Apple iPhone 4
- h
- hi all
- uRI
- 06 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 06 Jul 2010My understanding of Iphone killer is this "A phone tha... moreSales does more or less define success, but a successful phone doesn't necessarily mean it's good. Success includes various factors, like popularity, culture, trends, performance and a lot more. iPhone is definitely successful because of trends, popularity and stuff, but definitely not because of performance.
iPhone by no means is a bad phone, but it just isn't as good as many fan boy thought it was.
Lady Gaga is a successful singer. She sells a lot of albums, not because she sings well, but because she is popular. I hope this comparison makes you understand my point better.
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%n
- 06 Jul 2010
r 3 b 3 l, 06 Jul 2010If a device were to be called an iphone killer based on sal... morelink please.
- r
- r 3 b 3 l
- fuN
- 06 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 06 Jul 2010My understanding of Iphone killer is this "A phone tha... moreIf a device were to be called an iphone killer based on sales. Then both the nokia n95 and e71 were iphone killers. They both out sold the iphone over a 6 month period.
- ?
- Anonymous
- mX$
- 06 Jul 2010
hi all, 06 Jul 2010Google Nexus One is already a worldwide recognised iPhone K... moreMy understanding of Iphone killer is this "A phone that is released and out performs the Iphone in each and every measurable sector" Something that no phone has been able to do to date.
At the end of the day you may call it brainwashing or what ever, success is really measured by how many units sold and the iphone 4 less than a month old, out sold all the phones you mention "been on the market for a while" on the day of release.
I use the HTC Desire and wouldn't trade it in for an Iphone all am saying is I do recognise the part the Iphone has played in bringing this industry up to speed. If phone spec were a measure of success then 1 or 2 other phones would be considered more successful but unfortunately it ain't.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Tr3
- 06 Jul 2010
sumyla, 06 Jul 2010how much to pay in india dis iphone4 mobileFor now, you would have to buy it from outside, or through someone who has imported the iPhone 4 into India, which may be a bit more expensive. In UK, it is £499 for the 16GB and £599 for the 32GB for a sim free (fully unlocked) model.
If you can wait, India should have an official launch in September.
- s
- sumyla
- 06 Jul 2010
how much to pay in india dis iphone4 mobile
- ?
- Anonymous
- Tr3
- 06 Jul 2010
[deleted post]Officially not yet. However, fully unlocked versions are available from the UK, France and Canada. They should work in India.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Tr3
- 06 Jul 2010
I think it doesn't matter whether you like or dislike the iPhone. Correct, this thread is for both sides. However, lets try and keep the comments sensible, whether you are a fan or hater.
Try to give objective comments, and those that add value to those who are actually looking for real information. Above all else, lets try and keep it respectful. I think with this approach, we will all benefit.
- h
- hi all
- uRI
- 06 Jul 2010
Actually, if you Apple fans read properly, Steve Jobs said that the signals are that bad. The problem is that the signal bars tend to show more signals than they should. So the software update you get will only make your signal bar more accurate, but the signal will still be weak.
The iPhone 4 is showing 3 bars when there should only be 1 bar. The software update will make the 1 bar show itself accurately instead of showing 3 bars to deceive the users.
In short, the firmware update will NOT solve the poor signal issue.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Mfx
- 06 Jul 2010
Rajul, 06 Jul 2010No point talking to you because you have no technical knowl... moreI think you are the one with no technical knowledge. Read the hundreds of sights with iPhone users complaining about the defects.
Ive read your posts and you shoot down other valid comments about the iPhone. The thread may be for the iPhone4 but it doesnt necessarily mean that only good things need to be said here.
People are entitled to know whether the phones they are buying are defective or not. Face it, the antenna problems are real as well as the proximity sensor and screen. Dont come here acting like the phone is perfect when its not.
Apple shouldnt charge people such an amount if their products are defective. They should actually recall the defective units and repair them for free. DOnt waste your time here wth false praise for a defective phone.
- Q
- PG0
- 06 Jul 2010
can i read doc/xls/ppt/pdf file on iphone4. i don't want to spend for iworks/ibook.
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%n
- 06 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 06 Jul 2010I'm trading in my iPhone 3GS for a Samsung Galaxy S i9000. ... moreDoes the wave support hardware encryption for Exchange like the iPhone 3GS and 4 do?
- h
- hi all
- uRI
- 06 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 06 Jul 2010So you admit that it's cool.
"I hated this phone be... moreYes, iPhone (any generation) is cool. iPhone had become a trend, a fashion, very much like how torn jeans were the trend back in the 80s/90s. It was just a mindless trend, very much like how iPhone is right now.
A: Wow! You are so rich! You own an iPhone! It looks pretty sleek. What can it do?
B: I don't know. I bought it because it's cool.
- M
- Mike
- 2AY
- 06 Jul 2010
wao!!! all of ur comments helped me a lot in selecting a new model phone. At first i was crazy to get the apple iphone 4 but after reading the reviews and by knowing that we even cannot transfer a file with bluetooth, cannot drag n drop any song without using itunes, reception issues, i`m now thinking to go for samsung wave. no doubt iphone 4 is outclass in tech specs but customer wants user friendly interface.
- b
- b.....
- p4c
- 06 Jul 2010
the unlocked iphone 4 is very very expensive!!!! it cost 1100$, 1100$ for a phone !!!!!! :@
- h
- hi all
- uRI
- 06 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 06 Jul 2010FACT1: Anybody who refuses to to give the Iphone some credi... moreGoogle Nexus One is already a worldwide recognised iPhone Killer. Even Steve Jobs admitted that in one of his speech. He was angrily bashing Adobe and Google during that speech, saying how crappy Flash was, and how Google killed their flagship product when they did not intend to be a competitor of Google in the search engine industry.
And HTC Desire is the worldwide recognised upgraded version of Nexus One, so how can Desire not be an iPhone killer? Even as of now, reviews are still ranking Desire as the top dog, with iPhone 4 second to it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- f3c
- 06 Jul 2010
There's this guy who has I know who brings these i9+++ or ifakes if you like into the country. He can't keep up with demand. I asked him what's the point?? It has a lousy UI compared to a iPhone. He simply said a lot of people are happy because it looks like a iPhone and that's all that matters is other people think they own iPhones. Humans are truly fickle, shallow and dense
- ?
- Anonymous
- mX$
- 06 Jul 2010
DOUBTLESS !!, 06 Jul 2010The i-crap killer has already descended on this earth....IT... moreWAVE Hello and goodbye is what the Samsung Wave will be doing to the High End Smartphone sector.
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- Anonymous
- 95j
- 06 Jul 2010
iphone technology is to limited they will soon fall behind when comsumers realise what other technology is availiable
- ?
- Anonymous
- vkQ
- 06 Jul 2010
Rajul, 06 Jul 2010You must be having a laugh, Sampsung beat the iphone 3g? S... moreI'm trading in my iPhone 3GS for a Samsung Galaxy S i9000. The iPhone is a well designed phone but I just don't like the limits on how it can be used, syncing through iTunes with no drag and drop ability is a pain for me, and I've been underwhelmed by the way the iPhone handles Exchange syncing. The Apple iPhone 4 may turn all that around but after a year with the 3GS i'm ready to move away from apple.