Motorola E398
- E
- Eclipse398
- Rxt
- 21 Oct 2005
see information on modding this fone in and
- m
- mark
- mm}
- 20 Oct 2005
Where did everyone get this phone from? I see people saying it is a good priced phone but the best price I can find for it is £250
- J
- Josh
- P5m
- 20 Oct 2005
hey Ed,
from where did u get the modding done? wht was the site? can u please post the link? thanks mate.
- A
- Anusha
- 2SN
- 20 Oct 2005
I can't figure out how to change the ring tone from a midi to an mp3 and I can't figure out how to change my incoming text alert from what it is. Can anyone tell me how to get a song to play as ring tone .. if possible .. not as a midi? If it has to be midi, how do I make it one, so that I can get it to play when the phone rings?
can we store the ring tone through the message to the phone. Plz tell if anyone know
- K
- Koll
- mm}
- 20 Oct 2005
Was this the phone that used to be like £80 in Argos?
- e
- ed
- 20 Oct 2005
Continuation from the post below ...
And i'm not lossing my warranty, coz i can always revert it back to the original E398.
But if you really want a good camera and video rec. Then buy a handy cam or something, this is a phone lol
- e
- ed
- 20 Oct 2005
The original E398 package is not good enough.
But after some modding, this E398, or i'll say it i398, is just fantastic.
1> Fast User Interface
2> Fast SMS-ing, SMS storage setting on Phone memory or sim
3> Phonebook search, you can type 'Motor' if you want to search Motorola on you phonebook
4> Smooth video playback, and can handle bigger bitrate
5> Java applications on TransFlash
6> Flight Mode
7> Better camera quality
8> VIDEO Record!!! -> the quality is much better than SE K750 or N6600
- D
- Dave
- U2T
- 19 Oct 2005
I've had an E398 since not long after they were first released and I still think it is one of the best phones going around apaprt from 1 thing! and that is the incredibly laggy interface, if you are a fast smser then at times you can find yourself 20 - 25 seconds ahead of the pohone! and menu navigation can be very slow at times causing u to be in the wrong section if you nav too quick. Other than this awesome phone, awesome sound!! As for video...... Why anyone wants a video camera on a phone is beyond me! Buy a Camcorder and take proper videos!
- s
- samson tejuola ogunj
- SsB
- 18 Oct 2005
1st n 4 real u motorola guys are good 4 tight thinkin n all that technical know how.i mean u guys should keep on the good product manufacturing.on the motorola e398 its ma best make of motorola series n i feel it should top it s skills with an IR compactibility.thanks.
- h
- hallz
- UiS
- 18 Oct 2005
The phone is quite good feature wise, and design is quite good (camera is great for its res). Drawbacks: no automatic keylock, laggy interface and no irda
- m
- mike
- TSx
- 18 Oct 2005
i have accidentaly deleted my java settings on my e398 and because i live in New Zealand and the phone is from Singapore, motorola here say that they cannot reinstall the settings any help appreciated
- H
- Hatam
- mg{
- 17 Oct 2005
Sorry a question: Where or how I can find a perfect(I mean full of all details, there be all explainations about meanings of all menu and submenus in this motorola) user manual? If it exist in internet(an address in internet), it will be better, if not I must search the way for finding that manual.
Thank you so much,
- ?
- Anonymous
- 17 Oct 2005
hi there i bought e398 last friday and i discover that e398 is not able to record video. kindly tell me what software or upgrade to do for me to enable video recorder. if you have some software pls send me... because maybe it not yet available here in the philipines.. thanks for reading.
I hope you could help me...
thank you and your immediate reply is highly appreciated
God bless
- m
- maricia morgan
- 16 Oct 2005
i fink the phone is great i love it for style use everything u name i love it but i really dont have a clue hoe 2 down load music as mp3 please some 1 tell me
- s
- stefan
- mAQ
- 16 Oct 2005
for all moto e398 users, if you want to download free of any charge (20 downloads limit /day) screensavers, wallpapers (178*220), some java, theems, just go to: register there and youl have many things to see!!! download them to your computer and then use the data cable to store on t-flash card inside phone!
- j
- jon
- 16 Oct 2005
hii i got one and its great it got everything, but anywayz where is the bluetooth located on tha fone???
- m
- moto
- 4T@
- 15 Oct 2005
i never heard tflash card burned in i398. although you are right , i398 cancels the warranty. i have i398 using shoey mpack. i like it. now with the rising popularity of the rokr, its the next best thing..... and its free upgrade. but a lot of reading has to be done.
. you are right ! better stay with e398 if you're not sure what you're doing.
- s
- stefan
- mAQ
- 15 Oct 2005
if you want to take serious photos and videos, better buy a camera at least 4MP, and VGA video capable!!! then you can make videos as large as the memory card is!!! it is not even worth mentioning that all phones have PLASTIC LENS (except nokia n90), and NO FLASH, just a bright diode, and most of all the camera sensor inside phones, all models even se w800, k750, nokia n90, is CMOS, unbelivebly SLOW!!! (cameras have CCD sensor). camera phones are just for SNAP SHOTS!!!!
- s
- stefan
- mAQ
- 15 Oct 2005
to i398 fan (next time add you f***ing name)
sorry, my mistake, the video recording time is "waaaay longer" 20 seconds good quality, and a great 1 minute at a poor quality, have you ever thought what this means? probably NO!!! and you know why, because there is 500kb file size limit!!! this is due to the fact that nor the pics and nor the videos are stored directly to the t-flash card, even if this option is set! these are stored on the phone's memory, that acts like a buffer (just like at dvd-rw or hard-disks) and then copied to the t-flash card!!! have you ever asked yourself this question, why there is a time, and a size limit??? or have you ever read shoey's guide??? why nokia phones like 6600 or 3650 that are way older than this model record video unlimited on the memory card? because they run on symbian os and they have a tiny 109mhz processor inside!
and where do i know that some got their card burned, i was curious to know if it worths to make it i398 and ofcourse i went to moto service, and they told me that mani i398 went back to service for all sorts of problems, but the most serious ones were with the burned card!!! THEY HAD TO PAY THE SERVICE, and it's not so cheap!
the question is: is it worth loosing the warranty for 20 or 60 sec of video (QCIF rezolution, and i belive 10 or 15 fps)????
- j
- jawad
- P%v
- 15 Oct 2005
can u help me in this regard
ie i398
i never heard about any one complaining that his memory card burnt out can u explain it