Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 4TM
  • 14 Jul 2010

jack., 14 Jul 2010It is the fact that Steve Jobs knew about the antenna probl... moreI am being real. And reality is, if I give up my iphone4 and get a different device, will it be perfect? Or will be be facing different kinds of issues as well?

We have a choice my friend. Evaluate how you use your device. Learn the pros and cons of a device, and then choose the one whose issues you can deal with much better.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • Tr3
    • 14 Jul 2010

    Anonymous, 14 Jul 2010I agree with you. There really is a night and day differ... moreThanks, appreciate it!

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • Tr3
      • 14 Jul 2010

      jack., 14 Jul 2010It is the fact that Steve Jobs knew about the antenna probl... moreYou say that you are an Apple fan, then you immediately write:

      "People get so sucked into the apple phenomenon that they cant actually admit to others and themselves that apple is starting to falter."

      This is the mantra of most Apple haters I know.

      Nice try, better luck next time.

        • j
        • jack.
        • pJw
        • 14 Jul 2010

        Anonymous, 14 Jul 2010Lie? What did Steve lie about? He may have been blunt wit... moreIt is the fact that Steve Jobs knew about the antenna problem, and they kept it all under wraps, Why do you think they designed the iPhone bumper? For sheer pleasure, no, to cover the antenna!

        I am still a apple fan, but slowly and surely I'm pulling away, they are really crappy with some things and they cover it all up. Look at the iPod classic, even that has been changed, the sensor of the click wheel is far less sensitively build, you cant cover it with anything not even invisible shield then track wheel does not work, properly!

        People get so sucked into the apple phenomenon that they cant actually admit to others and themselves that apple is starting to falter.

        Open your eyes people, if you pay that much for a item would you not expect to have it 100% working condition? ? ? ?

        Apple is to chicken also to admit that they made a mistake, cause they know by doing this thousands of people will storm back for an exchange or refund, THINK ABOUT IT, it makes perfect sense!
        Get real!

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 95j
          • 14 Jul 2010

          soon apple will let you pair your iphones with other phones via bluetooth and let you set your own ringtones, but the you will have to wait 5 to 10 years, some hope yet. Buy an HTC these features are already availible.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 4TM
            • 14 Jul 2010

            Anonymous, 14 Jul 2010By the way, saying that the phone is for the tech illiterat... moreI agree with you.

            There really is a night and day difference between comments posted from an iphone user versus iphone antagonists. From the choice of words, to the construction of sentences, to the train of thoughts, to the presentation of links to support findings.

            Iphone users have more class :)

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • Tr3
              • 14 Jul 2010

              Justin, 14 Jul 2010Why all the hype around this phone ? Face time ? 5mp camera... moreBy the way, saying that the phone is for the tech illiterate, is really paying a compliment to the iPhone user interface. If a tech illiterate person can operate an iPhone, it means that they have succeeded in making it easy to use, wouldn't you agree?

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • Tr3
                • 14 Jul 2010

                Justin, 14 Jul 2010Why all the hype around this phone ? Face time ? 5mp camera... moreAs with most Apple products, people love it (not everyone) for the 'experience'.

                Apple for example, did not invent the MP3 player, but the iPod made it accessible to many people, with some innovation along the way.

                It is never only about new technology, or the latest or greatest when it comes to Apple. Rather, they bring together some new or existing technology, design, and user interface that creates a nice user experience.

                This is obviously not for everyone. Some people like things to be laid out, for them to use in an easy manner, without having to always think about what's going on underneath. At the same time, there are those who like to tinker, and to be able to have full control of their devices.

                Nothing wrong with either, just that different people, are different. Thus, differences in preferences when it comes to devices.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • Tr3
                  • 14 Jul 2010

                  Engadget has posted a very comprehensive review of the antenna issue.


                  Actually, almost everything that's been said by everyone here, is mentioned in this article.

                  Key points which are important in my opinion:

                  1. Antenna issue is there, but real world tests indicate that performance is as good, if not better than most phones.
                  2. There have been no mass returns, meaning either too few are affected enough for it to be an issue, or it is not really an issue

                  My experience matches the writer's.

                    • -
                    • - Scratch-resistant
                    • 3C6
                    • 14 Jul 2010

                    - Scratch-resistant surface
                    - Multi-touch input method
                    - Accelerometer sensor for auto-rotate
                    - Three-axis gyro sensor
                    - Proximity sensor for auto turn-off
                    SOUND Alert types Vibration, MP3

                      • i
                      • iponefan
                      • PZT
                      • 14 Jul 2010

                      Stay here and vote high and give the daily interest high people. Don't look at other phones, i phone is best,it has apps and 3g + wi-fi.

                      iphone is nice

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 4TM
                        • 14 Jul 2010

                        [deleted post]Then return it and get a full refund :) Have you already made a genius bar appointment? Just like the rest of us, you have 30 days to return your iphone for a full refund if you are not happy with it :) So go ahead and return it :)

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 4TM
                          • 14 Jul 2010

                          [deleted post]Ummm, at this point, can you please tell us exactly how many iphone4's have been sold and how many have been returned? Cause I haven't really read anywhere that millions of iphone4's have been returned.

                          Also, there's a little self contradiction with what you've said. You said that millions of iphone4's have been returned, and you also said that, "Inspite of you all being aware of the flaws, people still support ISteve". How can you say that if we all returned our iphone4's? And you know what? Regardless of why and how someone got their iphone, you should never judge anyone by what device they got for themselves. That is not nice.

                          As for Toyota. Even if it were true that they fell short on some technical standards or fail to comply on certain guidelines. Toyota drivers have been very happy and satisfied with their Toyota purchase. Proof that it's the user experience that really counts above all things when it comes to products.

                          Learn to mind your own business and respect others buddy. It is our choice. It is our money. It is us using the iphone and not you. It is us who will face the consequences of our purchase, not you. So why bother? Jealous, jealous, jealous, lol.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 4TM
                            • 14 Jul 2010

                            What the haters, Apple competitors, and even the media have to learn about Apple is. Apple sticks with their company beliefs and they don't care if it would mean lower market share. They have a walled business approach. And it is a balanced business platform to give consumers and providers a win-win situation. Apple protects both their business providers, and their customers. Those same rules and restrictions that you haters use to attack Apple are the same reasons why they are successful. They would rather keep a few customers who understand their beliefs and lose a lot who doesn't, than get more and more customers and fall under the same uncontrolled, unbalanced, unfair practices like everyone else. And that is why Apple is unafraid and is still doing well despite all these exaggerated attacks towards them. They know they provide excellent products and services, and they know that HONEST consumers who have experienced their products and services trust them and will keep on patronizing their products. So go ahead haters. Give it all you got. Though your efforts will be in vain :)

                              • J
                              • Justin
                              • 4hw
                              • 14 Jul 2010

                              Why all the hype around this phone ? Face time ? 5mp camera big whoop. Most phones out now have 8mp + not to mention my expo which was released late 2009 has multitasking. This phone is for the tech illiterate.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • 4TM
                                • 14 Jul 2010

                                [deleted post]See, your post is another example of a post that should be deleted, lol.

                                Iphones are designed and its parts are made in the US and assembled in China. It is not just made in China.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • 4TM
                                  • 14 Jul 2010

                                  Foley, 14 Jul 2010That is not true. Apple build that way flawless and brillia... moreWell, like I said, it's about time Apple delete those invalid, illegitimate posts. I mean look at this thread here in GSM Arena. Non iphone users complaining about iphone4 reception? Hahahaha. Isn't that a joke? Someone needs to show haters, that they will not always be tolerated.

                                  Try to learn the simple rules of "cause and effect" my friend. If Apple produces crappy products, what would be the effect of that cause? If Apple does not tend their customers' complaints (the legitimate ones), what would be the effect of that cause? Naturally, no one will buy their products.

                                  And oh FYI, my iphone4 had a yellow streak on it's screen when I got it. I called Apple Customer Service a week after about it, like what a real customer would do. I was advised to do a genius bar appointment right after the call, and I did. Went to the Apple Store the next day and my iphone4 was replaced with a new one with a flawless display. Talking about prompt service :)

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 4TM
                                    • 14 Jul 2010

                                    xxxxxx , 14 Jul 2010nobody lie to their customers like steven jobs & Apple.Lie? What did Steve lie about? He may have been blunt with his answer, but he didn't lie about anything.

                                      • F
                                      • Foley
                                      • uEB
                                      • 14 Jul 2010

                                      Anonymous, 13 Jul 2010Apple is not deleting valid customer complaints. If you ar... moreThat is not true. Apple build that way flawless and brilliant manufacturer image since beginning.
                                      Near perfect, textbook, brainwashing. Apple delete not just non consumer remarks but also consumer complains for well known issues published world wide.
                                      I personally posted question (when I was using 3GS) about deleting single call record and when this will be corrected (btw not corrected yet)
                                      And you know what? Tread was deleted in record time.
                                      If this is not legitimate question from registered user...than what is?
                                      Apple is money stealing, brainwashing machine!
                                      Every day I am more convinced that this machine expand even on treads like this.
                                      You, Troy and P%nm either work in Apple either you are Apple partisans brilliantly described by Mossberg as people with: "doctrine of insufficient adulation"

                                        • x
                                        • xxxxxx
                                        • k2n
                                        • 14 Jul 2010

                                        [deleted post]nobody lie to their customers like steven jobs & Apple.