Apple iPhone 5

Apple iPhone 5

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • Mf5
  • 19 Dec 2012

[deleted post]Wow...what is pros and what is cons? Look more like a list of features...the average cellphone user will not even understand what is said and will also not know how to use it! All phones can make up that feature list...gsmarena allows u to compare phones and the most important basic features are shown. I owned a GS3.... Stay while i looked at it? Not always. What most people want to know is, can i phone, msg, mail, diarise, noting, typing, take pics, and all these type of things thats important. Funny how we all scrutinise reviews etc to suit our own choice. Use the phones side by side in your daily activities, and then talk about it.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • Mf5
    • 19 Dec 2012

    iPhone5equalsme, 19 Dec 2012iPhone 5 is the best phone there is. Period.AGREE!!!! Without doubt the best! IPHONE 5!!!!!!!

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • Mf5
      • 19 Dec 2012

      [deleted post]Wait till you need basics. Windows 8 for pc is missing drivers and lack features of 7. Same will be for os. Ios and android are the only operating systems thats in a class of its own. Do yourself a favour and experience iphone. In a class of its own. Compare apples with apples....ios6 with android jelly bean. Other os is not on that standard.

        • i
        • iPhone5equalsme
        • TdY
        • 19 Dec 2012

        iPhone 5 is the best phone there is. Period.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • Mf5
          • 19 Dec 2012

          AnonD-91043, 19 Dec 2012I owned both S3 & Iphone 5, yet i left S3 at home, beca... moreI agree with you. Gave my S3 to my son. And best of all, it's not only the battery. After playing around and starting to use the phone for what you need it for, the iphone suddenly is superior! Thank you!

            • D
            • AnonD-91043
            • K1E
            • 19 Dec 2012

            I owned both S3 & Iphone 5, yet i left S3 at home, because Iphone 5 battery life its just so amazing, even now its shows that usage for 7 hours, and yet left another 37% of battery since last full charge.

              • f
              • futuretech1
              • PTI
              • 19 Dec 2012

              AnonD-90988, 19 Dec 2012iPhone 5 is the successor of the iPhone 4s. For many, the i... moreAfter reading ur bla bla bla post , u must be a SAMYOONNGG user....WHATEVA...

                • A
                • Angel
                • Mf5
                • 19 Dec 2012

                AnonD-90988, 19 Dec 2012iPhone 5 is the successor of the iPhone 4s. For many, the i... moreWhich phone do you think is better and why?

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • Mf5
                  • 19 Dec 2012

                  AnonD-90988, 19 Dec 2012iPhone 5 is the successor of the iPhone 4s. For many, the i... moreOnly thing I regret is going after comments and bought GS3! Overrated and not in same class as iphone. I gave it to my son. He is still struggling with sim card that connects and then not. but I suppose its not the phone. Easy to degrade a product. But the good is a lot more. Change of ringtones?? How often is that done. Swipe through homescreen? Most people dont even want to play with phone! They want to use it. And that should be easy. Most complains and claims are made to degrade phone. Maps were a wrong! But how in the world would Google supply the maps now for apple....for FREE! Pros and cons for all phones will add up to roughly the same number. In the end its your personal needs and choice that will decide...

                    • T
                    • Tkz
                    • NrS
                    • 19 Dec 2012

                    AnonD-90988, 19 Dec 2012iPhone 5 is the successor of the iPhone 4s. For many, the i... moreI like your article

                      • D
                      • AnonD-90988
                      • vbU
                      • 19 Dec 2012

                      iPhone 5 is the successor of the iPhone 4s. For many, the iPhone 5 may be the best gadget out there. But if you look closely, it's not as good as you think. First of all, the iPhone 5 is extremely expensive. The iPhone 5 tear down suggests that it would take Apple only around 178$ to manufacture one iPhone 5. From there we can get a idea how expensive Apple have tagged their products with. 
                      Most of all, iPhone 5 lacks flexibility. Although iPhone 5 is powered by Bluetooth 4.0, you can't do basic thing like transfer file from one device to another. You still have to be dependent upon  iTunes for file transfer. The User Interface looks dull and boring as it always looked. The still aren't home screens to swype through. The notification bar doesn't give you quick access to settings. You have to go through a hefty process just to change your ring tone.
                                                                          Although Apple has finally increased the size of iPhone to 4 inch, that may not be enough for hard core smartphone users . At least, a 4.3 inch screen would have done the job. Though the screen size has been increased all the apps from the Apple Store are not optimized for iPhone 5. So, we see back empty spaces in many of the applications. Apple decided to remove Google Maps and that was one of their main mistake. Google Maps is the best navigation software so far. Like the iPhone 4s, iPhone 5 has most of it's part made of glass. If you drop it once, don't be surprised if a part of the phone is cracked. Some people say why not keep protection cover but if you keep it, what's the point of having such glossy back? The iPhone 5 also lacks support of micro-sd card. That means you can't expand your device as per your wish. The 32GB and 64GB iPhone are terribly expensive. While a 32 GB micro-sd card only costs about 20$, if you want to have a 32GB iPhone instead of 16GB, you will have to pay 100$ more just for 16GB extra storage. Further, iPhone 5 lacks removable battery option which means no third party powerful battery like mugen batteries. If you travel a tot, you won't be able to carry spare battery due to closed battery cover. In addition to that, the battery life of iPhone 5 isn't that good either. You use a lot of application, then be sure that it won't even last for a day or so. iPhone 5 is no huge leap over iPhone 4s with most of the things kept same.Most of all, Apple's decision to remove Google Maps was a blunder. Apple Maps is nowhere near Google Maps is full of error.You won't get street view feature either. Don't be fooled and never go after apple. Be smart and chose smartphone that best suits you! Honestly, if you don't go for brand name, iPhone just isn't the device for you. Keep all the things I said in mind and you will never regret. Stay tuned and stay updated! Do Like, post comment and follow me. Thank you for reading my post.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-88982
                        • Mf5
                        • 19 Dec 2012

                        AnonD-90969, 19 Dec 2012too many complains and claims, It's about personal preferen... moreExactly what you all depends on your needs. And if price is not a factor on your contract, you can pick and choose whatever suit you. For me its iphone, for someone else GS3. And the irony is, that all the complaints and claims I see, neither me nor my son with his GS3 are aware of it or experience it. It's a personal thing! And if ANY phone was ok for you, why in the world would the manufacturer invent something new? That is the main problem with Nokia. My wife and daughter are using N8 and when they upgrade they will go for 808 pure view And all Nokia needed to do was to keep it the same with a few belle is 100%! Needs speed and hardware things, and it can compare with any phone on the market. That is the recipe of Apple AND Samsung. Look at all the new phones from Samsung...same recipe, just a different

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • bCg
                          • 19 Dec 2012

                          apple iphone5 juzz rocks....awesum u cn do nythng..damn cool smart phone

                            • D
                            • AnonD-90969
                            • JFx
                            • 19 Dec 2012

                            too many complains and claims, It's about personal preferences.... what suits your lifestyle and suffice your needs I bet its the best for you.

                              • P
                              • Pinto das
                              • P%%
                              • 19 Dec 2012

                              I think i phone 5 is the smart phone in the world..

                                • D
                                • AnonD-1094
                                • vI9
                                • 19 Dec 2012

                                Apple u rock for constantly updating ur software ,making it flawless each passing day

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-1094
                                  • vI9
                                  • 19 Dec 2012

                                  New 6.0.2 update is great I installed it just now , somehow I feel battery life is up

                                    • B
                                    • BBUSER
                                    • RIG
                                    • 19 Dec 2012

                                    I have to admit that i'm in love with iphone 5. though all this while i dislike iphone. but now, they've won me with this latest gadget. :)

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-1094
                                      • vIb
                                      • 19 Dec 2012

                                      Just so irresistible this beauty is , love it

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-88982
                                        • fwf
                                        • 19 Dec 2012

                                        If you want to go for the bigger screen of It is still too small to edit files or do things that can be done on pc or tablet. Therefore, if you need bigger screen for such activities....get yourself a tablet or mini tablet. Phones, even the 4,8 inch screens, are too small to do these things.....the difference between 4 inch and 4,8 inch....too small diff to make it an issue. You wont even notice or feel it!! You wont feel that it is more comfortable as is set out on forums and reviews...same with speeds.....that diff is so small...