Motorola E398

Motorola E398

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 4T@
  • 15 Oct 2005


you dont know what you're talking about. 40 seconds good quality vide not 10 seconds. have you ever seen i398? if not, then shut up... i398 rules.........

    • s
    • stefan
    • mAQ
    • 14 Oct 2005

    i've heard many ppl complaining about not having video recording, if you think about modding it to i398, i say don't do that just for the video stuff! why so, simple after a while some e398 got their transflash card burned, and the video recording is just 10 seconds at a good quality an 50 sec at a poorer one! i myself own a e398 and i'm fuully satisfied with it, payed 100$, unlocked! you cand send/receive videos by bluetooth, i have some on my e398 made with SE P910 and the quality is not so good! i made some videos with a sony cybershot s40 (30 fps) and sent them to my phone as mp4, the quality is brilliant! better buy a camera and this phone!!! that's a deal!

      • j
      • jawad
      • P%v
      • 14 Oct 2005

      Well i am also looking to buy a E-398 {but due to no video is some thing that is stoping me }
      can any body tell me what type of simple upgrade can help me to record video
      As Motorola ROKR E1 is almost identical to the E398
      Why we can not upgrade E-398 to make it similar to Motorola ROKR E1 with single update?
      And How risky it will be for me{as i never have done it before}?

        • J
        • Joker
        • mx7
        • 14 Oct 2005

        I can't figure out how to change the ring tone from a midi to an mp3 and I can't figure out how to change my incoming text alert from what it is. Can anyone tell me how to get a song to play as ring tone .. if possible .. not as a midi? If it has to be midi, how do I make it one, so that I can get it to play when the phone rings? I've had this phone for about a year now and it's seriously frustrating. I'm thinking about trading it in to something more straight forward. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

          • j
          • juan tuvano
          • TS7
          • 14 Oct 2005

          this phone is a great thing..such like the 3d stereo speaker, the mp3 player, an external memory also the clear screen..but it cames with a few poorness too like the bad way to charge (you will find it about 3 days after buy it new) and the screen is good but in some case u must turn ur phone into some position cause the screen looks dark, the bluetooth is good but it only for a 60s second lifetime, after it you must turn it on again and again..maybe i will buy for a new moto like e680i

            • m
            • mutantboi
            • TC}
            • 14 Oct 2005

            Hey, i heard this phone got a hijacked edition.. its called E398 Hijacked.. can someone tell me whats the difference?

              • j
              • jerick e san agustin
              • PZu
              • 14 Oct 2005

              i loved my e398 but i have a problem with browser, whenever i receive browser msg, it said that i need to update it but i dont know the authen tication key,. can someone help me

                • D
                • Dav
                • Uip
                • 13 Oct 2005

                hey does anyone know how to turn my mp3 songs to a ringtone (if the mp3 songs are in the expandable memory card) so i can play the songs through these massive speakers. I know i can only do this if the songs is in the phones internal memory. But this only allows me to store one song and that's crap.
                my email is

                  • f
                  • febry
                  • UDM
                  • 13 Oct 2005

                  1. Why there is no delivery report when we send sms in the sms feature?
                  2. Why the battery get easily hot?
                  3. When we play music,the cellphone vibrate hard,is it dangerous?

                    • A
                    • Andrei_romania
                    • nCD
                    • 12 Oct 2005

           dear paul ...if by "continously" you mean playing without reapeat just have to create a list . this option is in the bottom of the "sounds" menu.

                      • p
                      • paul
                      • Mbt
                      • 12 Oct 2005

                      Can anyone tell me to play all mp3 files continuously ?

                        • A
                        • Andrew_Romania
                        • nCD
                        • 10 Oct 2005

                        Boys...enough with these complaints ....well ...the charger and the battery have no problem at all... the key of solving this problem comes with the mmc : this phone is kind of old technology binded with new softwere . if the mmc is not corectely arranged in the mmc slot ...the softwere kinda fails and all sorts of problems appear: bad link with computer,poor bluetooth conection,bad charging...if you have any more problems of this kind(battery-charge) just open the back protecive case , pull the batery out (carefull) and gently push the mmc in,till it`s stif(without opening the mmc slot ). it worked for me and for my and all of my friends . good Luck !!

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • PFM
                          • 10 Oct 2005

                          to all those that have this phone.have your had this problem sometimes you can't charge the phone. i went to the service centre they solve the problem and say it will be working find. after a few days the same problem started i went there again and they fix it. i visted the service centre 6 times all the same problem. i can't take it any more and traded it for another phone. and the best thing is that i only used it for 8 months and never drop it before.

                            • l
                            • laiju
                            • 2SP
                            • 10 Oct 2005

                            hi guys,

                            i want to know is there any way i can play .rm (real media) files on E398.
                            Can the video recording be enabled.

                            pls mail the solutions to

                            thxs laiju

                              • R
                              • RAVES
                              • mHg
                              • 09 Oct 2005

                              If you want hundreds of songs on your e398....Then simply turn them to videos....Thats what ive done...And i now have abou80 good quality songs!

                                • d
                                • dan
                                • ije
                                • 09 Oct 2005

                                is there any accessory available enablin Infrared port jus like usin a bluetooth dongle for a comp... plz do reply ..danx

                                  • d
                                  • dan
                                  • ije
                                  • 09 Oct 2005

                                  hi everyone , i jus bought the moto E398....
                                  is there anyway to add a video player which can play various formats(like acc,mpg1,mpg2,avi)as a java application (coz the mp3 player is in java application too) if it is available where can i download it . or is there any other way to have a better video player ....please reply as soon as possible as it would be of great help... thanking u in advance..

                                    • m
                                    • muiz
                                    • TC{
                                    • 08 Oct 2005

                                    somebody tell me what type of file should i use when download mpeg4 coz windows media player not working tks

                                      • w
                                      • whoelse_ER
                                      • ijr
                                      • 08 Oct 2005

                                      well so far so good...i do like its sound quality but there are something that i don't like abt this phone...
                                      1st.. is there any ways that i can set my ringtones using the mmc memory instead of the phone memory...this becoz da phone memory is too small and only can store limited songs...
                                      2nd.. each process is kinda slow....where i need to wait for a few seconds...dat really bother me when it comes to speed smsing...
                                      3rd .. i dun really like its camera performance not really clear...
                                      finally....da charger!! everytime i charge there's problem with da connection between the charger and my loose easily where i need to press it from time to time in order to tighten it back...(worst case scenario)
                                      hope u guys can solve all these problems for me..


                                        • J
                                        • JQ
                                        • ibc
                                        • 08 Oct 2005

                                        To All,
                                        Please check out the website: for a series of modification for Motorola Handphone.It is free and teach you a lot of on customizing Motorola Handphone.
