Motorola E398
- h
- hon
- F4n
- 05 Jun 2005
how to install java games into the e398 hp?? can anyone help?
- n
- niki
- iGg
- 05 Jun 2005
To S
Here you can find whatever you need for your E398.
- S
- S
- P5m
- 04 Jun 2005
hey niki from whr did u get that many games? can u pls give me a coupla links to some sites with free java games? would appreciate it alot.
- N
- Niki
- iGg
- 04 Jun 2005
Can you install more than 30 games in the E398?My memory is not full but it says: Memory Full.
- ?
- Anonymous
- P5m
- 04 Jun 2005
The Moto E398 is OBVIOUSLY BETTER than the SE K700. there's no doubt at all about that! the K700 is really pathetic and of course being SE ithas lots of problems and bugs.
that's all what SE is... "Please Wait and No Service"
- N
- Niki
- iGg
- 04 Jun 2005
Motorola E398 is better than SonyEricsson K700.
The larges T-flash card is 512mb.
- s
- steel
- F4p
- 04 Jun 2005
Does anyone what settings can I tweak to enable MP3 ringtone with Bluetooth headset in use. Seems like all the ring tones are diabled once the handset links up with my Bluetooth headset, Thanks!
- t
- tommy_te0
- RLn
- 04 Jun 2005
I've got a E398, but i think it not reall good, cos it dont have tranflash with large capacity. Largest card is 128Mb. it quite goo
- p
- pat
- R5u
- 04 Jun 2005
how many text message can be accomodated by the inbox?
- r
- roket
- nDR
- 03 Jun 2005
i found some themes but i dont know how to install them. they are in format zip. help please....
- R
- Ray
- 03 Jun 2005
to warby again,
but i can tell you this phone is absolutely great. it does what it can really well. but if u really want video recording on ur phone then maybe u can go for tht O2 phone u mentioned.
- R
- Ray
- 03 Jun 2005
No it can't video record Warby. it can do everything else. even voice record is possible with a firmware upgrade.
video record is the only feature missing in this.
- N
- Niki
- iGg
- 03 Jun 2005
Here you can download java games and apps, skins,wallpapers,software etc.
- P
- Petter
- in@
- 03 Jun 2005
any one know where i can download free application for motorola e398? i try so hard. but never find yet. thanks all...
- r
- roket
- mAR
- 03 Jun 2005
i just bought it yesterday and i think it is wonderfull. but i didnt find any stuff on the internet. are they any pages on the internet with e 398 stuff.?
- R
- Rodgesg
- F4p
- 03 Jun 2005
mine is 96R also, but having problem. Phone can,t even see the new card, when other device got no problem with it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Rxc
- 03 Jun 2005
click i the manual on the left corner
- N
- Niki
- iGg
- 03 Jun 2005
I downloaded a java application SlideShow from but when I run it the list of pictures is empty.I'm asking if someone else has the same problem or it works fine.
- *
- *boi_boi*
- F4p
- 02 Jun 2005
do u ppl out there know where can i find e userguide book??
- n
- nebeula
- ije
- 02 Jun 2005
Moto E398 is doing pretty good. Good sound, good display,not bad picture quality.
Im having trouble with connecting it to my PC for the past one week. The software Mobile Tools just doesnt detect my fone. In Mobile explorer i can c nothing. When i click on 'Root folder' it simply says 'Processing Failed'
Could anyone help?
Thanx in advance