LG G8X ThinQ

LG G8X ThinQ

User opinions and reviews

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Beginner, 16 Oct 2022Search in telegram for hindi hi res music collection and yo... moreI don't think so. I've generally received good response in all earphones I've used in my G8x, 32ohms, 47 ohms, and 64 ohms.
Talking specifically about sound quality, E50 sounds shrill and treble oriented, the high frequency dominates the sound, bass is notably lesser. Still sound quality is notably better than almost all mainstream company made earphones like Mi Dual Driver earphones, Realme Buds, etc.

Coming to E80C, it is more balanced, bass is better, but still overall its still a bit treble oriented compared to other earphones. The sound however is better, a little more detailed and spacious sounding, best for FLAC's with hidden sound elements.

Not related to sound but for me, the E50C's wire broke off easily, but this could be also due to old stock as it was 2018 earphone given to me in 2021.

Overall, I'd suggest E80C. I'd also love a real life review of E11C, which some reviewers like more than E80C but I'm not sure because it has only 16 ohms impedance, maybe bro @Rishiguru can suggest?

    • B
    • Beginner
    • vId
    • 16 Oct 2022

    Samath N8 808 owner, 15 Oct 2022Well, to be brutally honest, you'll find difference be... moreSearch in telegram for hindi hi res music collection and you will found latest movie collection. In comparison to torrent it is much easier to obtain. One last question (since soundmagic e50c deliverable to my pincode) there will be significant difference b/w e80c vs e50c for lg g8x due to impedance differences?

      • B
      • Beginner
      • vId
      • 16 Oct 2022

      arunv1984, 15 Oct 2022The offer is currently running on AmazonSadly they are not delivery at jaipur not delhi :(

        Beginner, 13 Oct 2022Found hindi collection music collection on torrent. After l... moreWell, to be brutally honest, you'll find difference between FLAC and MP3, even while using a basic Mi earphone. I own it and even both the E50C and E80C, and yes you will note the difference on all these, if you're an avid listener, and the FLAC file is encoded from proper uncompressed DVD Audio.
        A tiny bit of difference is also noted on phone's loudspeaker so you get my message..

        You'll note more of a difference on songs after 1980, Old songs sound mostly the same, although differences exist.
        I got FLAC from Kaho na Pyaar hai and Mann movies, and they indeed sound much better than mp3's.

          Beginner, 14 Oct 2022Thank you for kind suggestions rishiguru and n808 user. Now... moreThe offer is currently running on Amazon

            • B
            • Beginner
            • utb
            • 14 Oct 2022

            RishiGuru, 14 Oct 20221) LG G8X comes with inbuilt ESS Sabre Quad DAC. The audio ... moreThank you for kind suggestions rishiguru and n808 user. Now i'll wait for price coming down from ₹3250 to 1999 for e80c.
            While browsing found out that shanling ua1 pro (3500₹ sold out) also have same audio chip as lg g8x. Who knows after couple for years later we would be able to enjoy hi res music under 1000 ₹ via dongle dec.God bless audiophile community :)

              Beginner, 13 Oct 2022Found hindi collection music collection on torrent. After l... more1) LG G8X comes with inbuilt ESS Sabre Quad DAC. The audio chip not only has a DAC but also an analog headphone amplifier. It amplifies the feeble analogy signal from the DAC and sends this amplified sound signals through the headphone jack to those tiny drivers sitting inside your headphones.

              2) When your earphone is connected to G8X headphone jack, it senses the earphone driver's impedance and delivers appropriate power to drive it accordingly.

              3) Almost all earphones/ headphones available in the market are of low impedance as then it becomes easy for those tiny DACs in phones to drive the earphones. It need small amount of power from your DAC chips internal amplifier to produce a desired level of loudness. To achieve the same level of loudness in a high impedance headphone may require twice or thrice the amount of power. That's why they are only popular among audiophile community.

              4) In return high impedance headphones will give is more control and have some advantages. That is why all $1000 plus headphones are of high impedance type as these will be driven by dedicated headphone amplifiers which cost another $1000.

              5) The ESS Sabre Quad DAC is the best DAC chip ever produced for a smartphone. Period. It is capable to handle high impedance load. So when you connect a Soundmagic E80C, it senses its high impedance and increases its amplifier power accordingly. Now you get a more fuller, cleaner and amazing amount of loudness as Quad DAC has automatically geared up the power for this headphones. E80C matches pretty well with G8X running on A10 with Meridian Audio tuning. I love the sound.

              6) When you are speaking of songs and different file formats, the recording quality is most important. A badly recorded piece of music will sound bad in FLAC as well as DSD. A very well recorded music will sound excellent in 320 kbps MP3.

              7) In our country in general music and vocals are of great importance, not how they are recorded and subsequent audio quality. Hence mostly 320 kbps MP3 is enough. However some music directors and sound engineers value sound quality, so having PCM audio in FLAC file format is a good option.

              8) Lastly, there are some English music, songs and instrumentals pieces which are recorded in very high quality studios having exemplary sound quality. For those you should get DSDs, in file formats like dsf and dff. If a 320 kbps MP3 track of 5 MB size, its FLAC variant at 16 bit, 44.1 kHz will be around 20 MB in size. Where as in DSD128, the same track will be 80MB in a dsf file. However native DSD playback on a phone will produce the best audio quality ever achievable in phones. Very few phones can do that, like LG G8X running on A9, LG V30+, LG G7, Vivo NEX S, etc.

              Hope it helps.

                • B
                • Beginner
                • 2SL
                • 13 Oct 2022

                Samath N8 808 owner, 13 Oct 2022You can use any combination of audio player app, audio file... moreFound hindi collection music collection on torrent. After listings couple of songs in flac wav format, felt the difference after going back to 320kbps on some songs, couldn't find the difference for all songs. Now my greed become much larger so aaking is there any difference in music quality when using high impedance iem like sound e80c , e50c(were available for 25$,19$ brand new ). Currently using beginner iem kz zst-X

                  Beginner, 10 Oct 2022Can i enjoy music with music source like 320kbps mp3 (becau... moreYou can use any combination of audio player app, audio file and earphones with G8x, nothing stops you.
                  I've used as much as 32 kbps eAAC+ (equivalent to 128kbps mp3, downloaded original from Nokia Music) and they're ok for general listening while gymming, morning run, etc.

                  320 kbps mp3 will help a lot, and sound better than the typical 128 kbps file. Yes of course, the music won't be as detailed as FLAC, but no other problem.
                  I recommend using FLAC format for the favourite 10-50 tracks you have. Otherwise, they'll fill the storage pretty bad, considering you have photos and 4K60 videos too.
                  I have a 512GB Card inside mine so I'm doing great, but not everyone has the same.

                    • B
                    • Beginner
                    • ijH
                    • 10 Oct 2022

                    aditya, 08 Oct 20221) Dont upgrade over Android 10 2) Use a minimum 64 ohm ea... moreCan i enjoy music with music source like 320kbps mp3 (because its almost impossible to find flac, wav format like we can find in english ones) with the help of recommend earphone having impedance more than 64 ohm.
                    Thank you for your kind suggestions :)

                      • P
                      • Prashant
                      • YQZ
                      • 08 Oct 2022

                      RishiGuru, 07 Oct 2022There remains a gap in analogue sound quality on Android 10... moreSoftware and security support is more important than listening music for me.

                        • a
                        • aditya
                        • PU4
                        • 08 Oct 2022

                        Beginner, 08 Oct 2022Hello buddy can you guide me how to start my audiophile jou... more1) Dont upgrade over Android 10
                        2) Use a minimum 64 ohm earphones (Soundmagic e80c, etc.)
                        3) Use a good quality source file for better output

                          • B
                          • Beginner
                          • 2Tc
                          • 08 Oct 2022

                          RishiGuru, 07 Oct 2022There remains a gap in analogue sound quality on Android 10... moreHello buddy can you guide me how to start my audiophile journey with my lg g8x. Currently on a11. I prefer listing music either offline (320kbps)or youtube sometime amazone music which i didn't prefer due to poor ui. I have pair of beginner iem kz zst and basic jb c200si and oppo enco m32. It will be much appreciated

                            mvd65, 24 Sep 2022You mentioned a huge difference in sound between A10 and A1... moreThere remains a gap in analogue sound quality on Android 10 over Android 11. From what I heard Android 12 is even worse. On Android 10, the sound through audio jack has for resolved details, mostly in the high frequency region of the audio spectrum. It also preserves the signature Meridian Audio tuned sound which I personally adore.

                            On Android 11, I miss the Meridian tuning and some of the details. With Android 10, the G8X is capable to resolve inner details of a complicated music track very nicely, easily conveying microdynamic nuances, which is somewhat less on Android 11.

                            With the Vietnamese version of G8X, which arrived later Android 10 is the best for music. But if you have an unit manufactured elsewhere, there is a good chance of having Android 9 on G8X. The biggest advantage of Android 9 is it supports native DSD playback the best audio quality possible on a phone. Then your G8X will be able to play dsf,dff files without any software decoding providing unadeltured music just like my LG V30+ babies on Android 9.

                              • P
                              • Prashant
                              • s89
                              • 06 Oct 2022

                              Anonymous, 05 Oct 2022I was planning to buy a used one but is it a good idea ? Es... moreA okayish idea. All of this phone is okay/good except front camera.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • NtT
                                • 05 Oct 2022

                                I was planning to buy a used one but is it a good idea ? Especially how long can it last if for a 1 year or more maybe less ?

                                  Isaac20, 28 Sep 2022Does it support 5g ?V50S Thinq 5G is the 5G version of this exact phone, also RAM is increased to 8GB in it, , everything else is exactly the same.

                                    • M
                                    • Mani
                                    • D0b
                                    • 04 Oct 2022

                                    Anonymous, 11 Aug 2022How did you get the update? I have been trying to upgrade m... moreDon't upgrade it bro

                                      • S
                                      • Sunmog
                                      • rZu
                                      • 03 Oct 2022

                                      Kwadwo Owusu Acheaw, 30 Sep 2022Can anyone help me make a choice of a gift out of Xiaomi Po... moreChoose lg G8x so that you will not face poco motherboard issue as time passed on. But if infarrad port is important to you then go for pocox3 pro just put it in mind that after 7 month you have to give it out or you face what that can't be fixed...

                                        • N
                                        • Noki
                                        • ftM
                                        • 02 Oct 2022

                                        Kwadwo Owusu Acheaw, 30 Sep 2022Can anyone help me make a choice of a gift out of Xiaomi Po... moreDoes it support infrared