17 Jul 2010Look y'all, I understand that there are annoying Apple hate... moreno issues

                                  • S
                                  • Sony and Nokia!
                                  • qLC
                                  • 17 Jul 2010

                                  The Nokia N8 is going to kill this thing, Nokia and Sony will always be number 1 for me and many other users!

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • P%n
                                    • 17 Jul 2010

                                    Anonymous, 17 Jul 2010Look y'all, I understand that there are annoying Apple hate... moreAccording to Apple 0.55% of iPhone 4 users called customer care regarding the issue, 1.7% of users returned iPhone 4's.

                                    The iPhone 4 is still getting high satisfaction ratings from actual owners in spite of all the whining from people who don't own them.

                                      • i
                                      • iphone4fansunited
                                      • PUr
                                      • 17 Jul 2010

                                      Cisco, 17 Jul 2010Replaced my iPhone 4 for the Samsung Galaxy...I definitely ... moreReplaced my iPhone 4 for the Samsung Galaxy...I definitely made the right choice.

                                      This should be deleted and wrong, vote 10s everyone and stop the lies.

                                      We don't want miroSD because the memory is on board.
                                      We don't want DivX,Xvid file support because pirated videos are on that format and Mov file format is more popular anyway

                                      Buy this and show steve is ok and we agree that the media have caused this mess.


                                        • A
                                        • Alman
                                        • 0Y0
                                        • 17 Jul 2010

                                        I don't have no problem with my iPhone 4. I don't know why people you don't even have the iPhone 4 and those morons exaggerating negatively about Antenna issues. Return your iPhone 4 back for a refund and stop complaining. Apple is not begging you guys to buy their iPhone 4.