Apples and Oranges: iPhone 3G and 3GS coming to Orange UK

28 September, 2009
Who says Apples and Oranges are different? Not Apple or Orange, that's for sure as they've reached an agreement to offer the iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS to Orange UK customers. Sure enough, the iPhone is...

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  • d
  • deep space bar
  • kJq
  • 28 Sep 2009

Anonymous, 28 Sep 2009Ok, 81xx series (pearl), 88xx series phone which was a land... morelol i know thw 83xx sold alot i live in friggin toronto man,i've seen it all

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • SpB
    • 28 Sep 2009

    Ok, 81xx series (pearl), 88xx series phone which was a landmark phone for blackberry, still sold in some countries now, 83xx series (curve), still sold now, and remains popular around the world, and as mentioned before 8900 and and 9000 bold, these are all the most popular Blackberrys sold, so where you got the fact that only the new curve and bold were the only recognized popular bbs is beyond me, do you even know the phone market at all, you just picked the most current bbs that are sold

      • W
      • Win7RTM
      • C}v
      • 28 Sep 2009

      Anonymous, 28 Sep 2009I am sorry, but if you think that they are the only 2 black... moreOh boy, I agree whole-heartedly. Having to actually press the screen for most commands. It wasn't touchscreen IMO, it was rapescreen.

      Luckily they'll fix that sad error with the Pixeon multitouch screen in their new 95xx series. Is that one capacitive or resistive? I'm not sure which, but I think it's capacitive.

        • d
        • deep space bar
        • kJq
        • 28 Sep 2009

        Anonymous, 28 Sep 2009I am sorry, but if you think that they are the only 2 black... moreso were are the other so called "good" models from RIM

          • a
          • an
          • 0pY
          • 28 Sep 2009

          I can bet that Orange will put orange logo on the iPhone back, as always:)))

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • mCS
            • 28 Sep 2009

            Anonymous, 28 Sep 2009I am sorry, but if you think that they are the only 2 black... moretotally agree

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • SpB
              • 28 Sep 2009

              I am sorry, but if you think that they are the only 2 blackberrys that have been known as good blackberrys you are blind, the only 2 mega flawed ones are the flip blackberry and unfortunately the storm

                • d
                • deep space bar
                • kJq
                • 28 Sep 2009

                Arron, 28 Sep 2009E Stands for bE a Blackberry??? Come on really ur taking... moreE in Eseries stands for oriented phone nub

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • nxJ
                  • 28 Sep 2009

                  Dunnings, 28 Sep 2009exactly E series stands for trying to bE a blackberry!!!!!!... morefair playmate you are a right plum,go and stick things where they shouldnt belong and have fun matey

                    • d
                    • deep space bar
                    • kJq
                    • 28 Sep 2009

                    Anonymous, 28 Sep 2009I think anyone that makes a silly comment like E series pho... moreso if bbs are so good why is it the bold and the curve 2 the only modls that get noticed for being good phones

                      • D
                      • Dani
                      • nEV
                      • 28 Sep 2009

                      iphone rules!

                        • A
                        • Arron
                        • SbD
                        • 28 Sep 2009

                        Dunnings, 28 Sep 2009exactly E series stands for trying to bE a blackberry!!!!!!... moreE Stands for bE a Blackberry???

                        Come on really ur taking the p&ss outa Nokia fans and you come out with a comment like that....


                        Take your self into a dark room and think about what you said

                          • D
                          • Dunnings
                          • D8X
                          • 28 Sep 2009

                          Anonymous, 28 Sep 2009I think anyone that makes a silly comment like E series pho... moreexactly E series stands for trying to bE a blackberry!!!!!!! HAHA u nokia fans really are loving ur BB clones!!

                            • D
                            • Dunnings!
                            • D8X
                            • 28 Sep 2009

                            Anonymous, 28 Sep 2009In other news the App store just passed 2 billion downloads... moreRandom and totally irrelevant dude!!!!!!

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • D8X
                              • 28 Sep 2009

                              Anonymous, 28 Sep 2009you see it as a bad move by apple because you work for o2. ... morecome on!!! O2 are the biggest Network in the UK there brand presence is unreal! if you want quality of service O2 is better then any. If you want cheap deals guys go to 3!!!, Orange is merging yes think about what your saying 2 medicore networks doesnt make a great network. Vodafones TOWERS hahah! listen to yourself. Vodafone are sharing there Cell sites for ornage to use this mean Orange can put there own equipment on them not boost the area coverage!!!!!!! jes guys

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • SpB
                                • 28 Sep 2009

                                I think anyone that makes a silly comment like E series phones being better than blackberrys should be banned, they look good and have some good features, but never better

                                  • d
                                  • deep space bar
                                  • kJq
                                  • 28 Sep 2009

                                  Anonymous, 28 Sep 2009no n97 because of a certain app that o2 dont support, and n... moreyour weak Eseries has amazing models E61,E62,E65,E66,E70,E71 and soon the E72.And they all do more then all bbs

                                    • A
                                    • Arron
                                    • SbD
                                    • 28 Sep 2009

                                    Anonymous, 28 Sep 2009Yeah I agree, we would have no choice but lower tariffs, bu... moreI think you are right i think they are using normal tariffs but the £8.51 charge will be involved...

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • SpB
                                      • 28 Sep 2009

                                      Yeah I agree, we would have no choice but lower tariffs, but at the same time, do you think they would be much lower cause its quite restricted in pricing if I am not mistaken cause of apple, but maybe I am wrong

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • SpB
                                        • 28 Sep 2009

                                        Anonymous, 28 Sep 2009give it a chance, it's not on the UK market until next month. Not saying its a bad phone or anything but can you really say that its gonna be as or more successful than the Iphone? No should be your answer, I wish it would cause to be honest I am fed up of seeing Iphone rubbish every 5 seconds.