Motorola E398

Motorola E398

User opinions and reviews

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  • g
  • gyamfi
  • N7A
  • 17 Aug 2005

Thnks Shabbar 4 yr reply, however, yr suggestn was the 1st action I took on realisin this problem. I even removed the battery and inserted it back all to no avail. What I wld like to know is how to get the right software to be loaded on the fon for it to function normally.

    • s
    • shabbar
    • U2c
    • 17 Aug 2005

    gyamfi yr phone is in bootloader form that usally happens if you press the * & # key and switch on your phone but dont worry just switch off your phone and switch it back on and it will be done ,

      • d
      • dario
      • Sby
      • 17 Aug 2005

      which of these two moto's is the best: the moto T398 or the moto V80? i like both designs and features but i wish someone elses opinion so pls dont hasetate to answer 10x

        • M
        • Michael
        • PAh
        • 17 Aug 2005

        Hi again all,still cant work out e398 to i398 flash,is there any who lives in Melbourne or Geelong who could flash the phone for me for a small fee....Thanks

          • t
          • tin
          • Rxn
          • 17 Aug 2005

          i'm planning to buy this phone but friends told me that it does not have video or sound recording. however, you can actually upload some java applications for this kinda feature. where can i download the applications? thanks!

            • g
            • gyamfi
            • N7A
            • 16 Aug 2005

            Just dis afternoon i was accessing a video file on my transflash card when the fon's screen jammed, displayin the ff info :

            Boot Loader 07.D0
            SW Version: R372_G_0E.20.8
            BR Code Corrupt
            Battery OK
            OK to program
            Connect USB cable

            After connecting via USB cable, the fon displays a "Transfer Mode" in additn to the above software informatn list.
            Ma fon hasn't been working since then.
            I need help.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • Rxc
              • 16 Aug 2005

              hi nilayabhishek ,
              I dont have the direct link to shoeys i398 monster pack anymore. try going to motomodders. click this. . post your question but you have to register. its free. there are lots of guys there who are just more than willing to help you.if you decide to go for it, print the guide and do triple check everything so as not to kill your phone.if done correctly, you will have a totally new phone.i398 rules!!!! goodluck.

                • m
                • msx
                • Pxp
                • 16 Aug 2005

                hey wher do u guys get your themes from? i'm using fearsim's theme and thats the only one i have other than the two given by shoey.....

                  • s
                  • sandeep
                  • U22
                  • 16 Aug 2005

                  Gr8 looks, gr8 audio quality...gr8 phone
                  could anybody plz tell me the risk involved in upgrading e398 to i398.can i revert back to e398 whenevr i want, and would my warranty become void if i perform any software upgrade.Lastly has there been any new firmware release for e398 by motorola.

                  thanks and regards

                    • s
                    • stromblad
                    • PRQ
                    • 16 Aug 2005

                    To whimpey: Which part of Manila are you from? Well, Motorola units aren't really that popular in the Philippines compared to Nokia or SE. Most people don't know how cool the e398 is and I personally like it to stay that way so that I won't have a lot of people who would have the same phoen unit as me.

                    Anyway, to your question, I'm not sure if Greenhills is the best place to go coz most of the stores there cater to the 'masses' who go for Nokia and SE units. The price for an openline e398 in the Philippines is around 12k. That will get significantly lower if you get it thru Smart or Globe. I got mine as a retention plan from Smart so I got it at a bargain for 3k. However, there is at least a month and a half waiting time to get the unit from Smart.

                    Try going to MemoExpress, which would have branches at Festival Mall in Alabang, SM City North EDSA in QC, Glorietta 3 in Makati and also one in Sta Lucia Mall in Cainta/Pasig. I saw e398 units on display there and they might be easier to get thru that store chain.

                    Good luck and enjoy the phone once you get it.

                      • w
                      • whimpey
                      • PAY
                      • 16 Aug 2005

                      motorola e398 really fascinates me. could someone please help me and tell me what is the price range of this phone here in the philippines. i am living in manila, but i hardly go out. i heard phones are cheaper in greenhills. could anyone please tell me the price range of motorola e398 there. please. thanks guys. i just ask because im just a student and i have no enough money yet. i really want this phone.

                        • S
                        • S
                        • F4p
                        • 16 Aug 2005

                        thanks ak. But how do i lower the quality of the mp3 file. is there a software to do it? Thanks

                          • F
                          • FAW
                          • jLw
                          • 13 Aug 2005

                          My bro just bought this phone two weeks ago and yesterday it started to say "no service" we took it to the phone company we bought it from but we have to go back monday...does anyone had this problem before...and btw it is a cool phone :D

                            • A
                            • ALe
                            • PVg
                            • 13 Aug 2005

                            Help,someone help me plz...I wanna Upgrade my motorola e398 become i398,where i can download that flash...please email me...

                              • H
                              • Hitman
                              • M@P
                              • 13 Aug 2005

                              Hey everybody,

                              Can someone please help me with tryin to get video recording on my E398 as i've tried the 'NTL' link from shoey but it doesn't work as it says the URL link is unavailable. Someone help with this, plzzzz!!!!


                                • s
                                • stromblad
                                • PBY
                                • 12 Aug 2005

                                Finally got the phone and so far it has exceeded my expectations. It's design is more stylish than I thought it was. The phone features are everything it was touted to be. The picture resolution of the camera is excellent. The sms function is normal and adequate, not 'unresponsive' as the review and some user comments say it was. The mp3 player has excellent sound quality especially if you use the headphones.

                                Some questions though:
                                1) How do you get the lights to flash in sync with the music? Haven't been able to figure that one out yet.

                                2) How do you move files, mp3s specifically, directly from the pc to the flash card?

                                  • K
                                  • Kris
                                  • P5m
                                  • 12 Aug 2005

                                  Hey Joe its pretty easy. but u need to have java application loader under java settings for this...u should have loaded ur phone with tht doesnt come with the phone originally..if u havent let me know...i'll mail you...

                                    • d
                                    • de legend
                                    • RIJ
                                    • 12 Aug 2005

                                    I had bought e398 2 days ago. I'm very satisfied with it. My opinion is based on time released, price and features compare with other brand. 1stly, E398 win on its price. 2ndly, its quality of sound. And its picture quite ok even it's only a vga camera. The downside of it is only its not has a video recorder. But why bother if u can only record video in just few minutes. Overall, bravo e398!

                                      • i
                                      • ida
                                      • MZs
                                      • 12 Aug 2005

                                      dis pone is gud........but pls could anyone tell me how to put music videos into de pone,and how to upgrade it tanx