Motorola E398
- W
- Wattie
- Sbx
- 13 Jul 2006
Best modding phone ever. You can do practically whatever you want with it's firmware and software. No other competitor is available
- e
- erik
- 2Au
- 12 Jul 2006
@@@@@@@ I've had this phone for a year now and it still works fine. Though the quality of the sound it produces when playing mp3 is a bit softer now than how it was, its still a pretty good mp3 phone.@@@ The vga camera sucks especially when you're shooting with poor lighting. Even the night-mode feature doesnt seem to work at all.@@@ Sturdiness...5. Overall Appearance (after a year)...4. Camera...2. MP3 sound quality...4. Charging and USB jack...1. (too loose). That's all.
- g
- goran
- M}F
- 11 Jul 2006
best phone for mp3 music and fun.gsm arena is the best.hello from serbia
- w
- wade
- TS}
- 10 Jul 2006
helo there, does anyone know whether its a normal thing that this hp cannot connect to the computer when it is set (data/fax connection) in settings (connection). this is bcoz i heard that can upgrade this hp to E1 but the problem is mine cant connect to pc if set (data/fax connection). if using moto modder, where must i go to upgrade to E1? Thnx ...
- ?
- Anonymous
- F4p
- 08 Jul 2006
this phone is lousy.problems with mp3s started after 8 months.gotta change a phone soon.
- p
- pawlenz
- n9@
- 08 Jul 2006
I have this phone for about 2 years and it's still has the best audio quality when comparing with other brands!
- D
- pkg
- 06 Jul 2006
this phone is the best .. if u put the rokr soft .. it's great .. larger memory , better photos , good sound .. SUPER PHONE HELLO MOTO :)
- r
- raju
- RKj
- 05 Jul 2006
hi to everybody. i want to share something after modding your e398 to E398 retro_R373_30.45 .i faced some problems with my soft ware version is R373_G_E03.45R )
1.noway to add WebSessions (apn no :-----only takes numbers only) cell info.
- ?
- Anonymous
- nDN
- 05 Jul 2006
a great phone!!i have this phone 4 about 2 years and it's stil working without any kind of problem.
gotto love this phone.
- L
- Lewis
- P2d
- 05 Jul 2006
Mobile Congratulations !!!
Very Good .
- p
- peach
- F4p
- 03 Jul 2006
i wouldnt recommend this phone.the problem 1st started after 8 months.
- s
- slim shady
- 28 Jun 2006
I have this mobile for the past 1 yr,i just wanna know can i increase the memory from 64 to anything higher and can i plug it to my pc and download songs in it and where can i get the data cable for it and the software.Plees can someone say....,,,...bye,,thanxxx
- s
- sham3036
- 26 Jun 2006
This phone rock man.. Once the phone was dead and i thought that the end.. But i've upgraded it using my own pc and now it is one in a million..
- M
- Moto-Fanatic
- Pxv
- 24 Jun 2006
I hope that Helped
(But remember Updating your phones software is not just a one click process, you have to back up your phone using a program called P2K tools then you will have to back up the E398's software us a program called Flash-backup and one small error can stuff your phone)
- M
- Moto-Fanatic
- Pxv
- 24 Jun 2006
The Rokr firmware update on your E398 not only gives you video recording and I-tunes but it also gives you features such as
-Much faster USB connection
-The ability 2 store Java apps to Transflash
-Faster menus
-Airplane mode
-Better sound quality
-The update automatically deletes stock ringtones,pics etc giving you more memory
-Voice recording
But if you read on and learn the tricks of the trade and how to customise ur E398 you can even
-Make speakers much,much louder and clearer
-Change Itunes Skins
-Seem edit (Change and tweak the phone's software)
-Lock Keypad by pressing menu+menu
-ITUNES WITH 1000 SONGS! (100 songs sucks!)
-Chang Start-up and Shut-Down animations
-Charge phone through USB cable
And Lots,Lots more
(updating firmware to Rokr E1 and software editing is not as easy as it sounds so before you go out and buy an E398 because you have heard from ppl that you can update it to a rokr e1, make sure you take look around on the net and read)
The site I suggest is
It will give you all the information you need and teel you where to downlad the Rokr E1 firmware!
- R
- Rammy
- SkE
- 24 Jun 2006
Can anyone tell me how to copy all the numbers from the phone onto the sim, I can only do it one by on, is there anyway of doing all at once?
- ?
- Anonymous
- Pxv
- 24 Jun 2006
For all you ppl out there loking to update ur firmware (E398) Just got to
and follow the instructions!
- s
- samidha
- 2@q
- 21 Jun 2006
Can anyone help me? How to download Mp3 in this phone? i had it before but now its not working. it just giving msg that MIDILet fils r not stored... can u tell me wat it means?
- b
- brian
- TKb
- 19 Jun 2006
hey anyone can help me with this:
how to upgrade motorola e398 frimware to rokr version ..... anyone can help me
- s
- sid
- 2SU
- 16 Jun 2006
i recommend u bye the E398 and upgrade to a Rokr thru comp
i ll tell u hot to do tht
just email me