Motorola RAZR V3
- G
- George Halabi
- SsG
- 13 Apr 2005
i am thinking to buy this phone.
do you advice me to buy a V3 motorola ? how is the screen ? is it clear as the other 250K mobile screens ...
stef ,dont worry about the flexibilty in the joints of the mobile ... it's normal , i have a T100 samsung ... i bought it for $520 , it costs very little now , but it has the same thing you are talking about ... i guess it's normal , unless it moves much to the right and to the left ...
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%G
- 13 Apr 2005
The black V3 is extremely ugly!!!!!
- v
- vio
- SeZ
- 13 Apr 2005
wat"s up people?I want to get a motorolaV3 en i am a litle disapointed by its menu can i make some up grades or not?
send me an e_mail or the up grade.
thanks a lot for the page
- r
- rancho
- PQh
- 13 Apr 2005
ive had a v3 for a few months now its a nice phone but does lack some features. ill do a short pros and cons from personal experience.
looks great, nice and thin so it can fit in my jeans pocket without a massive bulge! easy to navigate, good display, nice voice quality, sms is easy, large phonebook, err plenty more
pain in the ass to keep clean, vga camera, no video, tiny memory 5.5mb. not the greatest speaker, when you put it on the charger it changes your ring profile (i havent bothered to see if you can change a setting..)
all in all its a great phone if you dont live on your phone. i use it to make/receive voice calls and occasionally send/receive sms/mms.
- s
- stef
- PVr
- 13 Apr 2005
hi guys,
i've heard alot about the v3 and i've heard more bad things than good things about it. Could someone please tell me whats soooo bad about it and some good stuff about the fone.
thanks stef :)
- m
- merdullah
- 12 Apr 2005
first of all i should tell that V3 takes attention very much... its a really cool phone... i love it much. but as far as ive used it, ive some questions about it... first of all when you choose a specific melody for one person, when that person sends you a SMS that melody plays instead of this while taking calls that should play i think. How i can solve this? Next, when i open the phone BLUETOOTH seems to be opened automatically so i close it manuelly. Can anyone tell me how could i close completely? And lastly most importantly, I CAN MOVE THE COVER OF V3 TO LEFT OR RIGHT a bit (mostly left)WHILE ITs COVER IS CLOSED OR HALF OPENED
is this normal? And there is an opening above the camera to the right as you can see in this link. Do you have this too???¤t=aklk.jpg
- ?
- Anonymous
- 12 Apr 2005
The kind of black color Motorola use for the V3 is ugly! I will keep my silver one.
- C
- Curl
- 12 Apr 2005
had the v3 for 4 weeks and have had to send it in for repair as it won't charge with either the charger or from the usb. now it's in the shop and motorola can't even give me date as they are waiting on parts...very frustrating
- r
- rbn
- Ifi
- 12 Apr 2005
check out his link to the motorola website..,,69,00.html
It says the internal display has 65 K colours for the silver razr..????
- r
- rbn
- Ifi
- 12 Apr 2005
Hi...i m about to purchase the black it true that the black razr has a 65K internal screen while the silver one has a 256 K screen.....any help would be greatly appreciated.......
- h
- happy
- mqk
- 12 Apr 2005
I've got the v3 and my bluetooth has just stopped working after working foen for a couple of weeks. Has this happened to anyone else and also does anyone know what i ahve to do to get it sorted
- K
- Keba
- Ghf
- 11 Apr 2005
Hi there im using the Mot V3 and its such a lovely phone.But i cant seem to use the Polyphonic or MP3 player what do i need..ive activated the MMs and GPRS,,Pls Help.
- J
- Joanna
- U2R
- 11 Apr 2005
hey pplz....
i fink dat motorola v3 is a great fone and i dont noe if it does really look good in black.... some ppl say dat nokia 8800 is beta den motorola, i dont fink so, its pretty crappy 2 me.. motorola v3 has beta quality and mostly everyfing is beta den nokia 8800... i want a motorola v3 !!
- S
- Shinji
- i$A
- 10 Apr 2005
it's not a bad phone, the only problem and the biggest problem is the bluetooth will stop working in the middle of nowhere!! u have to power the phone off and on to get it back! and even though it's a mp3 compatible phone, but 5MB internal memory only?? better be kidding sounded like you gave me a car with no tires...
- s
- sales
- 4vF
- 10 Apr 2005
the motorola v3 in all black is a lot better than the silver =]
- t
- thano
- Aej
- 10 Apr 2005
i love this phone, i got it free on a contract! FREE!!! thank god it was free otherwise i wouldnt be able to get it LOL
- L
- Luca Davison
- 09 Apr 2005
I have 10 Motorola V3 brand new in sealed box with all accesories (original)+ 2 chargers.
If you are interested please E-mail me at
- J
- Jagen
- F9q
- 09 Apr 2005
i work in the link and i think its a cool phone espically in black
- s
- stef
- Rxg
- 09 Apr 2005
Hi everyone,
Please write back if you can. I'm very interested in the v3 but for all the money that you pay for the it really worth it. Also, is the phone really hard to use or is it easy to use?
Thanks :)
- D
- Dany O.
- mAS
- 09 Apr 2005
A black V3
Guys,what do you think about the beauty of the black V3 ? Exept the fact that it is a limited edition, do you find that the black colour gives extra beauty to the V3 ? I like the colour of my V3. At the begining of this year, I have payed 580 Euro for it. It is amazing how good it is.The bluetooth headset ( bought separatly ) works just perfect. The bluetooth connection between my V3 and other Motorolas it really works. I have a lot of MP3 mousic in it,now. I also have video clips. THe camera makes nice pictures. For the phones dimensions I am surprised of its many quality features. It was a good choice to buy it. I am sure you can buy one new now, for less Euros than what I've payed for, which is good. :-) Dany O.