Motorola E398
- c
- crassh
- ms3
- 07 Mar 2005
hi. does this phone supports video? can u make movies with it? please tell me cause i'm interested in buying it.
- D
- DK
- S1x
- 07 Mar 2005
Hi i want to ask something:
Can i transfer mp3's directly to the phone or can i copy from the T-Flash to my phone memory(i ask that coz i heard that i can use only mp3 stored on the phone memory for ringtones)
- h
- help
- 07 Mar 2005
White version is better or the black version?
- S
- Shaneus
- PQ2
- 07 Mar 2005
to mario
to put mp3 on the phone go to settings>conections>usb> memory card. then use my computer to access the romoveable drive (this is your phone). then simply open the audio folder and past or drag and drop in the mp3 file(s) you want on your phone.
to everyone please use the search function if you have a question as just about all questions asked have been answered over 5 times. search field is located right below the post your opinion button
- m
- mario
- RLq
- 07 Mar 2005
so to put music into the phone do i have install mobile phone tools, then connect the phone to my computer with the USB, then locate the mobile phone tools in my computer and then just drag the MP3 files into the mobile phone tools folder with the phone connected to the PC with the USB. Is that all. do i have to do anything else? please help.
- M
- Moe
- iLS
- 06 Mar 2005
to Nicolas:
ive only had the fone for a few days and as of yet i havent had any problems with data transfer. if you want to upload mp3s then use the motomixer software and simply drag and drop into the mobile phone. (i also recomend that you reduce the quality of your mp3s to something like 64kbps to make the most out of ur space, but nothing lower so as not to kill of quality)
if you want to you could also hook up the usb to ur pc and just drag and drop pictures, mp3s or videos easy peasy
i have also been able to transfer files onto the transflash card via the SD adaptor so you shouldnt have problems there
Finally in terms of your address book, i recomend that you just scroll down and delete the enteries u dont want :p
hope this helps
- N
- Nicholas
- 06 Mar 2005
E398 rules no questions asked.. jus haf to know a few things.. coz i cant get connected from phone to computer via usb cable..
a) do i need to install modem driver?
b) is it easier transfering mp3 using a card reader???
c) i have repetitive names coz i copied my whole phonebook from sim into phone..(How can i make the phonebook only show the names stored inside phone mem?? )
Email me at
Tanks loads.. motorola rocks all the way..
- R
- Ria
- M@P
- 06 Mar 2005
I think this phone is good but there is better phones then that.
- h
- hellomoto
- RKn
- 06 Mar 2005
how many messages can be stored in the phone?
- M
- Moe
- iLS
- 06 Mar 2005
sorry lads it was a bit of a stupid question... turns out i had to scrool down to 'rename' :p
- M
- Moe
- iLS
- 06 Mar 2005
This is probably a bit of a stupid question; ive tryed most things but still cant find a way of renaming the pictures i take. (Im also having problems with making albums etc)
if you know how i can solve this picture naming problem pleeeeease give me a shout
- S
- Shaneus
- PQ2
- 06 Mar 2005
To PeAc5MaKeR
When after you have copy, pasted and hit enter you will directed yto a site in russian. Then go to the adress bar and remove the %AD in the php extension. The site has a full guide and 95R flash and 7F flex available for download.
To Lost
I havnt herd of an authentication pin but try 1234 or 000000 (6 zeros)they are the 2 stock pins moto use.
To put mp3 on the phone go to settings>conections.usb memory card. Then use my computer to acces the romoveable drive (this is your phone). Then simply open the audio folder and past or drag and drop in the mp3 file(s) you want on your phone.
To monika
Are you useing MPT to transfer the picture and are you useing BT or USB.
To rei
Phone lag is redused with upgrad of fireware (easy to do takes all of 35mins max)and the phone should be able to support up to 512.
To Ricky300
to get the drivers install and update MPT then install phone. Drivers will be in the MPT folder (C:\Program Files\mobile phone tools)
- S
- Steven KY
- TKb
- 06 Mar 2005
This phone is great so far for me, but i'm having problem viewing my datebook....i cant seem to view wat's on for a particular day after i set it in, it does mark tat something is happening on that day but i cant view it...who knows how to help me? thanks
- P
- PeAc5MaKeR
- 06 Mar 2005
I really need a guide about this 95R & 96R firmware thing. Someone please give me a low down on what are these software about and how they worl. Maybe even a link on where I could download it and also a manual to go with it. TQ
- l
- lost
- RLq
- 06 Mar 2005
wat is the default authentication pin for the motorola e398 to update the browser on the phone?
- l
- lost
- RLq
- 06 Mar 2005
I've had this phone for a month it's a good phone, but i have one problem. How do you put songs into the mp3 player of the motorola e398? I can't get my phone connected to the computer even though the usb is pluged in and the usb settings in the phone are on data/fax connection. I've installed Mobile Phone Tools and Motorola mp3 maker. Please Help me. Anybody.
- M
- Monika
- Ui0
- 06 Mar 2005
i have a motorola e398
when i plug in my usb cable and wen i want transfer the pics from myphone 2 my laptop it says
"whitespace is not avalible at this locati0on"
wat does it mean./
- r
- rei
- 06 Mar 2005
hi everyone...just wondering is the navigiation and messaging for the phone laggy? and can it support 256mb t flash card?
- S
- Shaneus
- PQ2
- 06 Mar 2005
To PeAc5MaKeR
Yes you can download the fireware from the internet. and upgrade your phone yourself. I dont have a link for 96R but i do have a link for 95R wich has the same USB menu.Use the search at the bottom of the page to find the posts on upgrading fireware.
- M
- Moe
- iLS
- 05 Mar 2005
got the phone yesterday and i rekon its excellent
i guess this is a bit of a stupid question but does anyone know how i can rename my pictures? they are all stored as the date i took them!