BenQ-Siemens S88

BenQ-Siemens S88

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • MVG
  • 22 Mar 2007

yes, it's really not annoing, and the speed depends on the software you got, so 1.20 might be slow, i got 1.32 and its not slow

    • S
    • S88owner
    • nnC
    • 22 Mar 2007

    and it's annoying
    it was said so many times and ppl still keep asking
    if someone says the fact of being slow doesn't matter, he (she) is lying or has a lot of time and patience
    I'm using S88 for 4 months and if I had money, I'd replace it witch some other mobile :/
    [software 1.20]

      • J
      • Jonathan
      • PYM
      • 15 Mar 2007

      OK, let's talk bout d multitasking thing... OK, yes you may listen 2 music while u're in d standby mode. You may look 4 different functions of d phone etc. But it is right 2 say that this phone is not 4 multitasking. For example, as u listen 2 music, you cannot shoot a picture, you cannot read or send a text message, you cannot play any game, etc... In other words, yeah, it sucks, but just listen 2 music! D fact u have only 1 playist is also kinna bothering. You see, if u have 200 songs in ur phone, n u want 2 listen 2 a different set of songs (Playlist), you will have 2 select 1 by 1... n that's a little retarded... At least in d year 2007, or even in 2006 when d phone came out. However, i still like my phone. Am proud 2 own it, it's really nice n remember, there r kids in Africa that don't have food 2 eat, so let us not complain so much n try 2 look at things more positively. This phone has an awesome picture n music quality!!! N dat screen... am in love with it! Now, if i were u, 2day, i would buy d k550 rather than d s88. but it's up 2 u...

        • c
        • chandra
        • wrH
        • 14 Mar 2007

        I'd like 2 buy it next week, but it is said that S88 is not multitasking supported application. Is it rite?

        Chandra - Ina

          • I
          • Ivo
          • MVG
          • 11 Mar 2007

          @ Jonathan

          Dude, im not also not aloud to add games larger than 230 kb :( duno if its firmware problem, but it's not a + for sure :)

            • J
            • Jonathan
            • PYM
            • 11 Mar 2007

            @ IVO
            I agree with u a 100%! S88 is nothing extraordinarily slow! YOU COULD WORK WITH IT!!! Now, I have a question, perhaps Ivo could help me with that, u seem 2 b pretty experienced... Can i install applications larger than 230kb???? Cuz i want 2 intall d Bible in java (Ihave both d jar and jad files, n i saw d program woking in my dad's good old 3230) n everytime i try 2 install it, d QSyncher tells me d limit is 230kb. R u experiencing that problem? Do u think it may b a firmware problem? Can i upgrade my fw (1.25) online? Cuz i live in Trinidad n Tobago, n here there's no BS representative...

              • h
              • hoangtien
              • wuk
              • 09 Mar 2007

              check out this review

              really really useful and details

                • P
                • Pat
                • msV
                • 09 Mar 2007

                Ivo, thanx 4U answer. I'll do my best to get mobile with this version of FW :)
                S88, "checking firmware ver. *#300# and green button" look at 3rd page - S88owner wrote it.

                  • s
                  • s88
                  • nCN
                  • 09 Mar 2007

                  hi, how can i know my mobiles version or the FW??????


                    • I
                    • Ivo
                    • MVG
                    • 08 Mar 2007

                    Pat, don't worrie about the slowness, its not big deal and it's not that annyoing as someone says, i got all my stuff on the micro sd and i think it's ok like that,it all depends on the version of software you got, mine is 1.32 and its o.k. as i said, be sure u get 1.32+

                    good luck :)

                      • P
                      • Pat
                      • msV
                      • 08 Mar 2007

                      I'm thinking of purchasing this fon. D only problem is it's slowness. I've read a lot of opinion and I found some ppl giving advice to leave D internal memory as clear as possible. So can any1 of U owners of this superb fon make such an experiment and move all U stuff from internal memory to memory card. Let's see will it help?

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • MVG
                        • 08 Mar 2007

                        @ KD

                        1)Go to QSyncher
                        2)Go to Filemanager
                        3)Go to Game(Java) and you will see the installed games
                        4)Find your own Java Games (both files .jad and .jar from "My Computer" from below and simply move them in the phone @ Game(Java)

                          • K
                          • KD
                          • UDQ
                          • 08 Mar 2007

                          just want to say! great phone!!
                          i have 1 question. how to install java games?!?!?!!??!?!?!?!?!
                          how confused!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            • m
                            • marky
                            • P@1
                            • 05 Mar 2007

                            S88 is a bit slow if your use to other cellphone. also regarding download and customization there is only a few I saw on the net. If you could point me to the site that would be nice... thanks!

                            also pictures from k800i sent via bluetooth would be unsupported image shown in S88. Is there a software fix for this? could you point me to the right direction. thanks

                              • E
                              • Elvin Mauritius
                              • NaK
                              • 04 Mar 2007

                              Yeah.. Hi mates, Im using this phone since 3 months and Im getting a problem with it, everytime it's sending a message it goes OFF by itself..

                                • J
                                • Jonathan
                                • PvW
                                • 04 Mar 2007

                                Hi ppl, a long time u don't hear from me, at least not oficially. 4 those who read the pages rom b4, i once wrote that i will write a review on this phone. Well, here it is:

                                I have used this phone 4 a while n i am pretty satisfied. The fw i use is 1.25.

                                OK, let me start with the screen... UNBELIEVABLE!!! I never saw a screen with such vibrnt colours. The contrast is tremendous. Unfortunately, some ppl don't like it, but when watching videos, this phone is d best...

                                D camera is simply gorgeous, d best have seen in its class. of course not like k800, but gr8! If u set ISO to 100, in daylight, no need for a digicam... I didn't try filming a video. I am one of those who believe that a phone is 2 take pics, not videos...

                                MP3 player is rather good. Quality is superb. U can listen 2 music all d time except when taking pics/videos, using a java application or texting a text message... In other words, just listen 2 d music...

                                D fone is rather good in calls, volume level is pretty good. D handsfree included is pretty useful! 4 those who ask bout loudspeaker, don't listen 2 music through it. Yes loudspeaker's great, but d handsfree is SOOOOOOOOOOOO much better...

                                Now, talking bout java applications. S88 was not built 4 that. Unless u have both d .jar and .jad file, u can't install anything. And if u just have d .jar, n u use a software such as JADMaker, 2 make d .jad file, 4get it, d application won't work. Another problem i've had is that d phone allows u 2 install applications up 2 230KB in size. It sounds rather absurd, but it's d truth. I am a Seveth Day Adventist, n i wanted 2 install a Bible program in it, n i could not cuz d file was 2 big. D phone simply displayed d message "File is too large"... That really freaked me out. If u plan 2 install java apps, i don't think that this is d phone... BDW, if anyone knows how 2 solve d problem of up 2 230 KB only, PLZZZZZZZZZZ help, cuz i really want 2 install d Bible badly!!!

                                The firmware is a little slow, but unlike what some say, u could deal with it! It's not that slow that u simply can't use it... At least d 1.25.

                                Now, ppl, if i were u, i wuold go 4 d k550. That's a bomb. I bought this b4 k550 came out. Were it not so, i would have bought k550.

                                I hope this review was useful. Keep asking ques, we could learn much from each other. N plz, if anyone knows how 2 solve d problem with Java pplication max size (230 kb) Plz help, i think that this problem is a little 2 weird...

                                God bless everyone. Overall, good phone.

                                  • s
                                  • s88
                                  • nCN
                                  • 03 Mar 2007

                                  @ Q Answer
                                  hi, just want to know if its battarey is the same as like as the SX1, also is it the same headphone (as the SX1)?


                                    • G
                                    • Gavi
                                    • MUp
                                    • 02 Mar 2007

                                    Does this phone can read txt files?

                                      • n
                                      • nil
                                      • RKX
                                      • 02 Mar 2007

                                      does this phone have a HTML browser and RSS reader?

                                        • n
                                        • nil
                                        • RKX
                                        • 02 Mar 2007

                                        can you open mutiple applications simultaneously in this phone?
                                        for example like keeping the media player minimized and playing a game with the song still playing like in my ericsson.
                                        please let me know.
                                        thank you in advance.