Apples and Oranges: iPhone 3G and 3GS coming to Orange UK

28 September, 2009
Who says Apples and Oranges are different? Not Apple or Orange, that's for sure as they've reached an agreement to offer the iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS to Orange UK customers. Sure enough, the iPhone is...

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  • xnc
  • 28 Sep 2009

Anonymous, 28 Sep 2009I work in semi conducting unit and i already know the specs... moreHow is "better battery life" a spec? you are obviously making this up. The next iphones are supposed to take advantage of either the new samsung dual arm cortex whatever its called, ,or apples own hardware. 1 Ghz processor is too vague...

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • MWW
    • 28 Sep 2009

    I work in semi conducting unit and i already know the specs of the next iPhone which will be released in june 2010, this held me back from buying an iPhone and instead i bought an Omnia HD but i am gonna get the new iPhone next year, here are some specs:

    1ghz Cpu
    512MB ram
    32/64GB storage
    OLED display
    better better life
    1080p video recording @ 30fps
    5mp Camera

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • SpB
      • 28 Sep 2009

      you people that say o2 are crap are usually the people that either cant afford the extra £2 a month or something cause you smoke 1000 a day, or cause you didnt get something you wanted, just over 22mil customers for o2 UK, and less than 2 mil are iphone users, which still makes o2 UK market leaders, so if o2 are soo s**t how do just over 20 million people (1/3rd UK POP) think otherwise huh?

        • m
        • mob
        • mxQ
        • 28 Sep 2009

        oh yea i hate o2 so much and its good 2 c iphone i goin to orange fantastic

          • D
          • Deep space bar
          • kJq
          • 28 Sep 2009

          Rakeb, 28 Sep 2009The nokia touch screen is no good touch screen nokia is old... moreYou know samsung is using nokia's OS as well .....
          Samsung Omnia HD runs symbian s60 5th with the samsung touch layered on it
          It's just the resisitive coding they need to fix and if you wanna see that take a look at the n900 cause the responsiveness is 90/100 almost to capasitive level

            • D
            • Deep space bar
            • kJq
            • 28 Sep 2009

            Anonymous, 28 Sep 2009Well thats called an advance in technology, if you had a ch... moreNaw it's not that in canada we only have one gsm company which is rogers wireless and it runs on 850 so like tmobile in us that runs on 900 there is more of an selection since there are to networks that use gsm and on two network bands instead of one like we do in canada. But in canada we suck with mobile phones cause we have to wait on the sales results of some models from the US

              • n
              • nick
              • nxw
              • 28 Sep 2009

              i'm on orange and i think their service is fantastic

              customer service is brilliant and of course orange will undercut o2's prices, it's called competition.

              very healthy move this

                • R
                • Rakeb
                • 3ZI
                • 28 Sep 2009

                The nokia touch screen is no good touch screen nokia is old system .but apple is great also samsung is goo the samsung system like windows vista

                  • j
                  • jane doe
                  • iIR
                  • 28 Sep 2009

                  why is everybody making such a big deal out of the IPhone going onto another network?! It's a phone, there is more in life to stress about! It's just a bit of healthy competition for both Networks!!

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • nFr
                    • 28 Sep 2009

                    Hang on, isn't this about Orange selling the iphone in the UK? Not about some business phone competition.

                    Good News, it's about time O2 had some competition, and I think Orange WILL undercut o2's prices, in order to steal more of the market.

                      • W
                      • Win7RTM
                      • C}v
                      • 28 Sep 2009

                      Dunnings, 28 Sep 2009Haha on the market tell me how many Blackberrys there are!!... moreThis yank....

                      5800(with Oct fW)
                      N97mini(like I said, Oct fW)
                      E71, E72
                      Hell even the E51 owned
                      5630 and 5730
                      6720 classic
                      3720, which you can chuck and skip (like a rock) through the Atlantic Ocean and still comes out fine
                      1100, and that phones does the only thing mobile phones were supposed to do in the first place (I'll let you figure it out)

                      A total of 273 million handsets sold. Unimpressive?


                      As in terms of stock, Nokia is NOWHERE near RIM. RIM just owns that market, enough said.

                        • D
                        • Dunnings
                        • D8X
                        • 28 Sep 2009

                        deep space bar, 28 Sep 2009so if bbs are so good why is it the bold and the curve 2 th... moreHaha on the market tell me how many Blackberrys there are!! apart from vodas effort with the Storm, there is the Bold and Curve. Youve just sed 2/3 of there handsets r good thts impressive now tell me what % of Nokias are impressive dumbass

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • SpB
                          • 28 Sep 2009

                          Win7RTM, 28 Sep 2009I hope you were talking about the iPhone UNLOCKED version, ... moreIt was an example for the guy that thinks all blackberrys even ones from 10 yrs ago are still sold or something. And I am aware of the prices and lengths of contracts, I have sold hundreds of them

                            • W
                            • Win7RTM
                            • C}v
                            • 28 Sep 2009

                            Anonymous, 28 Sep 2009Well thats called an advance in technology, if you had a ch... moreI hope you were talking about the iPhone UNLOCKED version, because o2 contracts you for 1 1/2-2 years with prices starting at £29.38.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • SpB
                              • 28 Sep 2009

                              deep space bar, 28 Sep 2009they are the best bbs on the market and the people with pea... moreWell thats called an advance in technology, if you had a choice of the old curve and new one you would choose the new one, lets take the iphone for example, how many people would choose the old 2g over 3gs, no one lol, its just an advance in technology, thats why companies discontinue phones because they are old news, unfortunately all the networks in Canada like to tie you in to 3 yr contracts so people are still stuck with old stuff

                                • d
                                • deep space bar
                                • kJq
                                • 28 Sep 2009

                                Anonymous, 28 Sep 2009Yeah lived there too, so where did you get the fact that th... morethey are the best bbs on the market and the people with pearls and old curves upgrade to the tour,javalin and bold cause they hate the pearl and curve

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • SpB
                                  • 28 Sep 2009

                                  deep space bar, 28 Sep 2009lol i know thw 83xx sold alot i live in friggin toronto man... moreYeah lived there too, so where did you get the fact that the bold and new curve are the only recognized popular ones???

                                    • W
                                    • Win7RTM
                                    • C}v
                                    • 28 Sep 2009

                                    Anonymous, 28 Sep 2009In other news the App store just passed 2 billion downloads... moreThat's great

                                    "Among those thousands of new apps recently added, one stands out for apparently pushing the borders of what Apple allows in its store: the first app featuring images and videos of bikini-clad adult film stars."

                                    Oh my, I shall purchase this over my fart button App, my "shake my iPhone so it will, oh that's right, TELL ME what to eat" App, my 23 different "real-time" weather Apps, and who could forget...Labyrinth.

                                    I can't believe Docs2Go is buried under 50,000 trash apps in that mess of a store; oh well, yanks still love it < There's an App for that too.

                                      • d
                                      • deep space bar
                                      • kJq
                                      • 28 Sep 2009

                                      Arron, 28 Sep 2009did you read my post??? i was taking the mick out of the pe... moremy bad nub

                                        • A
                                        • Arron
                                        • SbD
                                        • 28 Sep 2009

                                        deep space bar, 28 Sep 2009E in Eseries stands for oriente... moredid you read my post??? i was taking the mick out of the person who said that....

                                        I know what the E stands for...
