Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • B
  • BOB
  • 9Lb
  • 29 Jun 2010

[deleted post]Hi Dean,
Apple iPhone is a Triband 1900 mhz phone and it can certainly be used in UK. There no specific version for this phone, it is manufactured as 1900 mhz all over the Globe. But make sure that your phone is Network Unlocked from your service provider to use a different sim card in it.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • nsE
    • 29 Jun 2010

    Lloyd please tell me do you backup those words: "the best smartphone?" why?just look at any other brand and you will see phones with double the feature and half the price and that was from the iphone 2g and there are still a lot of morons who buy it.sure it has the best UI for touchscreen but to pay such money when you dont even have a flas? and still a 5mp camera?just look at the samsung omnia hd it cost about 400 euro and has more feature than any iphone and in my countri the 3gs cost 800 euros.the there is the sonyerrcsson satio wich has way more features the any iphone and cost 450 euors.just make me understand what makes people buy phones from apple at thees prices with last years stuff on it when you could buy this years sstuff at half the price?

      • M
      • Mike
      • 95H
      • 29 Jun 2010

      did anyone know even steve the iClone could make this phone to work in his embaressing presentation??
      This phone will never kick off with all these competetion out there, the loyal user may be its a time to start declone yourself and at least have a look what is out there, don't fall for this iCon.
      have a look at this embaressment by Steve Jobs:

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 3LU
        • 29 Jun 2010

        what is iphone4?

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • tVr
          • 29 Jun 2010

          latest news, apple is retrieving their iphone 4 due to the yellow spot and some connectivity problem that is still unsolvable and is mainly causes by hardware problem. the 17million unit buyer will get full money return by going back to apple store or their network provider that sold them the phone.

            • M
            • Mike
            • 95H
            • 29 Jun 2010

            Why no one speaks about these yellow spots? I just picked up mine yesterday with the hope its clear of fault, just noting the spots which they turn green and then red after only 24 hours of use, and not mentioning the reception which is crap when holding it with your left hand signal just drops sharp. Is this a joke or is it a total failer by iCon? I am returning it tomorrow fed up with it, and seek of Steve comment and arogent attitute, he wouldn't have a job next year after this failer and more to come. DON'T BUY THIS PHONE even for free , what is the point if you can't even make a phone call, and you have yellow birds flying on the screen while you surfing the web, total failer by iCon.

              • a
              • andrew burgin
              • 3pH
              • 29 Jun 2010

              Apple to be Investigated about the Anteena problem on the New iPhone4 an the Signal Dropping,go onto an Eldar shows you the News,an then a Video about how simple the Signal does drop by putting your finger on the corner of the phone an how the signal bars drop down,its very interesting video to watch,so all you new iphone4 buyers go an watch the video

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • kRG
                • 29 Jun 2010

                Anonymous, 29 Jun 2010Hey guys, i'm here to ask you a few things about this new i... moreThere is also a bluetooth camera transfer system from Iphone4 to the Ipad, cool :

                  • B
                  • Bhupin
                  • sya
                  • 29 Jun 2010

                  I am sick of apple and I am sick of Steve JOb showing his sheepish smile on every product launch. If I had money I would have dragged apple into the court for misleading people about video calling.How the hell they have pioneered this???And video call is avialable only on wifi network. I have 3GS Iphone and I am gonna buy any thing else but not iphone again. Multitasking on Iphone software upgrade is a joke. IF U HAVE BALL STEVE RELEASE UR MAC OS WHICH PEOPLE CAN INSTALL ON ANY LAPTOP ..

                    • A
                    • Aitoami
                    • uNV
                    • 29 Jun 2010

                    Lloyd, 29 Jun 2010Just had to report those so called haters for there childis... moreHey Troys Scrotum, don't lie like Apple..

                    Bada is the most user friendly OS now. iOS is outdated can't play flash in web, no multitasking, age old look.

                    Galaxy S is the most powerful phone.. It eats iPhone twice at ease..

                    Wave's camera is best till now. After N8 is realised its camera will be best. IPhone 4's camera has a narrow field of view, so you can't shoot any group video. Troy take your iPhone in toilet and shoot a video of your scrotum..LMAO..

                    Wave has the best battery life time, lasts twice more than iPhone 4. Thats because it uses SuperAmoled the best display in the industry..

                    Regarding iPhone 4 only one adventage, get some lesson from Steve to know how to HOLD YOUR PHONE IN THE RIGHT WAY..

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • t1{
                      • 29 Jun 2010

                      Anonymous, 28 Jun 2010Top feature of IPhone 4: 1.7 millions sold in 3 days. wow! ... moreapple as its name. it also has great limitations

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • sUr
                        • 29 Jun 2010

                        lloyd, 29 Jun 2010White iphone4 or the Black iphone4 ?Neither of it.. some with yellow spots on screen, some with white dots, some can't hold normally to call, some have a dint on top... who knows what problem you'll get when you get your. And remember to cut your sim to micro size too..

                          • l
                          • lloyd
                          • S35
                          • 29 Jun 2010

                          White iphone4 or the Black iphone4 ?

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • px}
                            • 29 Jun 2010

                            Hey guys, i'm here to ask you a few things about this new iphone. Hope u'll be able to help me.
                            I wanted to know if this antenna problem that has been talked about can be fixed with the new uptade coming out soon ?
                            And do you know if there is a bluetooth file transfer system ?

                              • L
                              • Lloyd
                              • S35
                              • 29 Jun 2010

                              Just had to report those so called haters for there childish comments, there's no reason for them to be on here.

                              Anyway why I think The Iphone 4 is in a league of it's own.

                              1. Because it's the thinnest smartphone ever made as other smartphones out there resembles a brick.

                              2. Hold most onscreen pixels than any other handset in the world.

                              3. The most powerful smartphone ever made.

                              4. Has the most apps for any other h/set and still growing.

                              5. It's the most user-friendly touchscreen ever others has failed.

                              6. It's sold millions on launch and there's more to be sold.

                              7. Not everyone is going to be able to afford the h/set and there's always going to be very jealous people which you can tell be some of the comments on here.

                              8. No other h/set out there that can compete for those who are technical minded read the T3 the guys there are professionals when it comes to viewing h/sets.

                              9. Records in hd 30 fps, impressive

                              And that's all from me for now, Iphone 4 is the best out there

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • KxW
                                • 29 Jun 2010

                                Lloyd, 29 Jun 2010People talking about Iphone has no flash, doesn't need flas... moreStupid, mac is not hard to hack, it is bcos no one want to hack something that is lowtech , wake up, more window user than that basic mac worldwide , even those genius can hack everything , if they want to hack mac , piece of cake , mac don stand even 10% of window user , lol

                                  • L
                                  • Lima November
                                  • M3s
                                  • 29 Jun 2010

                                  iphone4 is an absolute tree of a phone. the built in fish detector and retracting periscope are the most useful features in my opinion.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • nyK
                                    • 29 Jun 2010

                                    Anonymous, 29 Jun 2010When you woke up from your dream, were the phones still the... moreActually Both were there..
                                    Thanks for asking :)

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • nyK
                                      • 29 Jun 2010

                                      This mobile is useless.
                                      it's expensive just because it has the logo of Apple on it.
                                      They donot sell mobile phone instead they sell brand.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • m27
                                        • 29 Jun 2010

                                        Chris, 29 Jun 2010Its correct man. Do you like it?No