Apples and Oranges: iPhone 3G and 3GS coming to Orange UK

28 September, 2009
Who says Apples and Oranges are different? Not Apple or Orange, that's for sure as they've reached an agreement to offer the iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS to Orange UK customers. Sure enough, the iPhone is...

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  • d
  • deep space bar
  • kJq
  • 29 Sep 2009

Anonymous, 28 Sep 2009I don't like the sound of this at all. Previously Orange i... morei hate that but most of it is apple's fault why people think and act like that.look at all off apple's commercials against PCs it's sickening cause you know it's mostly lies from them and the uneducated ,insecure and single minded people haven't used every phone so they truely don't how good other Mobile OSs are until they try a new smartphone .....butbjt it' USA and canada that will keverr happpenCA thar will.nece

    • W
    • Win7RTM
    • C}v
    • 29 Sep 2009

    Anonymous, 29 Sep 2009"read/write blu-ray format" I'm not sure what you mean? Blu... moreOh and I was joking about that post, it was a reply to someone else's claim of instantaneously knowing Apple's secrets because he works in semi-conducting (Yeah it's the truth plz believe me plz. I work in semi-conducting, so I HAVE to

      • W
      • Win7RTM
      • C}v
      • 29 Sep 2009

      deep space bar, 28 Sep 2009what a nub he is lol .i'm a security guard and 3 days i wa... moreWell, you have to understand that this goes both ways. Like I said to that fail earlier, " Everyone draws their own lines, and honestly couldn't care less about anything above."

      This can be the case with the iPhone. What the crazy fanatics don't understand is that some people just want the iPhone to make a statement, to appeal, or just use it because the UI is pretty. I have to say a majority of iPhone users wanted in the first place. What the minority of iPhone users like this yank do is claim this phone is the greatest, and parade it around because it's Apple. He and others claim it's "WAYYYY" better than any other smartphone that was and will ever be released. If that's not a longshot, then I'm no sniper ;).

      It's pretty hard to hold a conversation with the crazy iPhone users (it's easy with the sane ones) because they always end up telling you "iPhone rules all" or "10 million Apps. Apple is beszt soFTwaRE MaekR EVar!". Short-sighted comments from short-sighted people.

      Remember back in the days of Wozinak and Sculley, where they called the shots while Jobs sat in the corner. Then Jobs revolutionized their campaign, not to be a game-changing company, but a game-changing company that "knows" it's better than you. Sculley soon realized Jobs was just becoming power-hungry, and bam. Jobs was gone. Too bad his elitist ways stuck with them, through Guy Kawasaki. And then he's back to continue his campaign. Nowadays you've got slogans telling you to "think different", and still feeding you the kool-aid that EVERY computer has viruses and you'll NEVER be happy in life until you have a Mac. I don't really blame Apple for this. I think it's stupid and elitist, but hey, it's their ONLY marketing strategy. I blame the fanatics, Apple evangelists, iFans. They are truly smearing the way people look at Apple.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • pJ0
        • 29 Sep 2009

        Win7RTM, 28 Sep 2009LOL? can I call BS? I'm doing it anyway. Apparently p... more"read/write blu-ray format" I'm not sure what you mean? Blu-Ray is a hi-def DISC format, so will we be able to insert our blu-ray discs into the phone??!!
        Do you just mean 1080p hi def?

          • d
          • deep space bar
          • kJq
          • 28 Sep 2009

          Win7RTM, 28 Sep 2009Nobody needs to get high like you on 8 and 12MP camera. I a... morewhat a nub he is lol .i'm a security guard and 3 days i was doing metal detector work and all i noticed that most kids had iphones cause they Are insecure and really uneducated in Alot and he ones without iphones or any apple products actually paid more attentions and had more common scense .pretty sad our future is full.of (i)diots......we should blame apple for spawning dumb kids now a days

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • SeK
            • 28 Sep 2009

            I don't like the sound of this at all. Previously Orange in years gone by reformat the phones for their own software to go on and then mess them up when they release them to the general public, I know this since every mobile I've had from Orange has been faulty. I could give you a list, but it is endless. I don't think Apple would like that to happen to their own phone especially since if you unlock the phone yourself you void the warranty. Then if the phone develops a fault after the unlocking effectively you have broken the phone yourself and they will quite rightly tell you off and not bother with you.

              • W
              • Win7RTM
              • C}v
              • 28 Sep 2009

              rakeb, 28 Sep 2009Why n900 5Mp camera 5800 3mp x5 5mp n97 and n97 mini 5mp? W... moreNobody needs to get high like you on 8 and 12MP camera. I assume this because your posts makes absolutely no sense. But you can't type in your own language, 'cause it'd be deleted here, so I'll have to do my best to decipher you posts.

              Like I said, most people don't care if their phones have 5, 3, 2MP what have you. That's why they bought them in the first place! Because they're happy. Everyone draws their own lines, and honestly couldn't care less about anything above. Not you. You talk like you're getting a 12MP camera phone next week, but ask me: Will you really? Or are you just drinking the high megapixel kool-aid again?

              Second, I doubt you have had ANY (if ever) experience with S60T, but whatever fuels your blind ignorance, man. My semi-conducting cousin has shown me his N97 with the kinetic scrolling and it's very fast and responsive. I guess if you can't experience it, make stuff up. Keep hoping for that iPhone with 1080p recording and "better battery life". lol.

                • d
                • deep space bar
                • kJq
                • 28 Sep 2009

                rakeb, 28 Sep 2009Why n900 5Mp camera 5800 3mp x5 5mp n97 and n97 mini 5mp? W... moren900 is first maemo 5 OS on a mobile and is fully open source and faster ....please go look at n900 vids and specs ans you'll know why i'm getting it and why the iphone fails against it

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 3xe
                  • 28 Sep 2009

                  Yay! Finally the iphone gets onto a proper 3G network! My Orange contract is due for renewal soon, i know what phone i'll be asking for!

                    • r
                    • rakeb
                    • 3ZI
                    • 28 Sep 2009

                    deep space bar, 28 Sep 2009they are just fixing the coding on on the s60 5th platform ... moreWhy n900 5Mp camera 5800 3mp x5 5mp n97 and n97 mini 5mp? Why n86 8mp .

                      • d
                      • deep space bar
                      • kJq
                      • 28 Sep 2009

                      rakeb, 28 Sep look samsung f480 is no windows mobile but system... morethey are just fixing the coding on on the s60 5th platform if you.noticed he x6 wrks.really.well.with capasitive cause of the coding same with n900 on resisitive they just have better coding

                        • d
                        • deep space bar
                        • kJq
                        • 28 Sep 2009

                        rakeb, 28 Sep look samsung f480 is no windows mobile but system... morewow....xp is one of the best OSs for desktop and laptops until windows.7

                          • d
                          • deep space bar
                          • kJq
                          • 28 Sep 2009

                          Rakeb, 28 Sep 2009Symbian is program is no system? Like windows xp and vista ... moreyou.seem retarded wf are you trying to say and symbian is small 50 - 80mb i believe

                            • r
                            • rakeb
                            • 3ZI
                            • 28 Sep 2009

                            Win7RTM, 28 Sep 2009what the are hell you trying to talk about. Comparing Windo... look samsung f480 is no windows mobile but system like vista menu and screen. nokia good like n96 but touch screen nokia is no good.

                              • W
                              • Win7RTM
                              • C}v
                              • 28 Sep 2009

                              Rakeb, 28 Sep 2009Symbian is program is no system? Like windows xp and vista ... morewhat the are hell you trying to talk about. Comparing Windows to Symbian? ROFL.

                              You're one of those guys that "saw the light" and headed over to Apple, and now anything any other company puts out that you feel isn't as good enough, you say it's old and stupid. And goo. Who would have thought my Omnia HD was made of goo? Awesome.

                              With your wallet half-way your arse up all things considered (and if you work in semiconducting) tell us, wise yank, why does Apple sit atop that perch so high?

                                • W
                                • Win7RTM
                                • C}v
                                • 28 Sep 2009

                                Anonymous, 28 Sep 2009I work in semi conducting unit and i already know the specs... moreLOL?

                                can I call BS? I'm doing it anyway.

                                Apparently people who work in semi-conducting know the specs of the phone RIGHT THEN AND THERE. Just like my cousin who worked at the Samsung E&C Ltd in Brentford, who also work in semi-conducting, and knew nothing about the i8910, i9000, Galaxy Lite, Corby models.

                                So with that said, let me give you some specs on what the upcoming Omnia Blu-ray will have:

                                2Ghz CPU
                                1GB ram
                                read/write blu-ray format
                                OLED/XVGA 3D screen
                                20hrs battery life
                                1240p HDX video recording
                                15mp camera with SLR

                                'aint it fun to pretend?

                                  • R
                                  • Rakeb
                                  • 3ZI
                                  • 28 Sep 2009

                                  Deep space bar, 28 Sep 2009You know samsung is using nokia's OS as well ..... Samsung... moreSymbian is program is no system? Like windows xp and vista xp is a windos also vista is a windos but vista new system xp old system.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • SpB
                                    • 28 Sep 2009

                                    what they really need to do is change the look cause its boring now, fed up of seeing iphones, novelty has worn off a bit

                                      • a
                                      • angad
                                      • RBA
                                      • 28 Sep 2009

                                      when the 3gs will launch in India????

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • kJq
                                        • 28 Sep 2009

                                        Anonymous, 28 Sep 2009I work in semi conducting unit and i already know the specs... moreapple will never do that....they will have 3mp camera, 600mhz and 64gb that's all it's too obvious since they have a 64gb itouch they just use the model and add the mobile and camera part that's all