Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • vkQ
  • 06 Jul 2010

Anonymous, 05 Jul 2010ye i like the way how they support the software. Hell! Even... moreMy understanding is the 3G doesn't support multitasking though, so it doesn't really have full support for iOS4

    • R
    • Rajul
    • S35
    • 06 Jul 2010

    Anonymous, 06 Jul 2010The exploding phones came from apple, your phone has atenna... moreNo point talking to you because you have no technical knowledge when it comes to mobile phones.

    Why are you on here for anyways, Can you read it says Apple Iphone4?

    Exploding batteries came from Nokia.

    Iphone 4 is awesome check out the T3 and Stuff magazine you might learn something

      • R
      • Rajul
      • S35
      • 06 Jul 2010

      [deleted post]You must be having a laugh, Sampsung beat the iphone 3g? Sampsung can't even beat sony ericsson or LG so there's no change the sampsung can even get close to iphone 3g.

      I didn't mention the iphone4 because there's nothing that comes close to the Iphone.

      It's a clear winner, read the stuff magazine and T3 them guys know what there talking about when it comes to the Iphone

        • p
        • prakhar
        • utv
        • 06 Jul 2010

        No Official service station in india one has to go abroad for servicing

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • Mfx
          • 06 Jul 2010

          Rajul, 06 Jul 2010Iphone is the best out there, If you so called haters don't... moreThe exploding phones came from apple, your phone has atenna issues, your phone drops calls and the unbreakable glass is indeed breakable.

          I dont get how you say this is the best phone in the world.

          The only thing other manufacturers have to catch up with, is the low quality of this phone. I also wanted to buy one but after hearing about all the problems, its just a waste.

          Google these problems. You will see that millions of people are not wrong.

            • R
            • Rajul
            • S35
            • 06 Jul 2010

            Iphone is the best out there, If you so called haters don't like it then get yourself a different h/set and stop coming on here moaning and groaning.

            Don't have time for those haters out there your not wanted.

            Iphone4 is special, you got to love it and it's way too sexy.

            Slimmest smartphone in the world with the most beautiful screen.

            Doesn't have an exploding battery or charger like the Nokia did in the past.

            Iphone is the only phone to have os4 which is 100 x better than android.

            You just can't compete with iphone4.

            You got to beat the 3gs before competing with the iphone4 and that will not happen people

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • Tr3
              • 06 Jul 2010

              Roy, 06 Jul 2010You said: ---""Yes. The e-mail system on Iphone 4... moreRoy, relax. Read the comment before that one. He was only answering someone's specific question, whether iPhone email works with all service providers, and so he answered. Anything wrong with his answer?

              Of course, if the question was "Does email work on Moto E2?" The answer would be the same.

              "You said: ---""Yes. The e-mail system on Iphone 4 or the 3Gs is great. is as good or even better than BB. you can have the notification on which notify you if have received e-mail""---

              Wow what and invention. The iPhone actually notifies you when you get a email. My old Moto E2 from 5 years ago could do that.


                • R
                • Roy
                • f3b
                • 06 Jul 2010

                Anonymous, 05 Jul 2010Yes. The e-mail system on Iphone 4 or the 3Gs is great. is ... moreYou said: ---""Yes. The e-mail system on Iphone 4 or the 3Gs is great. is as good or even better than BB. you can have the notification on which notify you if have received e-mail""---

                Wow what and invention. The iPhone actually notifies you when you get a email. My old Moto E2 from 5 years ago could do that.


                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • f3b
                  • 06 Jul 2010

                  Market research has shown that the average person will want something popular for it's poser value. 95% of iPhone owners will only ever use 10% of the phones potential so stupid things like facetime will never be a priority to them. So Apple cleverly tapped into that flawed human emotion in their marketing. It's like sportcars, 95% of them are owned by posers who will never use the car's intended purpose let alone it's full potential

                  These people find these things as a way to force some recognition upon themselves. To feel they have some self worth.

                  So everyone be yourself and get a phone that you feel you want to own

                    • A
                    • Apollo
                    • sxr
                    • 06 Jul 2010

                    Aitoami, 05 Jul 2010If you talk about connectivity Wave is way better than iPho... moreAGREE! Long live Samsung Wave

                      • s
                      • siddhartha chary
                      • v{P
                      • 06 Jul 2010

                      this is best phone at present market

                        • E
                        • EmmZee
                        • Yap
                        • 06 Jul 2010

                        is it true that it dosen't take a normal Sim card ??
                        it takes a micro sim card :S ??
                        plz guyz let me know ASAP :)

                          • F
                          • Freddie L
                          • ibp
                          • 06 Jul 2010

                          iphone screen should be 3.8 or 4 inch and its design must be change.

                            • a
                            • apple's hateboy
                            • LEW
                            • 06 Jul 2010

                            Anonymous, 05 Jul 2010ye i like the way how they support the software. Hell! Even... moreOh relly!!!, maybe u just dont see news on this page or dont wanna recognize the firmware updates that nokia frequently releases for their handsets...just few months ago they released an update for the old 5800 (2 years old phone), so if they just leave the phones after 3 weeks, this would be ridiculous...Apple does different with the Iphone, the 3g is totally useless and unable to run Iphone 4 os, and 3Gs doesnt get all the maybe u just mistook brands, and maybe wanted to say that Apple's Icrap is been left on their on after a while, while Nokia still suports their handsets and are respectfull with costumer...

                              • A
                              • Aitoami
                              • uNV
                              • 06 Jul 2010

                              Aiden, 06 Jul 2010I have a question about the battery... I got my iPhone 4 on... moreI can advice you to buy a Wave. It can do what iPhone does and much more than iPhone. It is the battery life champ of Gsmarena. Lasts for 4 days with normal use. Im very much happy with Wave.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • LEW
                                • 06 Jul 2010

                                We gotta give credit to Apple, this is the worst and most expensive phone on the market and still sells a lot. Nobody else can do that

                                  • E
                                  • EJ
                                  • whA
                                  • 06 Jul 2010

                                  What this -->

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • Tr3
                                    • 06 Jul 2010

                                    WAVE no1, 06 Jul 2010I will not get the iphone 4, not through jelousy or hating ... moreSometimes, our true feelings are betrayed by the choice of words we use.

                                    "I will not get the iphone 4, not through jelousy or hating people who have one."

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • Tr3
                                      • 06 Jul 2010

                                      iOSFail, 06 Jul 2010I hated this phone before it was coolSo you admit that it's cool.

                                      "I hated this phone before it was cool"

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • FJT
                                        • 06 Jul 2010

                                        Excellent design tainted by inability to maintain connectivity. Spotty quality control and brittle glass ruins a product with potential. Typical Apple version 1.0 bugs and shortcomings. Save time, money, and aggravation, pass on this and wait for the next version.