Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • o
  • open mind...
  • 95H
  • 15 Jul 2010

interest going down, rating going down, the apple is going down and will take steve jobs with it tomorrow!!

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 95H
    • 15 Jul 2010

    I can hardly wait till tomorrow, I am loving it so much now, apple is going down big time, recall will cost 1.8 billion, I bet Steve will come up with another solution like put bumper on and its fine, !!1 what a joke, this phone should perform and have reception as it is, if not there is fundamental problem in design , everyone knows it, even independent company confirm there is a hard ware problem regarding the antena, so why apple try to down play that?
    from tomorrow you have to use a plastic chain to carry this phone, that is probably what Stevy will suggest, !! so stupit like the phone itself.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 3x8
      • 15 Jul 2010

      Anonymous, 15 Jul 2010So those ifan still not wake up, luckily u post d link how ... moreOh so Apple is greedy and techless is it?

      You do know that Nokia owns Vertu right? How much is one? Oh yeah starting at £3,500. I'm sure the noble people stuffed it full of technology to be worth that much.

      Good thing Samsung is not that greedy. Eh wait... isn't the Bang Olufsen Serene & Serenata made by... Samsung? Again, I'm sure this was full of technology to justify the price (double iPhone 4).

      Pravin earlier suffered what is called an Epic Fail. This time, I think its appropriately titled Total Pwnage lol

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • KxV
        • 15 Jul 2010

        Anonymous, 15 Jul 2010Hey look, Apple's iPhone has surpassed the earnings of RIM,... moreSo those ifan still not wake up, luckily u post d link how much apple earn, now u know why? Why nokia ,rim, htc ,samsung cant earn that much? BCOS they r selling phone at reasonable price, not like apple, greedy n techless, selling their every stuff expensive n want to earn fast n easy money

        Apple knowing all thosr ifan have been spelled by them, no matter how worst apple product, they will just keep on defending it

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 3x8
          • 15 Jul 2010

          [deleted post]Might not be a good idea to talk about sin, while you are spreading hate and misinformation. Just a thought.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • KxV
            • 15 Jul 2010

            Anonymous, 15 Jul 2010Hey look, Apple's iPhone has surpassed the earnings of RIM,... moreBut now apple is going to surphas nokia , rim, moto, htc recalled,wkwkwkwkwk

            Apple will going to break record for how many phone is returning, wkwkwkwkwk

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • P%n
              • 15 Jul 2010

              [deleted post]Hey look, Apple's iPhone has surpassed the earnings of RIM, Motorola, Nokia, HTC and Sony Ericsson combined!!!



              You were saying?

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 3x8
                • 15 Jul 2010

                owh, 15 Jul 2010I think dis phone never come to malaysia unless local carri... moreMaxis in Malaysia have already officially announced that they will launch iPhone 4 in Malaysia. Microsim will obviously be available for the iPhone 4.

                  • o
                  • owh
                  • tVX
                  • 15 Jul 2010

                  Anonymous, 15 Jul 2010u cant get it in malaysia, this phone is so lousy n it is n... moreI think dis phone never come to malaysia unless local carrier shrink their sim card into micro sim. bcoz dis phone only support micro sim card..

                    • P
                    • Panda
                    • Tt{
                    • 15 Jul 2010

                    This call dropping problem appears to be worse than what I 1st believed. So far I know 4 friends who have ordered the I phone 4 and all returned it within 2 weeks. Call dropping in London where you have good coverage on any service provider!!

                    One of them was a massive Iphone fanboy and didnt upgrade to the 3GS as he wanted to go straight for the Iphone 4 and was horribly disappointed. He went straight for Android. There is also a problem with crashing and freezing issues.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 95j
                      • 15 Jul 2010

                      apple will come out with any lie just so they don't have to recall the iphone4, people do not get trapped!!!!

                      If people keep buying iphones they will continue to Churn out rubbish phones. What the comsumer has to do is Boycott the iphones until they get a good workable iphone without any flaws.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • s0M
                        • 15 Jul 2010

                        funniest comment all day

                        No FM radio
                        Steve said it was dangerous. you could be listening to the radio and miss a warning horn.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • Lay
                          • 15 Jul 2010

                          if you keep in the palm the 2 antennas make contact and you lose the signal so you need the apple bumper

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • mqA
                            • 15 Jul 2010

                            dom, 15 Jul 2010In reply to deathbat, about your samsung wave being better ... moreTo settle your argument - I have had the unfortunate pleasure of testing both for my job, and alought neither is great, I can tell you that the iPhone is a pile of cr*p. Dont beleive the hype!

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 3x8
                              • 15 Jul 2010

                              [deleted post]iPhone 4 in Malaysia not out officially yet. Rumour points to September. Some imports available in Sg Wang but overpriced. Either wait, or get a friend from UK to buy for you. Also you can ask the guys on lowyat forums.

                                • d
                                • dom
                                • BqH
                                • 15 Jul 2010

                                [deleted post]In reply to deathbat, about your samsung wave being better than this phone, DONT BE DAFT, im not a iphone fan, but to say a wave is better is sickening, if you have ever used a proper phone you should know that the OS ( BADA ) on this wave is a complete iphone rip off, it looks just the same, but without any features, there isnt even a compass app built in, and there is O after market support, no apps, nothing, and there will never be any because samsung dont plan to develop any for bada , as this is a one off OS that is a deap duck in the water, Andriod and iphone , symbian will be the only os to have any support, Enjoy your dead duck mate...

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • q$X
                                  • 15 Jul 2010

                                  Anonymous, 15 Jul 2010Then why can't you just let iphone users be? Why do you ke... moreSo what if users complain? what's your problem? People paid big cash for a company that only makes one device a year and expected it to be decent....

                                  Well it's not, it sukcs and it's full of bugs and design flaws.

                                  All that and Apple deletes issue reports on their forums offering no support. Where are iPhone users supposed to go for support? Apple obviously ain't offering any!

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • PGJ
                                    • 15 Jul 2010

                                    [deleted post]u cant get it in malaysia, this phone is so lousy n it is not alow to get in malaysia, 4get it

                                      • S
                                      • Sherra
                                      • uCn
                                      • 15 Jul 2010

                                      T, 15 Jul 2010I wanted iPhone 4, but Apple made fault. Better i will buy ... morereally?? samsung galaxy?? can u tell me why??

                                        • T
                                        • T
                                        • 0x@
                                        • 15 Jul 2010

                                        I wanted iPhone 4, but Apple made fault. Better i will buy Galaxy S