Google Pixel 4a
- n
- nimda
- b9T
- 14 Jul 2022
I love my google pixel 4a i agree it does kinda have some battery issues mainly it doesn't really hold up a charge like most modern phones but its definitely a good phone! I like the fact that the touch id is in the back other than the front of the screen.
- H
- Hadikhokhar
- QBk
- 13 Jul 2022
Harish, 11 Jul 2022Cool phone but it has some battery issues and charging issues Whats about battery issue is it a manufacturing fault
- H
- Harish
- ijY
- 11 Jul 2022
Cool phone but it has some battery issues and charging issues
- ?
- Anonymous
- tTb
- 03 Jul 2022
Abhi, 01 Jul 2022Yes there is an issue regarding auto disconnect of sim card... moreDo you know if this is something Google has addressed or occurs due some specific reason on few devices?
- C
- Connor84
- MvE
- 02 Jul 2022
My Pixel 4a keeps disconnecting bluetooth headphones while im listening music or if someone is calling me i do have a problem to answear it, and im using Philips UpBeat UT102. But if i use regular headphones with the wire the problem is gone.
- A
- Abhi
- Fvc
- 01 Jul 2022
Anonymous, 18 Jun 2022Had anyone faced sim card not available kind of issue frequ... moreYes there is an issue regarding auto disconnect of sim card with network
- ?
- Anonymous
- dUM
- 27 Jun 2022
It is a good phone. But the battery life is dreadful, made of plastic. And at £449. That really is to high for what it is. Had no issues so far. All phones have their funny quirks. It comes down to individual taste.
Mine is normally Samsung S.serious.
- W
- W
- nav
- 24 Jun 2022
I restart my unite once per day. This helps performance after update to 12.
- ?
- Anonymous
- DkP
- 22 Jun 2022
John, 21 Jun 2022Should i buy pixel4a or galaxy a53Go and buy A52s5g or iqoo neo6.
- J
- John
- xjH
- 21 Jun 2022
Should i buy pixel4a
or galaxy a53
- ?
- Anonymous
- DkQ
- 19 Jun 2022
Anonymous, 18 Jun 2022Had anyone faced sim card not available kind of issue frequ... moreNo problem works gud
- B
- Brighton girl
- dUM
- 18 Jun 2022
Just got it, so not sure what it is like yet. I can't believe the price of it, when it 1st came out in 2020. £449. I thought it was only Samsung and iphones. 😄
- ?
- Anonymous
- tTb
- 18 Jun 2022
Had anyone faced sim card not available kind of issue frequently even if it's there..? Restarting the device normally resolves it..
- ?
- Anonymous
- DkQ
- 19 May 2022
Two stereo speakers. Pure,, natural and beautiful sound.
- A
- Anony
- X%q
- 18 May 2022
CHAD, 18 Mar 2022stop buying fake pixel lolTry making some sense the next time
- A
- Anony
- X%q
- 18 May 2022
Jonas, 17 Apr 2022Is it only my pixel 4a, that starts to feel slow after upda... moreMy pixel 4a is working fine after the android 12 update. Though i have wobbly camera issue which was there from day 1
- ?
- Anonymous
- DkQ
- 18 May 2022
Anonymous, 17 May 2022This phone was good for about 8 months, but in the past 3, ... moreUsing about 1 year and 6 months. No problems..
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0aJ
- 17 May 2022
This phone was good for about 8 months, but in the past 3, i have had nothing BUT issues, it overheats at night sitting on my nightstand, i even tried taking jt out of the case, i also got desperate one time and let it charge at night in the freezer, yet it still overheated, now it lags on opening most apps, it has issues using google and alarms sometimes dont go off at the correct times, and volume can randomly change for no reason, they advertise the camera quality to be amazing as well, but honestly its okay at best, still some blurry photos, if you are looking to buy this phone, DO NOT, unless you plan to replace it with a better phone in around six months