HTC Touch Pro

HTC Touch Pro

User opinions and reviews

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  • A
  • AriL
  • uCj
  • 22 Apr 2009

i think this is a good device compare 2 the other device use windows has 288mb of ram..others have only about 128mb of should be better in speed..

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • tD}
    • 22 Apr 2009

    hmm , i think winmo is the best OS for now , it has a lot of feature and good software that u can download it for free (mostly) , but i also admit that winmo is complicated , slow and confusing for the first time users .
    Conclusion : for those who are lazy to study how to learn windows don't go winmo phone , get symbian or mac phones they are simpler . . .

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • PRN
      • 21 Apr 2009

      the guy who said that abt windows mobile, he doesn't know abt windows mobile. these are of pure class. bettter than apple operating system.

        • J
        • Jamie
        • mxF
        • 20 Apr 2009

        There is nothing wrong with the HTC Touch Pro. I have to admit it could be improved by a better operating system, since Windows Mobile is far from fantastic. On the other hand if you use a Windows server it will syncronise with Exchange out the box (something you have to buy expensive software for if you have a Blackberry device). Also there are _ALOT_ of free software titles availible for WinMobile since many developers are now using J2ME and .Net development tools. I have about 7 different emulators for my WinMo device, SNES, NES, Gameboy, DOS, Scumm, Playstation, and GB advanced (all of which were free). There are also applications from all catagories availible for free, some good, some not so good. My device (which is not a Touch Pro) also has a QWERTY keyboard, and although I found it fiddley to use at first I don't think I could live without it now. TouchFlo is notoriously slow unfortunatly, although by rebuilding the device on a regular basis (this is no great chore if all your data is backed up on your Windows Exchange server) it does operate at a more usable speed. Also there are a variety of ROM builds availible aimed at speed over graphical appeal (google XDA Developers). I would prefer to have a Touch HD over a iPhone anyday, but that is ofcourse personal opinion, I'm not a great fan of Apple (or Ms, but HTC build the device). Anyway, hope that helps somebody..


          • s
          • sheeba
          • utm
          • 20 Apr 2009

          mind blowingggggggggggg.....really

            • b
            • bhavin shah
            • vGA
            • 19 Apr 2009

            MicroBoI, 17 Apr 2009Do u mean that this Touch Pro is slow?yes it has slow operation

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 4sv
              • 17 Apr 2009

              I onlt had the HTC touch Pro for three days. Overall, it is a good phone however there are a few things I do not like about the phone:
              1)The charger is very short
              2)The battery runs low fast
              3)The screen is much smaller
              4)The volume is very, very low.(Ringtones And speaker)

                • M
                • MicroBoI
                • tjF
                • 17 Apr 2009

                Do u mean that this Touch Pro is slow?

                  • l
                  • lekrjfoiqwr
                  • qiN
                  • 16 Apr 2009

                  it really is not worth it unless you r a business person. it is slow and sluggish because of windows mobile. why cant htc just make their own operating system that is similar to the iphone with all the touch features and what not. the g1 is better

                    • L
                    • Lucy
                    • T94
                    • 15 Apr 2009

                    ForeverPad, 10 Apr 2009I'd like to reply to all those you think this phone is crap... morejust tried it out in ATT store for 1hr.
                    clumsy to hold and use, unresponsive touch screen, browser controls and all other on screen controls are missing lower left right control tab buttons, so its a clunky mix of touch flo and tiny tiny WindowsMobile screen elements and controls, which you can barely use accurately. its only fast if you shut everything off via Task Manager (as usuall). the main thing for me is a small handset you cannot use well with 1 hand, and especially 1 hand while driving.
                    PHTEW GAMOTO! its a malakia.

                      • l
                      • love peace
                      • tYW
                      • 14 Apr 2009

                      DEAR htc users , please let me know(unbiased)opinion about mobile and operating system which is good.(touch HD or omnia HD and windows or symbion).please state your answer giving detailed comparison ,as both mobileS are costly, I need to be sure of my choice before i buy and not regret later . thanks dear.

                        • c
                        • callum
                        • u44
                        • 12 Apr 2009

                        ive had this phone for almost a week, put on advanced config and tried to speed it up a bit, and i think it has done a bit of difference but it still seems to take ages when i flip out the keyboard after opening a text message may need to think about getting a flash done later but dont want to void warranty.

                        lots of functions
                        looks cool inside and out
                        bright LED light on the back
                        weather, i love using that
                        wifi is pretty cool
                        customizable, more computerish to my last phones.

                        -battery life (lasts me less than 24hours if i use it heavy, and im a heavy to medium user so not that good)

                        - GPS takes a while to kick in.

                        -takes ages to charge (i put my nokia on charge an hour or two after the htc started and the nokia finished before an hour of the htc finishing)

                        -takes a couple of shots to press a button (sometimes, which frankly is quite annoying and i have no choice but to get the stylus out) and getting used to the scrolling, i am getting better though.

                        -pretty chunky lookin

                        -keyboard hard to get used to and little spacebar

                        -3.2mp camera is nothing compared to my sony ericsson k800i 3.2mp camera.

                        ALL UP:
                        i wouldnt say its for the average joe because its a bit more complicated compared to symbian phones, as far as coming out as a stock phone is concerened it needs a serious upgrade in performace/smoothness and other minor fixes.

                          • N
                          • NOT SO HAPPY WITH HT
                          • Inx
                          • 11 Apr 2009

                          I'm into my THIRD HTC Touch Pro ... the first one I received from my carrier was a real lemon ... The speaker did not work and I could not hear anyone I was talking to ... I could not exchange it for a DIFFERENT model like an LG or Blackberry ... My carrier said I had to exchange it for another HTC TOUCH PRO ... so, the second unit they gave me kept giving me a "warning" message no matter what I tried to do. Now, I'm on the third unit. This one freezes up in the middle of working within certain applications like Word or draw ... or when I'm playing solitare the cards won't move and freeze. PLUS, the touch screen (TouchFlo3D) is TOO MUSHY and SENSITIVE ... and very unstable as it glides to a tab on it's own even when I just set it down ..
                          I AM VERY DISAPPOINTED WITH THIS UNIT and IT WAS NOT CHEAP .... I should have gone with my GUT INSTINCT and bought the LG VERSA .... DON'T BUY THE TOUCH PRO.

                            • V
                            • Vasu
                            • vGF
                            • 10 Apr 2009

                            suge, 07 Apr 2009hi... may be i can help u try here http://forum.xda-devel... moreDear Suje, Thanks for the link. I have not yet figured out how to browse through the link you gave and how to install it on HTC Touch Pro but I will figure it out. Thanks..... Vasu

                              • F
                              • ForeverPad
                              • SgW
                              • 10 Apr 2009

                              I'd like to reply to all those you think this phone is crapy. As a user and as a vendor:
                              1)If you've never userd WinMo or PDA before, no need to comment !!!
                              2)If after a month or 3 you've got serious issus, don't complain use you're warranty, it happens that during fabric not all phones end up perfect !!! That goes for all brands. But if you're too lasy to do so, no need to comment !!!
                              3)If you buy this phone and aren't even aible to think of making a rom update or check the web for info,like on the XDA-forum, please get a Nokia 3210, you don't need the have an HTC !!!
                              4)If you don't like TouchFlo 3D, just turn it off, lol
                              5)If you buy a PDA, don't forget it's business orientated, with some multimedia apps, but if you're freely willing to pay for a high end phone and don't even have the use of it, it's time to re-evaluate your priorities!
                              6)And stop comparing every touch screen phone to the IPhone, touch screens exist since forever, the Iphone isn't a professional phone, the price of the iphone is all about the appel logo, in specs it's only max à 300€ phone and i'm being nice.

                                • H
                                • HTC Touch Pro User
                                • Tgq
                                • 09 Apr 2009

                                I own one of these. And I just wanted to comment on it. The phone has great features and functionality however there is has one major design flaw. The directional buttons, "home" and "call" buttons are useless on the phone as pressing one always activates another one. The left arrow always activates either "phone" or "home". So in order to use directional I have to open up the keyboard and use those. Anybody else having the same problem? It is kinda annoying.

                                  • D
                                  • Don
                                  • na}
                                  • 07 Apr 2009

                                  I have this telephone for just over 3 months now, and after reading some of the comments here i felt it was my obligation to write this comment. For those who are still doubting about this phone, in particular about the customised interface by HTC.

                                  The customised interface made by HTC is a bit unsteady, which has been improved alot by the undates given on the website. Still for some people it is still not good enough, and they expect the ''smoothness'' of the iBone interface. For those people i have only ONE tip and that is http:// .
                                  Read it, learn it, and apply it. Download a custom rom that meets your requirements, and have fun with your wonderfull phone!

                                    • s
                                    • suge
                                    • PAq
                                    • 07 Apr 2009

                                    Jimmy, 05 Apr 2009Amen to everything you say. It's a terrible phone!!! It d... moreoh shit!!! i'm late to read your review. i have bought the phone since 4 months a go....

                                    and I LOVE IT! nothing happens like u say. my only problem is it's battery life. but now it stands for 1.5 - 2 days.

                                    for others that have bought this superb phone, visit
                                    and for newbie in winmo device, please don't make any further action about rom, read first in the link i mentioned before

                                    you will find a lot of fun there, you will even loved ur touch pro

                                      • s
                                      • suge
                                      • PAq
                                      • 07 Apr 2009

                                      Vasu, 07 Apr 2009Touch Pro is a fantastic device. Only additional stuff requ... morehi... may be i can help u
                                      try here

                                        • V
                                        • Vasu
                                        • vGF
                                        • 07 Apr 2009

                                        Touch Pro is a fantastic device. Only additional stuff required is that it should have had a tab for "Stocks" like they have in HTC Touch HD. Can anyone suggest how to install it on touch pro?