Reuters: Sony is open to selling its mobile phone business
- ?
- Anonymous
- Kx8
- 14 Jan 2015
i've said it few years ago,
Sony will be going down soon,
but the fanboys didn't believe me and they laughed at me.
now it's really happenning.
the reasons why i said that is because their build quality is getting worse every year.
and now the Sony brand are known for its overpriced product, bad quality, and bad reputation after-sales service.
- T
- TheLaG
- 14 Jan 2015
AnonD-4340, 14 Jan 2015That must be your opinion only, what potential buyers AND a... moreI Have Sony Z3 compact, it's a good phone for it's money, bought for 380 EURO, and comparing for size/hardware/price it's perfect, there are almost no phones which can offer same things.
Why Sony have problems, maybe shitty marketing...
And for those who says their camera is crap, it's no much better than any other camera in mobiles, you won't use those pictures for printing magazines anyway :) and for internet, the are as good as iPhone or Samsung
- D
- AnonD-344515
- P%u
- 14 Jan 2015
I wonder why they dominate the user ratings but they never sell.
- P
- Phone shop worker
- Mx@
- 14 Jan 2015
I have worked in a Phone shop for about two years now and find what lets sony down is the crappy design. Horrible to handle and although very durable feel like they will shatter if even sneezed on
- D
- Dynamoo
- 14 Jan 2015
Joint venture? Maybe give Ericsson a call..
- M
- Muthu
- 9Lc
- 14 Jan 2015
AnonD-60230, 14 Jan 2015from the time I took my first phone in my hands, it was a S... moreIf you want to understand why Sony has failed, look no further than the midrange devices (Xperia C, C3, M2, T2 and T3) they have released in 2014. All of them are overpriced with one or more deal breakers. The last meaningful midranger (Xperia SP) from Sony came more than 1.5 years back. For 1.5 years, you don't release any meaningful low-end/mid-range products where Android is ruling, then wonder why you are failing?
- ?
- Anonymous
- thH
- 14 Jan 2015
Akshay, 14 Jan 2015Fake News... Reuters also said that Sony was about to sell ... morewhatever still sony smartphone don't sell.
look at the their smartphone sold units not even reached the 40million units in the whole year 2014.
while others samsung , apple . LG were all managed to sold over 70million smartphone units
- ?
- Anonymous
- thH
- 14 Jan 2015
Anonymous, 14 Jan 2015Actually Sony is very good in cameras.but not in their smartphone.
- D
- AnonD-215124
- 8ad
- 14 Jan 2015
Go out of business already Sony.
- ?
- Anonymous
- ty@
- 14 Jan 2015
good chance for chinese companies.....
- M
- Magaga
- 330
- 14 Jan 2015
Still using my Xperia S ( SonyEricsson) Just got XperiaZ3 compact. And Here we got Xperia Z4...I feel depressed)))
- u
- uhk
- uW%
- 14 Jan 2015
MS are you interested???
- ?
- Anonymous
- HI8
- 14 Jan 2015
AnonD-60230, 14 Jan 2015from the time I took my first phone in my hands, it was a S... moreActually Sony is very good in cameras.
- D
- AnonD-4340
- Kg%
- 14 Jan 2015
jm, 14 Jan 2015well i think that z3c could have been a best seller but the... moreThat must be your opinion only, what potential buyers AND actual Z3 Compact owners complain about is the display, it looks low res because it is low res. Lower PPI than Moto G, doesnt get more mdrange than that, but cost 3 times more. Epic fail, a bigger Sony blunder than the missing LED flash of Z Ultra.
Will be long till Sony get any money from me again, will likely watch this new Sony Pictures movie ANNIE with my daughter but thats hopefully all the money Sony will see from me in 2015. Traitors, launching midrange specs at flagship prices, just die Sony, you earned it. By the way, my Xbox is happy to be paired with a Sharp TV instead of the Sony Bravia i originally had eyed out.
- ?
- Anonymous
- q{C
- 14 Jan 2015
AnonD-315435, 14 Jan 2015Sony out, Samsung has to pay royalties to MS. And I think S... moreit's never the time of wp, unless ms changes it drastically
- ?
- Anonymous
- Mfx
- 14 Jan 2015
NO, please no :((( At least none Chinese company :P
- h
- hairy
- vxF
- 14 Jan 2015
No Sony please don't sell your mobile division, I've had most brands and you guys are the best and I have stuck with. Please don't sell and don't sell to Apple they are rubbish and I'm sick of them!
- j
- jm
- p{5
- 14 Jan 2015
well i think that z3c could have been a best seller but the cheap plastic frame killed it..dommage specs, size and screen are for the future i only see lg and htc in the droid world...and maybe samsung if they recover
- D
- AnonD-4340
- Kg%
- 14 Jan 2015
AnonD-350822, 14 Jan 2015You think sony phones are quality? Their camera is below a... moreActually its the build quality that is the better known problem, also Xperia Z had bad issues, even if it didnt auto-crack as much as Z2, Z3 and Z3c it had the problem with the upper left back corner coming loose, my Z was less than 2 months old when it started, after that the phone was of course no longer waterproof. But at least that problem was rectified in later models, the selfcracking fronts and backs were not and is significantly worse in Z3c than in Z, despite Z being a success and selling in significant numbers (4.6 million the first 40 days) and Z3c being a narrow niche product selling almost nothing.
- D
- AnonD-117540
- uNW
- 14 Jan 2015
just bought Z1 lol